
Chapter 665 Days UNKNOWN: The Strategy, Part I

Almost all of us gathered in the building The Great One was occupying and waited for Druoag, who still was out hunting. Genusha was waiting by the device to inform him that the time to plan the battle came, as soon as the giant would show up.

With the silver light making it past the walls of the jade building, it was quite bright inside. We all were sitting down on small cubes, around a bigger one that served as a table. I brought some food, but only the humans seemed to be interested in pizza and coke.

Even among the representatives of our race, I was the only one to stuff my mouth like a madman. Daniel found it quite funny as he kept smirking at me, while Tihana seemed to be disgusted. I didn\'t care, though. I was too hungry to dive a damn.

My body seemed to be burning through calories like a freaking furnace, and then I had to rely on the other types of energy to fuel myself, so each occasion to fill my belly was priceless.

But even that came to an end, eventually, mainly because I devoured it all. The people started talking to each other, which lasted for a few hours. I was the only one who kept silent. They all too got quiet when Druoag and Genusha appeared.

The two got inside, making the entrance to the building get wider, and sat down on the cubes that emerged from the ground.

- Let\'s start since we all are here - proposed Daniel. - I believe you have the most to say, as you already faced her.

He turned to The Great One. The alien answered with a nod.

- The fight won\'t progress like the last time. She knows exactly what I can do, so she might defeat me even quicker than before, while I only know as much about her, but we might as well go through it properly - he said. - She was following me as I traveled through several locations. This place included, and I noticed that, so I took her to a deserted place, to find out what she wanted and who she was.

- And then she attacked you? - asked Tihana.

- No. At first, we met and just looked at one another. She tried to probe my mind, but she couldn\'t, and then when she tried harder, the walls of my mind proved to be still too tall and too strong. She couldn\'t penetrate them - he explained.

- Like two dogs, they started by sniffing their buts, but then began barking at one another - I joked.

I don\'t know if it was because they tried to be polite, or because it was just a terrible joke, but all I got was a smile from Daniel. The rest ignored me completely.

- It quickly turned into a full attack, but I was able to rappel it. Then it changed to pure use of force. She stopped probing, and instead tried to take me down using telekinetic abilities. I was surprised by such a quick turn of events and then surprised again by how strong she was. Unfortunately for me, she wasn\'t serious when I thought she was. When she unleashed her powers more, frustrated by my ability to defend myself, it quickly turned into a full-scale battle - he described. - I realized that I can not endure the pressure she was exerting on me, so I used a little trick to distract her, and then escaped. I kept escaping and she chased me, eventually injuring me very hard, but due to this sacrifice, I was able to hide my presence, losing her of my track.

- It seems then the key would be for the two attackers to be able to withstand her mental attack. If we have that, we at least should be able to do something - Daniel pointed out. - If The Great One engages with her, then maybe the rest of you can create an opening, and possibly strike. From what I understand, you both are heavy hitters.

- Druoag is a former champion of the Royal Tournament. He is definitely a heavy hitter - said Genusha.

- I\'ve seen Peter fight with the creatures you call ghosts. And it was before he focused on pursuing strength through hunting. I believe he might be even stronger than me right now - said Druoag. - With all his abilities he has many ways to attack, and his physical power is significantly stronger when he turns... dark?

- It\'s called \'Shadow fusion\' and yes. It\'s a huge boost to what I can do. You\'ve seen me over three weeks ago. Now I\'m much, much stronger, and still can upgrade myself by a lot. I just wanted to know our strategy before I used all the points. So far I strengthened my strongest abilities, to the very possible end, and also fortified my mind. Moreover, I should be able to help fight the High Queen\'s psychic powers with mine, so maybe we will have a chance despite you painting such a grim picture - I said first to Genusha but then my eyes switched to The Great One. - She will never do what she did to me again.

- I would be more concerned about her killing you this time, than playing some games, she did before - Daniel pointed out. - Even if it\'s her, the three of you should be a challenge she won\'t take on easily. Even if she wins, I doubt she will play with you. You are too dangerous. I for sure wouldn\'t.

- You wouldn\'t play from the start, but made sure none who can challenge you is alive - Tihana pointed out as a follow-up to his words.

He responded by smiling and shrugging his shoulders.

- What can I do? I\'m simply too smart - he added.

The girl rolled her eyes after those words.

- So we try to somehow block her, and fish for openings, to deliver a single deadly blow? - I asked, citing them off.

- Unless you have a better plan - said Genusha.

- Let\'s all think about this a little longer. We still have a bit of time. We originally gave ourselves a month, and there is still around a week until that runs out - said The Great One.

I nodded to his words. Druoag did the same, but nobody left the jade building. It was quite obvious to me that we all wanted a solution right then and there.

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