
Chapter 600 - Misunderstood

\'Do you think you will be able to live if anything happens to Aaron?\' Obviously, Aarvi didn\'t like that question.

Aarvi clenched her teeth watching the old woman in front of her. She was trying to complete the family and there she got a hypothetical question. 

She didn\'t want to think about it. But that hypothetical question had a lot to say and a warning to be prepared to face every oddness. 

Before Aaron confessed, all she wanted was to complete all her plans and leave everything behind. She had no wish, no desire, no urge to live or enjoy her life but of course, she wouldn\'t have given up her life. That thought never crossed her mind. 

If everything had gone as planned, she would have disappeared after ten more days. 

Aaron became the special factor that changed everything. He gave back her dreams, he showed she could live normal, she could have hopes, enjoy her life again.

So what if Aaron won\'t be there in her life? Will I leave everything behind?

Her lips opened to speak but the lump in her throat made it hard due to her thoughts. "I will still be breathing." She won\'t give up her life, she has a loving family now. So she won\'t leave them, she will have to fulfill his responsibilities too.

Zelda shook her head in resignation understanding the meaning behind her words. Without each other, Aaron and Aarvi were the same. They would breathe, they would be with everyone but they wouldn\'t be living their life for themselves anymore.

There was a sudden change in the topic when Zelda asked, "When are you two planning kids?"

Aarvi: "..."

She didn\'t know she had to let them know about their plans. \'Will they pressure us to have a child?\' Aarvi felt like they were going to fight now. Could she run to the guest room without responding?

She and Aaron had spoken about it just a day before while they were traveling by rail to Mocon. She promptly and carefully responded, "I need some time. Not until that." She didn\'t feel ready for it. And she doesn\'t want to take risks until she makes sure Leon has no way out. 

"Some time!?" Zelda wanted that some time to be short so that Aarvi and Aaron could have another link joining them stronger, that could keep them going.

Aarvi wanted to go back to the topic of the past to hear Zelda\'s opinion if there were any changes in her way of thinking or ready to forgive Jordan. Nevertheless, she didn\'t get the chance. Zelda pointed her to the dressing table.

Aarvi obediently went there thinking she might have to fetch something, and heard Zelda order, "Sit."

Aarvi: "..."

Without knowing what Zelda was up to, Aarvi sat and watched Zelda on the mirror reflection. Zelda went to her wardrobe, grabbed some… jewelry box..es?

Zelda placed the boxes on the table. She picked a small box and handed it to her. "Open." Another single word order.

Confused, Aarvi opened the box as she heard Zelda, "I and Aaron\'s mother had taken this for you." They had bought a simple diamond set for Aaron\'s little Cupcake, to give her on Aaron\'s birthday when they were going to meet her for the first time. 

They were all eager to see her, to know who could make their Aaron adore her. Who knew it was going to be chaotic that day?

Aarvi\'s lips gaped at her words. Hearing \'Aaron\'s mother,\' she could guess it was bought for the day she and Aaron separated. 

The set was simple and pretty. The gold chain was thin whereas the pendant and the earring had the same pattern. It was in a circular ring adorning diamonds and the small leaves at the corner of it. 

Astonished, Aarvi turned to Zelda at the realization, the Rivas family had accepted her without even seeing her. They had taken Aaron and his decision very seriously, without the concern of Aaron being young.

As though Zelda could read her mind, she nodded in acceptance, "All we cared about was Aaron was fond of you. We trusted his choice and judgment."

Aarvi was inarticulate. She didn\'t know what to say. If she and Aaron had safely reached the birthday party that day, what would have happened? How would they be living? 

Zelda ignored her gaze. She picked another pretty big box. She finally spoke about what Aarvi was waiting for. "Do you know the difference between me and Jordan?"

Aarvi didn\'t respond. Zelda loves to jump between topics so she had to mentally and emotionally be prepared to speak about two. 

Zelda took out an expensive, heavy, intricate designer necklace. Standing behind her, she put it on Aarvi as the latter held her hair so that it didn\'t trouble Zelda.

Zelda answered her question, "He was the best surgeon I have ever seen. I admired his level-headedness in every critical situation. But when it comes to family, his love makes him anxious, afraid, and weak." She smiled watching the necklace around Aarvi\'s neck.

"It looks beautiful on you." Zelda jumped to the jewelry topic again. 

Aarvi shifted her gaze to her reflection. The necklace was gorgeous, her eyes traveled on the design that was adorning the diamonds. She barely smiled. 

Zelda smiled seeing her reaction. Shouldn\'t the young generation get excited over diamonds? Aarvi wasn\'t surprised when her eyes fell on a necklace worth a few million but the small neck chain had got her interest and curiosity.

Zelda didn\'t comment anything about her reaction and switched the topic, "Do you know why I was calm that day?" Aarvi\'s eyes shifted to Zelda, recalling Zelda in the military hospital, "I was prepared for every consequence." 

If Jordan was like Zelda, Aaron and his Cupcake wouldn\'t have suffered so much. Zelda still thought if she was with Jordan that day, probably things would have turned out better.

Aarvi bluntly revealed her opinion on Zelda, "You are pragmatic, that makes you unsentimental." Aarvi wanted to slap her mouth after voicing her thoughts without thinking. 

\'What\'s wrong with me?\' She let her guard down thinking of the past and Zelda was playing with her mind. Ugh.

Zelda nodded her head looking at Aarvi breathing and composed herself. She took the rest of the jewelry boxes and handed them to her, "These are for you." She didn\'t tell her that she picked a lot of earrings and bracelets asking Shawn about Aarvi\'s preferences and style.

Aarvi didn\'t require all that so she wanted to turn down. Zelda sarcastically commented, "I know you could get yourself a jewelry store."

Aarvi: "..." 

It wasn\'t about money. She doesn\'t use much jewelry. They will have to adorn the walk-in closet than on her. 

Was she being misunderstood again?

Aarvi stood up and faced Zelda. She wanted to give those all back to Zelda saying, when she returns to the family, she will take those from Zelda. It will also show her intentions and clear the misunderstanding.

Zelda saw Aarvi\'s hands going towards her. She went to her armchair as she picked a book from the shelf, "Probably after a week or two." She had a medicine plants farm, she needed to assign the work.

Aarvi: "..."

Which topic did she jump to? 

Zelda took a seat and revealed, "I will come back." She could guess why Aarvi was trying to speak about her opinion on the past incident.

"Huh?" A confused hum left Aarvi\'s lips without idea.

Did she perhaps imagine that?

She was expecting a big battle, constant visits, and numerous conversations to hear that.


After ten minutes,

When Aarvi went upstairs, she was in a daze. She almost bumped into Aaron if he hadn\'t held her shoulders. His eyes brushed over her neck and her little face, "This is Grandma\'s wedding necklace."

"Huh?" Aarvi looked like she was in shock and didn\'t listen to him. "Ronron, we have misunderstood grandmother all these years."

Misunderstood? Aaron was confused.

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