
Chapter 59 - Metal Body's Strength

Back to the force made up of dozens of Metal Body members, these, led by Jay, had already reached the entrance to District 10.

"Wow, they sure made a mess out here..." Said Jay, who was at the front of the entire group.

In front of them, what had once been simply an abandoned district, was now a place where seeing buildings with multiple holes, some even with fire inside them and craters in the road was normal.

\'As expected from rank (C-) supers, they are on a completely different level...\'

While he had seen how the Wolf\'s Fang member shattered a wall while hitting Colt, not only were the holes here much larger, but even the inside of the buildings also had considerable damage.

[Jenny, are there people in this district?] He wrote in his smart watch.

[From what I can see, there are only 2 people right now, they are fighting a few blocks away from where you are, oh wait, there is another person a little bit far fom them, though he\'s lying on the ground.]

Remembering what the other Metal Body members had told him, there were supposed to be two executives in this district right now, if two people were facing each other, that meant that the Wolf\'s Fang member had managed to defeat one of them.

\'Well, at least one of them is still fighting, that means we can still win this...\' Jay thought, a little anxious.

He had been thinking over and over about how he could defeat a rank (C-) super alone with many rank (D+) supers, and although he had come up with a few ways, he knew he would have to pay a high price to pull it off.

However, if they had the help of a rank (C-) super, it wouldn\'t be necessary to go to such extreme measures.

"Something wrong, kid?" Suddenly asked a small but rather stocky man who was wearing a leather jacket, Chuck.

"Actually, yes, I just found out where they are fighting and what the situation is, one of your executives is currently fighting with someone from Wolf\'s Fang, as for the other, he\'s apparently unconscious."

Chuck and his group had joined them as they were passing through District 11, after they caught a few Wolf\'s Fang members and another longer than normal conversation to convince them, Jay had managed to recruit this powerful trio into his group.

In fact, Chuck and the woman next to him, Anna, were Metal Body guards, so their strength was undoubtedly much greater than that of other elite Metal Body members, as for Chuck\'s partner, Mark, his skill was a perfect match for them.

Although, if there was a problem to mention, it would be that Mark apparently had a certain fixation of looking intensely at Jay, to the point of almost making him uncomfortable, but for the sake of not creating unnecessary problems, Jay decided to ignore this.

"Oh great, let me call them then." Said Chuck as he turned to the whole group that was either chatting or inspecting this district, "Hey everyone, gather round, one of the bosses is up ahead and he needs our help, so the boy is about to tell us what the plan is!"

Upon hearing his words, the others also approached, forming a circle with Jay in the middle, by this demonstration it was clear the respect they had for Jay but mainly for Chuck.

While Chuck had a high enough rank and reputation to command all the Metal Body members present, he had seen first hand the precision with which Jay could command them.

So instead of taking the leadership, he relinquished it to Jay and not content with that, even helped him with the people who were hesitant to remain in the group.

What was a capable and reliable partner? This was!

\'Heh, you say that like it\'s so easy.\' Jay thought, finding it somewhat comforting that despite knowing he would be facing a rank (C-) super, Chuck\'s attitude was still equally carefree.

However, after looking around, he could see that it wasn\'t really just Chuck, but everyone present had that same determination.

Jay could only theorize simply what it was that Metal Body had done for these people to make them so determined to even risk their lives for the organization.

Then, shaking off all his insecurities, he began to explain his plan, at the same time, everyone listened intently.


"Ahh, this is why I hate espers...however, that\'s also why I\'ll enjoy killing you~" Said the member of Wolf\'s Fang, who stood with his clawed hands in front of the Metal Body executive.

There was no hostile emotion in his gaze, in fact, it was as if instead of seeing an enemy, he was only seeing prey, while this was a completely arrogant attitude, he had the qualifications to act that way.

Proof of this was that in all that the fight had lasted, not only had he not received a single blow, but he had even defeated one of his enemies a good while ago.

In front of him was the Metal Body executive, Larce, who was currently standing with his fists up, surrounded by an incredible amount of heat, enough to make anyone who came near him sweat.

While he didn\'t look as good as the Wolf\'s Fang member with the occasional cut here and there, it was nothing he couldn\'t stand.

