
Chapter 56 I Don't Know Much About Her

Meng Renshu was waiting inside his car. His eyes were glued to his phone, and his fingers hovered above the screen unsurely. He would raise his phone, only to put it down, then raise it again.

The driver, who was watching over his strange behavior from the rearview mirror, could not help but ask.

"Young Master, if you are worried about Miss Chunhua, you can just call her." He said in a polite tone. He had been working with the Meng Family for a long time, and he watched over Meng Renshu\'s growth throughout the year, so he could more or less guess what he was thinking.

His advice took Meng Renshu aback, and he later fell into a brooding mood. "Mr. Mu, why do you think I was thinking of Xiaohua just now?"

"Oh, pardon me, Young Master. I don\'t mean to be presumptuous."

"No, it\'s okay. I\'m just curious. Why would you think that? Did I mention Xiaohua a lot that you would think that?"

Mr. Mu chose his words carefully this time. Although the Young Master was an amicable person and had never treated those who worked for him poorly, he still had to know his place if he wanted to work peacefully beside him.

"Young Master, in my opinion, among the Li siblings, you were very close to Miss Chunhua, even more than Master Junjie. So, when this old man saw you hesitating with your phone, I thought you were thinking about Miss Chunhua. I\'m very sorry if I take the situation wrongly."

Meng Renshu smiled, but he could not help but feel a bit sour. "I\'m the one who asked you to speak your mind, so don\'t apologize. Please speak comfortably because I want to know your opinion about this. You said I was very close to Xiaohua and Junjie, but what about Xiaoyi?"

"Yes? You mean Miss Caiyi?" Mr. Mu could not guess what kind of answer Young Master sought from him, but honesty might be the best policy here. He asked him to speak comfortably, after all. "Of course, Young Master had always been close to the three siblings, but if I had to choose, Miss Caiyi would be the least close to you."

Meng Renshu unknowingly gripped his phone tighter. "Why is that?"

"I can\'t put it into words, but I have a feeling that Miss Caiyi always acted cautiously around you. Unlike Miss Chunhua, she seemed to restrain herself a lot. Even when you were still a child, I never once saw her speaking about what she liked and disliked. She usually just follows along with what Miss Chunhua wanted."

"But Xiaoyi always looked so happy when she received my gift," Meng Renshu did not know why he even tried to argue when he was the one who asked for his opinion.

"Well, you had already bought it for her even before she said anything. What else can she do except smiling and thank you?"

"Guh." That was a strong one, but Meng Renshu was unwilling to give up just yet. "She always said that I\'m very good to her!"

"Did Miss Caiyi ever say anything else about you besides that?"

"That…!" Meng Renshu\'s eyes flickered anxiously, but he had nothing to refute that. Except for being a good person, she basically had no other opinion of him.

Mr. Mu was Meng Renshu\'s personal driver, but he also often acted as his caretaker and bodyguard. He had been watching over Meng Renshu growing up with the Li siblings, so if he said that, then it must be valid to some extent.

Meng Renshu looked down with complicated emotion. Now that he thought about it, Li Caiyi indeed never spoke about her preference voluntarily. He always had to ask her first what she wanted before he could fulfill it for her.

\'I like banana milk more than strawberry. Please don\'t forget about it again.\'

For some reason, Meng Renshu remembered what she said that day so clearly. That was the day after a night of tossing and turning because of a nightmare. He knew it was only a dream, but he could not help but feel anxious. Then, he coincidentally saw the Li siblings as they walked on the roadside.

p Before he knew it, he had already ordered Mr. Mu to drop him off. He wanted to see Li Caiyi, and he wanted to make sure that his dream was nothing more than a dream. However, Li Caiyi\'s attitude toward him could not be any more different. She was like a ghost who haunted his mind starting from that day.

Today, Li Caiyi became a hot topic in school. Meng Renshu almost could not believe his ears when he heard it. They were childhood friends, but how come he never knew that Li Caiyi had such talent?

He wanted to congratulate her, but at the thought of her rejecting his call, he became scared to take the initiative.

After hearing Mr. Mu\'s words, he realized that he really did not know much about Li Caiyi. He could recite what Li Chunhua liked or disliked with closed eyes, but he could not think about anything when it came to Li Caiyi.

Mr. Mu was probably correct. Perhaps he had overestimated his closeness to Li Caiyi.

Just because Meng Renshu knew one thing or two about her siblings, he naturally assumed that he knew a lot about Li Caiyi, which was not true. He took Li Caiyi\'s indulgence and kindness for granted and had never properly made an effort to get to know her better. He kept flaunting how much he cared about her, while he did not even know what her favorite food was.

Meng Renshu let out a peal of self-mocking laughter. What an arrogant man he was. No wonder Li Caiyi was fed up with him.

"Young Master, shall we go home now?" Mr. Mu asked carefully. Meng Renshu had gotten so quiet he was worried he had offended him somehow. Thankfully, Meng Renshu did not seem to look any different when he raised his head and smiled at him.

"No, let\'s go somewhere else instead."

"Yes, Young Master. Where do you want to go?"

"To Li households."

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