
Chapter 22 (XXII) The Second Challenge

Jackson sat flipping through the <Asura of the Four Rivers Skillbook>, studying the poses while waiting for the timer to count down. His eyes glossed over as he reviewed the detailed notes for each posture.

"I don\'t see why it wouldn\'t..." He muttered to himself as the countdown had ended, and a large window appeared in front of him, prompting him to close the Skillbook.

[Second Floor Challenge]

[That first challenge was kind of a doozy, huh? Since it was more challenging than anticipated, let\'s settle things down and simply survive! The nights are freezing, and the darkness hides all the dangers! Only sunlight will reveal your path to the next floor!]

Jackson rolled his eyes and dismissed the challenge notification, standing up and returning the Skillbook to his bag. Despite the fatigue, his grumbling stomach was a more pressing concern.

He started descending the mountains, searching for food, "I wonder how monkey tastes..." He muttered to himself, recalling the unlucky simian who had become Hollow food on the previous floor.

The sun started settling, but the growing darkness didn\'t disturb Jackson. He had spent most of his adolescence hiding in the shadows, where he felt most comfortable.

He expertly moved in silence as he darted through the jungle. He searched the dirt, scouring for tracks and looking for vegetation next to the roots of the tall trees.

After foraging for an hour, he gathered some mushrooms, found a small animal\'s trail, and began tracking it. While on the animal\'s path, he noticed a parrot sitting on the branch of a tree, quickly vanishing and reappearing in a tuft of falling red feathers. He was hanging onto the tree\'s limb with the bird squawking wildly in his other hand.

Jackson dropped to the ground, grunting with a grin, "Guess I\'ll savor that delicacy another time!"

After snapping the parrot\'s neck, he gave up his hunt for the monkey and returned to the camp, tossing the mushrooms into the boiling pot and preparing the parrot.

While the stew was boiling, Jackson sat on the small stone and returned to the Skillbook. After flipping through the book a few times and reading it from front to back while enjoying his meal, the young man stood up.

He returned to the beginning of the Skillbook, placing it on the rock and taking the first position. He adjusted parts of his body while examining the image in the book before being confident in his pose and starting to practice the first strike repeatedly.

After practicing for a while, he opened his inventory and removed his chainmail and pauldrons, his chest and arms drenched in sweat, returning to his practice.

Elissa began materializing on the other side of the campfire, casually walking through the portal. Her slightly transparent silk skirt was split, revealing both hips. Her bra matched the same material and was adorned with a gold metallic trim intricately wrapped around her ample bust.

Her long white hair cascaded down her back freely, and gold adornments were on her long ears with many earrings. She circled to where Jackson could see her and leaned forward, smelling the savory aroma emanating from the pot.

"My, my, my! What a lovely scent!" She said with a smile, turning and staring at his well-defined muscles, licking her lips. Jackson continued to practice in silence, ignoring the trouble that had arrived.

"Diligent... Good, you\'ll need it!" Elissa said, swaying her hips, her right hand resting against it as she approached him, circling him like a vulture, "I\'m glad you were able to put my gift to good use! It certainly has made the challenge here pretty trivial if you ask me..."

"What do you want?" Jackson coldly asked as he stopped, adjusting his resting pose and returning his armor to his body.

"Tch!" She clicked her tongue, closing her eyes with a smirk, wagging her finger in the air, "I don\'t want anything! I\'m only curious to see if you are an ambitious one!"

"Meaning what..?" Jackson crossed his arms over his chest, staring at her unamused. She crossed her arms underneath her chest, sticking her lower lip out as she rocked back and forth.

"You\'re no fun! I don\'t think I want to give you a deal anymore!" Elissa pouted, turning around as she swayed her hips, slowly walking away.

"I am ambitious!" Jackson groaned, rolling his eyes. The pale elf spun on the spot, clasping her hands together with a massive smile, her red eyes sparkling.

"I knew you were!" She squealed, excitedly stomping her thigh-high boots before regaining her composure and taking a deep breath. She smiled at Jackson and snapped her finger, "Starting now, you will no longer receive the typical Floor Challenges and will only receive Modified Challenges through to the Tenth Trial."

"Wait-" Jackson shouted, throwing his hand out as a window appeared, blocking the Elven woman from his sight:

[Challenge Modified!]

[Simply waiting through the night for the daybreak\'s safety, the portal next to your camp will now attract all Hollows located on La Segunda Isla. I hope you\'ll be able to survive until sunrise for the path to the next island to reveal itself!]

"That\'s more like it!" Elissa chirped, skipping around, grabbing Jackson\'s hand, and tugging him as she walked, "With great risk comes great reward!"

"What\'s the reward..?" Jackson sighed, shaking his head, failing to pull his hand free from the Guardian.

"Oh no! A lady is entitled to some secrets! You\'ll just have to find out after completing the Tenth Floor~!" She smirked as a portal began materializing behind her. She jumped in front of him, leaning forward as she left a lipstick mark on his cheek, quickly pecking him and disappearing through the portal.

"Shit..." Jackson groaned, wiping his cheek with the back of his hand, snapping his head behind him as countless wails shrieked into the night skies.

Hollows are nocturnal creatures; they cannot appear during daylight unless triggered by a challenge. However, in darkness, they are allowed to multiply endlessly.

"Tch!" Jackson clicked his tongue, quickly stomping out the fire and returning the campsite to its cartridge. He was conflicted about fighting or running. Even if he chose to fight, the bodies piling up would only create a vicious cycle of Mutated Hollows.

So began Jackson\'s long night...

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