
Chapter 455 - Two Companions, More Rewards (2)

"That was fun," Arnold mumbled while Hercules emotionlessly stood in front of him, "Now we just have to wait for the next round to begin and see the shock on the faces of those dogs, I mean gods."

"I thought you could only take two companions with yourself." Talos inquired. 

"Mm-hmm, that\'s true, According to system sama, I am allowed to take only two companions with me. However, there is no limit to the number of pets that can accompany me. So even with Hercules around, there shouldn\'t be a problem for me. As I wouldn\'t be breaking any rules."

Talos didn\'t reply but looked at Hercules. His master was telling him he could bring along his pets, but the man in front of them was no pet. He was a demigod and if it hadn\'t been for the collar, he would have already thrown a fit just by hearing about Arnold\'s plan.

Arnold knew what Talos was thinking about. It was the same thing anyone in his position would have thought. How was he going to force a demigod to become his pet? It might seem complex but it was fairly simple in reality.

As long as Hercules had the collar around him, there was nothing he could do against Arnold\'s wish. If Arnold told him to kill Zeus, Hercules would end up dying fighting his own father but wouldn\'t disobey Arnold\'s command.

So all Arnold had to do was to tell the Demigod to behave like his pet and he would gladly do so. It was as simple as that and even though Hercules\' officially be a pet, He would still be behaving like a dog. That was enough for Arnold to rub salt on Zeus\' wounds. 

"Hercules, go and ask everyone if they need help with anything. If they do, then help them in any way you can." Arnold instructed Hercules and he bowed down before leaving to do as he was told to, "See, not that bad is it?"

"As long as you\'re sure about it, master, no one will question your judgement." Talos diligently replied, "Also, what do we do next? It doesn\'t seem like the first round has ended yet and the private dungeon would only open up in 3 days. However, considering the pressure of the next round, I don\'t think it would be wise enough for us to linger around and waste our time."

Arnold nodded. Talos was right, it looked like the first round of the war would take some time to get over and in the meantime, only a fool would waste their time with leisure. Thankfully, Arnold had a lot of things to do. Like creating new weapons for Talos, Tiamut as well as for himself. He needed to at least finish one of the three weapons before the dungeon opened up. 

"Light up the forge, will you?" Arnold smiled before taking out one large box of materials from his inventory, "Things are about to get heated once again."

When the system said he had received two large boxes of materials, he didn\'t know how large the boxes were going to be and now that he had taken one of them out of his inventory, he was shocked. At first, he was worried if he would have enough materials to create three weapons, but now he was worried that does he even have enough summons to hand out weapons to? 

Just one of the material boxes was almost as big as he was. Talos could swear he saw his master\'s eyes shining the moment the box was out in the open. Just a fist-sized box was enough for Arnold to craft a god slaying weapon. Not even the gods knew what he could do with all these materials. It seemed like hell was going to be lit this year because Arnold was surely going to send a lot of people there. 

But before all that, Arnold needed to know what type of material was he looking at. As far as he could remember there were five types of material these boxes could provide him with. Only Celestial gold and Celestial silver could be used to forge weapons while Celestial Platinum could be used to make accessories that could grant their user godly abilities.

Celestial copper was one of the only two materials that could be used to create armours that could withstand an attack from a god. As for Adamantine, it was the material, not even the mighty higher gods could break. Thus making it the perfect material to make armours with.


REMARK: A rare reward that can be gained only through <War of the World> completion rewards. This box contains a rare material that can be used as a forging material to make a weapon of the lesser/Higher gods. When opened one of the following materials can be gained:

• Adamantine (2% chance)

• Celestial Platinum (8% chance)

• Celestial Gold (20% chance)

• Celestial Silver (30% chance)

• Celestial Copper (40% chance)


"Looks like the odds are still the same." Arnold nodded, "And from my last experience, there is no point in wasting foresight to determine what material I\'ll get. The box would just give me whatever it wants."

Stating his reasons, he opened the box while hoping for the best but being prepared for the worst. The next moment, the room was filled with a blinding light. Arnold hastily covered his eyes and by the time the light subsided, the box in front of him had been replaced by hundreds of perfect cubes of shiny Golden material, but that wasn\'t all. There were several cubes of some weird black material as well. Arnold quickly used the probe skill on it. 


OBJECT: Adamantine

TYPE: Forging Material

GRADE: Cosmic SS+

REMARK: The rarest of the rare metal in the whole universe. This metal can only be handled by experts metalsmiths and weaponsmiths. Even among the dwarfs of Avalon, it is a dream for many to work on this metal. Hephaestus is said to be one of the only two people who were able to create an armour that even Zeus\' thunder couldn\'t penetrate. Making Zeus afraid of it and hence the armour was immediately sealed right after its creation. Later it was given to Achilles as a reward by Zeus.

If forged the right way, the armour could even put a mortal on equal footing as of a god. However, this material should be handled with extreme care. Mishandling the material could lead to genocide. 


As for the yellowish material, that was celestial gold. Meaning with just one box of materials, Arnold had found enough materials to craft both, the perfect weapon as well as the perfect Armour. Even Talos was rendered speechless from what he saw. He knew his master had blessings of the lady luck, but this time... it was completely absurd for something like this to even happen.. Forget about fighting other vassals, with all these materials at his disposal, Arnold was ready to face the gods themselves.

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