
Chapter 79 The Broadcast Live

Radmilo was still in his apartment when he watched the live broadcast of the IRO\'s emergency meeting on television. He purposely did nothing because that was the only way to avoid Maido\'s power.

If he remained silent, then the man could not read his movements. Maido\'s prediction could be broken when someone correctly guessed what would happen in the future.

When the three council heads attacked the headquarters, Radmilo did nothing, knowing that they would come to arrest him. He decided not to take action. However, he changed Maido\'s prediction by contacting Zivile through the system.

Maido only could predict if Radmilo\'s guess was wrong. Unfortunately, Radmilo guessed correctly, so the power to see the future did not affect him. He knew about this because he was close to Maido in his previous life.

Nonetheless, Radmilo had to be careful because his guesses were only sometimes correct. He could not rely on his previous life memories because he had changed the future. If he guessed wrong, then Maido would win and could find out his movements.

"Maido is a match for me. But I won\'t lose because I\'m creating a new future," Radmilo grinned as he pressed the button on the remote to change to another channel.

Almost all channels broadcast the IRO emergency meeting. However, there were still channels that showed different shows. The channel Radmilo watched this time was a global channel owned by a private company.

The day before the IRO\'s emergency meeting, Radmilo sent an interesting file on the channel for broadcast today. The file contained evidence of the IRO kidnapping several years ago.

Radmilo got the file after trying hard. He visited every member of the secret research team he knew. It was tiring stuff. After teleporting more than a dozen times, he finally got a member who saved the file.

However, it did not end there because the secret file had been encrypted. When Radmilo told Kiss of Death that he would expose the IRO\'s secrets, he had not even been able to open the file. He spent days without sleep to break the encryption.

"That crazy IRO..." Radmilo sighed when he remembered the IRO forced him to learn how to break encryption.

Thus, he could spy on IRO enemies without hindrance. They could not hide their secret files since he could read them. His job at the IRO was to be a hunter, spy, assassin, and hacker.

Radmilo knew he was a cheater in this world with all his mastery. But still, he had spent a hellish day acquiring such excellent skills. He would not care if other people called him a cheater.

"Let\'s see how this ends," he said with his eyes fixed on the television, stopping to think about his previous life.

On the television screen, there was a woman and a man dressed in suits. They exchanged pleasantries for a moment before addressing the main topics in today\'s news. A large monitor behind them displayed a screenshot of an email from Radmilo.

"The editorial department received an email from a mysterious person. That person sent files regarding the IRO crimes. We thought it was hoax news since many prank emails were sent to the editorial staff," the female announcer spoke and paused for a moment.

The television screen showed the photos sent by Radmilo. It was photos of children in a laboratory compared to posters of the missing children.

"We have conducted an investigation and the photos sent by the anonymous were not edited photos. An expert has confirmed this. We then continued our investigation with the police. They provided data on the missing children which turned out to match the children in the photos sent by the anonymous..."

After the female announcer finished explaining, the monitor stopped showing the photos. The camera was now focused on the male announcer.

"The reason we are broadcasting this is for the sake of humanity. We are sure that the IRO will shut up anyone who knows about the kidnapping. However, they cannot act recklessly because the public has watched this broadcast. I will be in touch with the police from several countries involved."

The monitor now showed the video call with the parties involved.

"Now we are connected to Sir Vikram. As previously shown, the kidnap victims are mostly from India. Can you hear me, Sir?"

An old man at the monitor gave the nod. "I have researched the files that you send. The majority of the children in the photos are indeed missing children. However, some children are not included in the list. Instead, they are listed among the dead victims of the gate explosion."

"Do you think the kidnapping is related to the evacuation process?"

"Yes, I think so. The IRO\'s people kidnapped the children during the evacuation process. As everyone knows, gate explosions always result in many deaths if handled late. At that time, I thought the IRO evacuation team was late because of urgent matters. However, my mind has changed now."

"I also think the IRO is targeting India as your country has become the most populous in 2050. That\'s why they are taking more children from India than any other country."

The man known as \'Sir Vikram\' appeared to take a deep breath. He looked like he was trying to keep his emotions in check because he was on a broadcast live.

"The anonymous stated that the IRO research team kidnapped the children to be used as guinea pigs. They tested the effects of weapons or poison on the children to get accurate results. Thus, they could create various kinds of equipment and poison in a short time."

This time, it was the female announcer who responded to Vikram\'s words. "The research team has to go through a complicated procedure if they want humans as guinea pigs illegally. Therefore, they are looking for a shortcut to create equipment that can help humans. What do you think about that, Sir?"

"Humans have enjoyed the results of the IRO research team. My son also could recover from his illness due to the poison developed by the IRO. I feel grateful for the progress made by them," Vikram replied with a bitter smile on his face.

He then continued, "My feelings changed after knowing they sacrificed another child to create the healing poison. I\'m a father who feels sad when I see my child in pain. I can\'t imagine how the parents of those children must feel."

The studio became silent because they remembered that most of the kidnapping victims were children who had no families. It was sad because they had to spend their lives in such a painful way.

"What are your plans now, sir?" the male announcer asked amidst the silence.

Vikram wore a grim expression as he replied, "We are not going to contact the IRO! They are the ones who should contact us first and apologize. For now, we will be holding a protest action by not buying anything produced by the IRO. People who care about this problem can join us."

"All right. Anyone who wants to join can also fill in the petition which we will announce at the end of the broadcast. Now let\'s turn to Sir..."

Radmilo did not listen to the announcer\'s explanation after that. He was more focused on seeing the reaction of people on the internet. The broadcasted news quickly went viral. Even the hashtag #BOYCOTTIRO trended on social media.

Journalists and reporters from other channels who have yet to receive emails from Radmilo were very busy. They had missed the update on the IRO\'s kidnapping investigation.

In an instant, reporters were dispatched to find out about the update on the case. They were willing to wait outside the conference building to get exclusive news until the emergency meeting was over.

The IRO was a good organization. However, that did not mean the people in it had good intentions. That was not different from a government in charge of the citizens. There were still many corrupt governments that the public was unaware of.

Just like IRO, which had terrible people, but the public did not know about it yet. Radmilo had no intention of becoming Robin Hood by exposing their crimes. In his opinion, IRO was a good organization regardless of the bad people involved in it.

He uncovered their secret for carrying out the quest. As soon as he remembered about the quest, he immediately put away his cell phone and took out the outfit he could wear; a black cloak and mask to cover his entire face.

"Finally we will meet," Radmilo muttered while remembering Maido\'s face. A moment later, he used a teleportation item to enter the conference building.

The alarm in the hall of the building immediately went off as soon as Radmilo set foot there. The people in the conference room stopped discussing, knowing that a stranger was trying to interrupt them.

Meanwhile, Maido sat quietly in his chair because he already knew about Radmilo\'s arrival. He knew what the man was going to do.

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