The reason he had been able to last so long unlike his partner, even though his skill was not focused on defense, was because the Wolf\'s Fang member was considerably wary of his ability.

While his enemy had the advantage in strength and speed, Larce, also being a rank (C-) super, was not far behind either. Moreover, if we added the fact that the control he had over his ability was incredibly precise, it resulted in even the agile member of Wolf\'s Fang having to think twice before attacking.

As for his partner, he didn\'t really had the time to worry about him now as a single mistake in this battle would cost him dearly.


Then, since neither of them were in the mood to wait, they immediately lunged at each other.

Larce using every opportunity he had to try and grab the Wolf\'s Fang member and the latter looking for openings to deliver a decisive blow.

*Tap tap*


However, at that moment, the Wolf\'s Fang member suddenly turned towards the right.

Even though the sounds came from more than a dozen meters away, he still heard them clearly, they were footsteps

The reason for his acute hearing was partly due to the fact that he was a rank (C) pugilist and his senses were much better than that of other supers of the same rank.

However, it was mainly thanks to the trait he had received when he advanced in rank, called "Fera", which increased his strength and mobility while enhancing his senses greatly.



Unfortunately, the moment he turned his head, Larce took the opportunity to grab his arm and apply the full power of his ability to it, causing his opponent to let out a cry of pain.

Throwing a kick against Larce\'s chest, the Wolf\'s Fang member quickly stepped back, clutching his forearm, which was now a dark red color.

"You bastard..."

"Are you sure that you have time to be looking the other way?" Larce asked with a mocking tone.

To tell the truth, he also thought he heard something, but since the sound was nearly inaudible, he didn\'t give it any importance and took the opportunity to attack.

Then, as if not hearing Larce\'s provocation, the Wolf\'s Fang member only started looking in all directions with a grim expression on his face.

Although this seemed strange to Lars, after a few seconds, he too understood why his opponent\'s sudden change of attitude.

*Tap tap tap tap*

The sound of footsteps that had caught the attention of the Wolf\'s Fang member finally reached Larce\'s ears as well.

However, they were not just that of a couple of people, but of dozens of them. And perhaps the aspect that was most surprising, they were coming from all directions.

After a few seconds, the footsteps coming from the shadows stopped at the same time that several dozen Metal Body members appeared, coming out from the alleys and quickly forming a circle around the two of them.

Seeing this, the Wolf\'s Fang member had only one response.

"Pfff, hahahaha! Are you serious? Man, I seriously got worried for a moment there, I thought you had called your executive friends or something, but in the end it was just these wimps."

It was clear from his attitude that he didn\'t take any of the people present seriously, but of course, that was completely understandable.

After all, if just one rank (C-) super was strong enough to take care of 10 rank (D+) supers, it doesn\'t take much thinking to know what would happen if they faced a rank (C) super, who was much stronger.

"What are you doing here! Stand down!" Shouted Larce, alarmed that so many of the Metal Body members had appeared here, at the same time he started rushed towards his enemy for fear that he would focus his attacks on them.

"Well, since they\'ve come, it would be a real shame not to give them a proper welcome!"

Unfortunately, the Wolf\'s Fang member completely ignored him and rushed towards a particularly crowded group of them, lashing out with a kick.

But unexpectedly, none of them activated their ability to defend themselves and instead quickly backed away as 4 figures suddenly jumped out from behind and stood between the Wolf\'s Fang member\'s kick and them.

"NO!" Larce shouted, almost wanting to close his eyes to avoid seeing the result of that kick.


A loud sound could be heard, however, it was not the sound of bones being broken or flesh being torn that Larce expected, it was the sound of two solid objects colliding.

Then, waking up from his surprise, Larce could see that in front of the Wolf\'s Fang member, currently stood 4 burly men holding a large shield over a meter tall and a minimum of 10 centimeters thick.

The material the shield was made of was one that was very familiar to him. It was Mark\'s "Stardust", a material quite famous in the organization for its incredible hardness and lightness, being able to even withstand the blow of a rank (C-) super, with the only flaw being that its duration was limited, since after the 5 minutes of its creation, this material would turn to dust.

