
Chapter 212 - we mistook you for someone else

Chapter 212: Chapter 212 we mistook you for someone else

Translator: Doggotranslation 

“Although Milady has a bit more extreme personality, her heart is pure and kind, which is absolutely different from people like us!”

In order to praise Xiao Yike, Sang Yingjie did not hesitate to belittle himself, which surprised me a little bit. I have been in contact with people like him before, and most of them were unwilling to admit that they were engaged in a dirty business, and almost everyone was proud to be part of the so-called “underworld”.

Because of Xiao Yike, Sang Yingjie was willing to face what he really was and admit it, it was enough to see that if he was not devoted to flattering Xiao Yike, then he was sincerely affirming that the minx had a pure and kind heart. Of course, it could not rule out the possibility that he was trying to flatter Xiao Yike’s father indirectly.

What kind of person Xiao Yike was? Even if Sang Yingjie did not explain it, I still knew it clearly. Therefore, when I heard his explanation, I only smiled lightly and said, “of course, I also know that she isn’t a bad girl, but this kind of behavior is really extreme. It is really too much. The more she wants to defend me, the more guilty I will feel. . .”

Sang Yingjie nodded and let out a long sigh and said, “Milady’s mother passed away very early, and her father is also a rough and straightforward man. Although he loves her, he inevitably spoiled her too much. . . Sigh… But, hehe, from the way it looks, it seems that she is still willing to listen to you. Since that’s the case, Brother Chu, please spend more time and take care of Milady in the future. ”

I always felt that there was something hidden in Sang Yingjie’s words. He was clearly not the father of the minx, why was he speaking on behalf of her father? This feeling was just flashed past my mind. I had the intention to avoid him, so I didn’t think too much about it. Just like how I felt about Xiao Yike at the beginning. I always felt that this little girl was surrounded by a dangerous aura. Although I had tried to avoid getting closer to her, now it seemed like. . . my plan to stay far away from her had failed miserably.

“From her reaction just now, did she look like she was willing to listen to me?” My mood was so bad that I did not bother to ridicule the embarrassed Sang Yingjie, and went straight to the subject: “In fact, apart from exposing that little minx today, I do have another question that I want to ask Mr. Sang. The money Wu Xueqing borrowed from you, Does Yike that girl know about it?”

“She doesn’t know. Actually, the reason why I hinted to Brother Chu yesterday that I had something to tell you was because of this.” San Yingjie asked me to sit down and said, “I knew that the arrangement yesterday would not be able to fool Brother Chu. Hehe, Brother Chu’s wit is something I have personally experienced.”

It seemed like he was praising me, but actually, he was mocking me for pretending to be a rich person to fool him last time. It seemed that although Mo Yizhi paid back the debt using my back, this man still went to check my background. The reason why he didn’t pay me a visit was probably that he had found out about my relationship with Xiao Yike at that time. . .

I just pretended that I didn’t understand what he said. Sang Yingjie smiled slightly and continued: “Milady always hates the things we do, so how dare I mention it? Yesterday morning, when Milady asked me to arrange that accident, it really put me in a bind. Although I knew that Miss Mo and Brother Chu are friends, I didn’t dare to say that I knew Brother Chu already. Not to mention that it was Milady’s request, so I didn’t dare to disobey it. This was also something I wanted to explain to Brother Chu.”

When the crazy woman was caught, it was Sang Yingjie who came to bail her out. So it was inevitable for him to face Mo Fei, and it would indeed be difficult to hide it from me. Especially the message that Xiao Yike asked the crazy woman to pass, it would naturally lead me to think about Xiao Yike. . . Probably even Mo Fei also guessed that it was Xiao Yike who asked the crazy woman to do it, so that was why she didn’t plan to do anything to the crazy woman. It was just that the poor young master Zhang Mingjie was actually dragged into this and was ‘injured’ by the crazy woman. . .

Xiao Yike’s revenge plan was originally flawless. What she was afraid of was not that Mo Fei would guess that it was her who hired someone to do it. On the contrary, she was afraid that Mo Fei could not guess that it was her, so she asked the crazy woman to pass a message. In other words, she knew that even if Mo Fei knew that it was her who did it, she would not have the face to tell me who did it. The little minx was really scheming, and it was kind of scary.

The reason why this plan failed was that she left my flat early yesterday, so she didn’t know what I would go back to the company to pack my stuff. And that crazy woman didn’t know who I was. . .

It seemed that the little minx really didn’t know about the money that Mo Fei’s mother borrowed. . . Sigh, I just hoped that Mo Fei wouldn’t mistakenly think that I was with Xiao Yike and Sang Yingjie.

Alas, what an unexpected disaster.

I first let out a sigh and then took a deep breath. The thought of this really gave me a bad feeling. I shook my head, trying to get rid of those troubling thoughts, and said sternly, “Mr. Sang, I hope you can answer my next question honestly. You can think of it as I am begging you.”

Sang Yingjie was dazed for a second and then smiled, “with just the relationship between Milady and Brother Chu, it can be said that Brother Chu is not an outsider. So Brother Chu can ask me anything, as long as I know, I will answer it honestly.”

My relationship with the minx was completely different than my relationship with him. I didn’t want to join their circle at all! Although I didn’t like Sang Yingjie’s words, I didn’t plan to correct him, because I really wanted to find out the question I was going to ask next, “Mr. Sang, the money you lend to Wu Xueqing, was it instructed by someone?”

