
Chapter 254 Top 10

Chapter 254 Top 10

Song Lu could not believe what she was hearing.

A guaranteed admission to the Elite League’s Top 10?

Song Lu wondered if her hearing was acting up.

They were talking about the Elite League, where countless young people would compete against each other. The Elite League would catch the attention of the whole world. At the current stage, it was still the qualification trials at the local base cities. Still, to stand out at the local levels would be hard. This was a competition for millions.

She had already considered that Su Ping was bragging when he said he could guarantee a ticket to the Top 100. Just then, he took one step further and said he could guarantee spots on the Top 10?!!

Was Su Ping implying that he could promise that five of his customers would be amongst the Top 10?!

Do you consider yourself a god!

Song Lu could not, for the life of her, accept that this was the answer she was going to receive.

He’s so full of himself!

Song Lu could not find the words to reply. She wondered if Su Ping was still under great shock. But, of course, she could not ask him that. After all was said and done, Su Ping was her employer, and Venerable the Blade could be related to him in some way.

“Well... Mr. Su, have you thought this through?”

Song Lu found this question necessary. “That will be all. I will send you the details and rules,” Su Ping said and hung up. Then, he began to edit his text message.

He had naturally made a conscious decision, not because of some impulse. It was hard to promise someone a seat among the Top 10. However, he had given it a thorough consideration. That was why he said only five spots would be made available.

The highest level of training in his store was professional training.

For professional training, Su Ping could train any pet to reach an above-average aptitude, as long as the pet in itself didn’t have a first-rank bloodline. Generally speaking, the pets could progress to about the seventh-rank after receiving professional training

With such abilities, making it to the Top 100 would be guaranteed.

But that was far from enough to make it to the Top 10.

Therefore, Su Ping would have to take it more seriously if he were to help his customers make it.

He would still go with professional training.

Only this time, he had requirements for his customer’s pets and the times of training as well.

First of all, the customer’s pet would have to be at the sixth-rank. With professional training, the pet would at least be equipped with strength equal to the ninth-rank.

That would increase the chance of making it to the Top 10 to about 80%.

That was the calculation he had crunched after he read the data of the past Elite Leagues.

Still, that was not enough. The package he was offering included continued training, pet food, and pet nursing.

The customer choosing this package would have to pay the corresponding fee and cooperate with him throughout the process. With the entire package, the customer would be pretty much guaranteed to make it to the Top 10.

There was something people would always say:

You could buy the wrong products but no products sold would be wrong.

For customers, this package would be of great benefit. For Su Ping, this was a chance for him to promote the pet food and the other services in his store.

The prices in his store had been set by the system and could not be altered. While that remained the fact, he could always find some loopholes to make money.


The President of Mu’s Agency asked Song Lu, who had just returned to his office, “What did he say?”

Song Lu put down her phone. She was hesitating, whether she could tell him the exact words Su Ping said and the package he was offering. After all, he sounded like a lunatic.

“What’s holding you back? What is going


He frowned.

Song Lu forced a bitter smile and told him in full detail. “The Top 10?!”

The president of Mu’s Agency jumped up from the chair. “Are you sure?”

Mu Shuangwan was in the office as well. She turned around and stared at Song Lu, completely astounded. The look on her face was saying “Did you say the wrong words”? “Yes. He told me himself. This is the new package he asked me to promote.”

Song Lu handed over her phone.

Mu Shuangwan stood on her tiptoe and read the message, filled with curiosity.

She was popular in the company and she was a girl of the Mu Family. As such, she didn’t have to follow the rules too strictly in front of her cousin, the president. Soon, they finished reading.

For a moment, silence reigned.

The two of them looked at each other speechlessly; they read the same shock in each other’s eyes.

Song Lu was telling the truth? How dare Su Ping promote this package?! Did he even know what it takes to be among the Top 10?

Not to mention that he was offering five spots. Wasn’t that to say, if five people chose this service, five of the Top 10 in this year’s Elite League would be Su Ping’s customers?!

No kidding!

Not even the Mu Family or the Qin Family could boast to such a degree.

All of those big families had genius young talents. They were all counting on this Elite League to establish their fame!

Making it to the Top 10 would be critical for them and the competition would be fierce. So what about Su Ping? He boasted that he was offering five spots. He was getting ahead of himself!

“You... Is he a lunatic?!”

The president looked at Mu Shuangwan and Song Lu, deciding on venting his anger on Song Lu.

Song Lu lowered her head in bitterness.

Mu Shuangwan came back to her senses. She was confused. She had indeed seen Venerable the Blade there, and both Su Ping and him seemed to be close. How could someone like Su Ping be a lunatic?

She couldn’t understand what this Su Ping was thinking about.

Not even a master trainer could say those words. Families like the Mu and the Qin families could hire master trainers for their own use.

“Call him and talk to him. The store owner may be losing his mind and we cannot go down with him!” He ordered Song Lu in fury. If this package was promoted, the entire base city would be in an uproar.

Such a delusion.

People would not only mock this store but Mu Shuangwan who was advertising the store. Even Mu’s Agency would be in trouble.

“But, but... he has already paid and the contract...” Song Lu was hesitating.

“To hell with the contract. That is not my concern. Talk to him. Beg him. You must stop this. He is such a troublesome client. If he wants to destroy himself, so be it. But leave other people alone! What a pain in the a**!”

“I, I will talk to him.”

“You must persuade him!”


“I have made my decision. End of discussion.”

At the store.

Su Ping hung up on Song Lu.

Song Lu had approached him about canceling the package. This package could never be canceled. Otherwise, he would lose all of his business to Primo.

Primo was specifically launching the Top 50 package because of him.

The only way he could keep his customers was to best Primo.

Or else, the promotional fees and the money he had invested would go down the drain. He would have achieved nothing other than helping Primo’s advertising in this process. He might even be on the front page of the base city’s newspaper because of this competition.

It wasn’t that Su Ping was unwilling to admit his defeat. It was just that he could not.

The war in business was a war without blood. But just like any war, one step backward would mean death.

Primo must have realized this, which was why they had launched the Top 50 package. That was the best Primo could do. This was a gamble, even for a big brand like them. They would have to apply strenuous effort to make sure several customers could make it to the Top 50.

They didn’t have the strength to go further than that.

Of course, it was also possible that, after the Elite League, Primo could bribe some of the people in the Top 50 and ask them to claim that their pets had been trained by Primo. That would not affect those warriors’ reputation in any way and Primo would heavily reimburse them.

It was a win-win situation.

Given Primo’s credit, no one would doubt a thing.

Therefore, the only one losing money and reputation would be Su Ping’s pet store.

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