
Chapter 217 - All Wrong


Her heart was racing. As soon as she scented the human she knew. She knew.

Oddly, the shock had made her incredibly clear headed and calm, despite her body\'s racing system. She\'d told Aaryn to back off of Marryk because she could scent the sheer terror on Hannah.

The poor girl was shivering in her… strange pants that seemed to made of some stiff fabric rather than leather. And they stank.

Everything about the woman stank, frankly, but Elreth knew it would be rude to mention it. The poor girl couldn\'t control what she smelled like.

"Don\'t be scared, Hannah," she said, as kindly as she could, "we won\'t hurt you. I promise."

"El," Aaryn snapped, his voice low and gruff. "Don\'t get too close."

She shot him a look over her shoulder as she approached the woman and extended her hand in the way her mother had shown her was traditional for humans. It was something they\'d laughed about when they were kids—who offered and undefended limb and thought that would lower the risk from a stranger?

Humans truly were strange.

But the girl seemed to appreciate the gesture and reached for her hesitantly, like a scared kitten waiting for the predator to emerge.

At least she had natural defense instincts. Her mother had described humans that would throw themselves into embraces with complete strangers. No thought for their own welfare or safety…

The girl shook her hand tentatively, then nodded. "Thank you. I\'m s-sorry we interrupted you."

Elreth shrugged, But she could hear Aaryn breathing too heavily behind her. He was brimming with Alpha power, ready to leap to her defense. Like she\'d need it against a human like this. The poor girl shook like a leaf.

She opened her mouth to ask how long she\'d been in Anima when Aaryn suddenly sucked in a breath, then pulled Marryk into his face and snarled, "You brought a human… into Anima?!"

Hannah\'s blue eyes went wide, her expression horrified by Aaryn\'s bared teeth.

But Marryk only submitted, his palms up and facing Aaryn. "I\'m sorry, Sire. Truly. It wasn\'t… we weren\'t supposed to disturb anyone. We would have been past the City and gone. We didn\'t know others had discovered this spot."

"That isn\'t the point!" The cords in Aaryn\'s neck popped as he fought to restrain his rage. "You brought a HUMAN into ANIMA! It breaches the first vow, and—"

"What vows?" Elreth asked quietly.

Aaryn went still. He never took his eyes off Marryk and his anger rippled off him in palpable waves. "I\'ll explain later," he said. "When we don\'t have an audience."

Elreth\'s stomach twisted. How many secrets did her mate have? How many loyalties that held his heart before she did?

How the fuck were they going to navigate this if he wasn\'t even telling her the whole story?!

"Well, obviously it\'s been an eventful morning and it looks like there are some things I need to catch up on. Why don\'t we all—"

She was about to suggest they all sit outside and talk, when she caught Hannah\'s eyes widen further as she finally registered Aaryn\'s nakedness.

Elreth growled in her throat when the female\'s eyes fell on her mates… maleness. But she knew that look of horror—and the red flush of embarrassment. She knew it too well.

Under different cirumcstances she might have laughed.

"Marryk, take your friend outside and sit on the log. Do not leave the clearing. Aaryn and I will dress and prepare and meet you out there in a few minutes—just to talk," she said to Hannah with a small smile. "I think it would be good for everyone to get a minute to breathe."

Aaryn\'s jaw twitched, but he let Marryk go, who bowed his head. But when he turned away to bow at Elreth as well, he muttered, "She isn\'t just a friend."

"We\'ll talk about it in a few minutes," Elreth said through a tense smile, trying not to frighten the poor women any more than she already had.

Marryk nodded and started out the door, his hand at Hannah\'s lower back.

"So they\'re not from the new city? Why are they so mad? I thought we were allowed to—"

Marryk shushed her and hurried her out, closing the door behind them. Elreth almost went after them. New city? Allowed to what?

But then Aaryn appeared at her shoulder, his solid warmth a comfort even when things were so tense between them.

"Did you know about this?"

"Obviously not!" he hissed.

She turned to face him and began to sign, aware that while Hannah\'s hearing might not be strong enough to catch them, Marryk\'s was.

\'I meant generally? Not Marryk. Did you know the disformed bring humans here?\' she signed quickly.

He shook his head. \'No. This shocks me.\'

They stared at each other for a long moment, then Elreth took a deep breath and signed, \'There is more to the disformed story. More than you told me.\' She didn\'t make it a question.

He nodded.

Her nostrils flared and she snorted. \'How many secrets, Aaryn?\' Her sign for him was to sweep a hand over her hair—something she\'d mocked him for when they were children and he had a nervous habit of running his hand through his silver locks.

\'Only those that belong to others,\' he signed back, his jaw tight. His eyes never left hers. He was not ashamed of this—of holding more secrets from her!

Elreth felt like her mate had suddenly donned a new face. As if she\'d thought she was in love with one male, but found out he was another.

She did not love him less. But she was becoming terrified to find out who he really was.

\'This disturbs me,\' she signed. \'But there\'s no time. Dress. We will speak later.\'

Aaryn stared at her a moment, then nodded. They turned towards the sleeping platform and their bags and without even speaking of it, they both made quick work of dressing in fresh leathers and shirts, and packing the rest of their things.

When they were finished, just minutes later, Elreth picked up her bag, then dropped it again. \'Lets talk to them first,\' she signed.

"El," Aaryn started with a sigh.

But Elreth shook her head. "This is more important, Aaryn. I need to understand what\'s happening in my Kingdom. Then I figure out what the fuck happened to my King."

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