A strange light flashed in Sang Yingjie’s eyes, “What makes Brother Chu say this? She came to borrow money, and I lent it to her. This is the kind of business we do, there is no such thing as being instructed.”

“Mr. Sang, you are not being honest.” I looked at Sang Yingjie in his eyes, and said, “You have already known the relationship between Wu Xueqing, Miss Mo, and the Fengchang Group. This is definitely a big fish, and the long term profit it would bring to you would be huge, right? Since there is no need to worry about the recovery of money, why not lend her more? Why did you stop lending her money at 300,000 yuan and start to collect the debts? Why not let her sink a little deeper and then start to collect money? I don’t think 300,000 is a big amount of money for an underground casino, don’t you think so? But now? Do you think Wu Xueqing dare to visit your casino next time? Are you willing to lose such a big fish?”

Sang Yingjie couldn’t help but wipe the cold sweat on his forehead, already knowing the true purpose of me inviting him out today, “Brother Chu’s question is really sharp enough, haha…”

The response of this person was enough to show that what I guessed was true. Someone had instructed Sang Yingjie to lend Wu Xueqing money and asked him to collect the money immediately after Wu Xueqing lost the money. The purpose was to force Mo Fei to pay this amount of money. He couldn’t lend too little, otherwise, Mo Fei might have enough savings to pay it back, nor could he lend too much, otherwise, Mo Fei would probably ask for money from Mo Yizhi if she was unable to pay off the debt herself.

Three hundred thousand was not too much nor was it too little, Mo Fei would be able to pay back the money in only two or three months. However, if the loan shark wanted it immediately, she would not be able to solve it quickly. At this time, if a fool like me jumped out to help Mo Fei, Mo Fei definitely would not refuse it. . . Who wanted to approach Mo Fei in this way? I was not sure, but I was sure that this person had a very thorough understanding of Mo Fei’s family relationship with Wu Xueqing and Mo Yizhi! And he was very aware of Mo Fei’s financial situation that was not supposed to be known by many people!

Sang Yingjie seemed to be struggling to make a decision for a while before finally letting out a long sigh, “Brother Chu’s guess was correct. It was indeed someone who asked us to do this at a high price. Even the money lent to Miss Mo’s mother was also provided by the person who hired us.”

A guess was a guess, it would not make me feel much. But when Sang Yingjie finally admitted it, I instantly broke out in a cold sweat. “But I don’t know exactly who hired us. We only took the job. The person who hired us just told us to block her at her house a few times, and then someone would appear to help Miss Mo. At that time, we just need to cooperate with the person to play a scene, and then this debt will be regarded as our remuneration. Hehe, to be honest, on that day, we thought you were that person, so we played that scene with you. But who would’ve thought that. . . we mistook you for someone else.”

It turned out that my actions didn’t fool them that day. They had simply mistaken me as someone else and acted a scene with me.

“So, you also don’t know who hired you to cause trouble to Mo Fei. . . And Fengchang Group?”

Sang Yingjie nodded, “I don’t know. After Brother Chu paid back the money, we knew that we had made the mistake. Although the other party was very dissatisfied, the person didn’t dare to offend us, so the person also didn’t argue with us.”

Didn’t argue with them? Only a fool would believe this. Most likely they had beaten up the person who had any opinions about the way they dealt with things until they stopped having any opinions. This was how gangsters usually handle complaints.

But it seemed that Sang Yingjie really did not know the real identity of the person who hired them. I shook my head, smiled, and said, “Thank you Mr. Sang for telling the truth. I think I I should also leave now. I still need to go find the little minx.”

After being watched by the guests in the cafe like we were some kind of monkey in a zoo, I had already wanted to run away, but Sang Yingjie suddenly asked, “Since Brother Chu has already guessed that we were hired by someone, you must have a suspect, right?”

As expected of someone who was doing the dirty business, I nodded, “Recently, there are people around me who want to use similar methods to approach Miss Mo, and then I thought about you.”

Sang Yingjie suddenly said, “Brother Chu is not in our circle. There may be a piece of news that you haven’t heard before. Recently, there is a widespread rumor in our circle that a senior executive of the Fengchang Group borrowed 100 million yuan from an underground bank to fill the financial hole created by the embezzlement of the company’s fund. . .”

Although I was a former Fengchang employee, what was the point of telling me this? Apart from arousing my curiosity, it seemed to have nothing to do with me, right?

“The person who hired us clearly wanted to win the affection, and everyone knows that Miss Mo will take over Fengchang in the future. So. . . These two things may have some subtle connections.” What Sang Yingjie said was very vague, but it made me break out in a cold sweat. This man, like me, had some specific suspects in his mind, so he dared to say this to me.

I swallowed, “Mr. Sang, the person who borrowed money from the underground bank is. . .”

“It’s just a rumor, and it’s not accurate, so Brother Chu doesn’t need to take it seriously. But… If what we guessed is the same, then Brother Chu must be more careful.” Sang Yingjie said with a joking tone, but his cold eyes didn’t look like he was joking at all, “It is said that person has a son who has been pursuing Miss Mo. It seems that he is the one who was splashed with feces yesterday. . .”

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