As for the people behind the shield, Larce also knew them, 2 were pugilists and the remaining two were espers with skills that reinforced their physical ability.

Although it was hard to believe, these 4 people, with the help of a shield, had managed to stop the kick of a rank (C) pugilist.

Even if they had been forced to take several steps back and the shield had been left with a large and visible crack that rendered it useless, that didn\'t take away the fact that this was an incredible feat.

"NOW!" Suddenly, a man\'s voice rang out.

Immediately, dozens of attacks flooded the Wolf\'s Fang member, which was still in the air.

From stone fragments, slashing wind, and even fireballs, an amalgamation of esper abilities fell upon him.

Even though he was a rank (C) pugilist and his body was much tougher than that of other supers, in the face of such a flurry of attacks, various wounds inevitably appeared all over his body.

The Wolf\'s Fang member, faced with this, quickly used the shield as a foothold and jumped backwards while using a martial technique to increase his defense.

"You are all like cockroaches!!" He shouted as he jumped away, though he couldn\'t stop the occasional attack from still landing on him anyway.

As for the fact that they had managed to block his kick, although this had surprised him, he noticed that the shield wouldn\'t be able to stop another one.

Moreover, the people behind had received some damage, so he just needed to attack them again to fully break this shield.

"What the hell...?!"

However, after he jumped, for some reason his fall was much slower than normal, it was almost as if someone or something was keeping him in the air.

He quickly realized what was going on, so he turned his gaze to where he felt those responsible were, and he saw a stocky but short man and a short-haired woman with her hands raised towards him.

Judging by their expressions, they were trying quite hard to keep him in the air.

Still, this was normal, since thanks to all the qi in the Wolf\'s Fang member\'s body, the interference of their abilities was quite large.

This also was the reason why even though the control abilities of both espers and mages were quite varied, the pugilists could still avoid being trapped by such methods.

Immediately, the Wolf\'s Fang member released even more qi from his body, completely throwing off the control of both espers.

"I swear I\'ll kill you all!"

Unfortunately for him, just before he hit the ground, he felt two arms grab him from behind, wrapping around his shoulders. At the same time, a pair of legs clung tightly to his abdomen, rendering him completely immobile.

With his enhanced senses, he could normally have dodged this, however, thanks to the constant interruption of the other espers attacks, his senses were confused.

"YOU...!!!" He shouted, a deep anger emanating from within.

At once, an incredibly painful sensation accompanied by the sound of flesh being burned spread throughout his body, especially in the parts where his body was being restrained.


Although the Wolf\'s Fang\'s member was moving desperately, the grip Larce had on him was too good. Only, with this alone, taking into account this person\'s endurance, he didn\'t know how long he would have mantain this before he managed to subdue him.

Just at that moment, something white but very thin suddenly appeared in the retina of his eyes, it was a very long piece of cloth that quickly wrapped around the neck of the energetic member of Wolf\'s Fang.

The latter obviously noticed it, but due to the position he was in, he could do nothing but watch as the cloth did its thing.

The next second, the same person as before shouted his instructions again.


Then, as if they had all practiced this several times, several people stepped out of the group and grabbed one side of the cloth.

Although the amount of people who could pull the cloth was not much since the cloth was only so long, each of them were rank (D+) pugilists or espers with abilities that increased their strength, so one could already imagine the immense pressure that was being exerted on the neck of Wolf\'s Fang\'s member.

Although he was still conscious, said person, with his body immobilized and numerous supers choking him, had no choice but to activate all the martial techniques he knew.

From strength enhancement, speed, defense, fire fists and even ice breath, all of them were useless, only causing a little damage to Larce.


Until finally, after several seconds, all signs of consciousness faded from the Wolf\'s Fang member\'s face.

However, none of them stopped squeezing, as if they were waiting for something, as for Larce, he too did not move, afraid to interrupt this scene.


That was the signal, and at the same time that they stopped pulling, everyone could feel the pressure on their bodies disappearing.

Then, seeing what they had accomplished, they couldn\'t help but let out a cheer, temporarily filling District 10 with a lively atmosphere.

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