
Chapter 113 - Confrontation

"Nice to meet you, prince Alfonso, my name is Susana Gremio, daughter of Felio and princess of Tulip, for rescuing me, I can\'t appreciate you enough" Said Susana while bowing.

She was sitting on a big chair, apparently, the soldiers were the one to carry her here.

"Do you recognize me?" Asked Alfonso.

"Your purple eye and your blond hair betray you, your highness" Said Susana

"Well, in that case I will skip the formalities, however, you don\'t have to call me prince Alfonso, my current identity is Alfonso Lockheart, lord of Wasteland Valley, nice to meet you princess Susana, I am currently an ally of Tulip so I came to pick you up, your father is waiting for you" Said Alfonso.

"Father! He is alive!" Said Susana with happiness.

"Yep, he didn\'t suffer any major injuries, anyway, let\'s go, we have plenty of time to talk in the way" Said Alfonso.

"I-I am sorry for the inconvenience but…as you see…" Said Susana with embarrassment and signaled her legs.

"Oh… oh yeah, then let me-"

Before Alfonso could finish, he remembered that he also wasn\'t in the best of his conditions, after all, he was using a cane. It was an awkward silence between both.

"Let me" Said Artemis, she effortlessly put Susana in her shoulder.

"…!" Susana wanted to say something, but she couldn\'t find the words.

"This guy is…!" Though Susana.

Alfonso was also sweeting after seeing this. He made a facepalm while stomping his cane on Artemis\'s foot.


"That\'s my line! She is a princess for god sake! At least carry her in a more elegant way!" Said Alfonso with a half smiling half crying face.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Demeter was laughing at one side with her hand on her stomach.


On the way home, Alfonso felt really tired, so he postponed his conversation with Susana for tomorrow he lied down in the carriage and felt asleep almost immediately.

"His ability to sleep is impressive, he can sleep so soundly in this poor carriage" Though Susana.

"Well, he loves to sleep after all, it\'s not surprising"

A voice came from below, when Susana looked , she saw a small white puppy looking at her.

"You were the one who bring them here right? I must also thank you, little fellow" Said Susana with a beautiful smile.

"The name is Cerberus not little fellow" Said Cerberus while jumping and sitting next to her.

"Oh, sorry about that" Said Susana.

"Don\'t worry, So how are you feeling?" Asked Cerberus.

"I am good"

"Not about that, I am asking about returning back home" Said Cerberus.

"Well, of course I am looking for-"

"I don\'t think so"

However, Susana paused before completing her phrase., because someone else interrupted her speech, it was Artemis who appeared by her left side.

"Where did you came from!?" Asked Susana in surprise.

"That doesn\'t matter for the moment, however, I came to talk to you about something" Said Artemis.

She looked straight into Susana\'s eyes and then said something that made her blood turn cold.

"You reek of death"

Susana\'s face became pale.

Cerberus who was looking by the other side, didn\'t say anything, however, he didn\'t move from his spot.

Artemis put her hand on the belly of Susana and her face turned colder and colder.

"She wanted to be born"

"It wasn\'t her time yet"

"And now she is trapped in this plane, she won\'t be able to past the Styx river"

"You condemned her a life of eternal suffering!"


If Alfonso was awake, he would be extremely surprise, he had known Artemis the most and knew her character, although she always seen cold, she wasn\'t really upset or angry, that was her natural expression, however, this time, she was truly enraged!

"I-I-I" Susana wanted to say something, but the words were stuck in her throat, suddenly, she felt the presence that always torment her in her dreams, behind her, looking at her, with despair and yet hateful eyes.

Demeter who was inside the carriage at Alfonso\'s side, wasn\'t looking at them, but was listening.

"She was always like this went it came to unborn babies, even back in the day, she would sent people who dared to intervene on a birth to the Tartarus, but in her case… its one hundred time worst" Though Demeter.

"I-I didn\'t want this children! I was raped! I won\'t let that man\'s seed be born on this world!" Said Susana.

"It wasn\'t this child fault" Said Artemis while grabbing Susana\'s collar.

"The faults of this world, it had nothing to do with her"

"She wasn\'t the one who raped you, she wasn\'t the one wo make you go in despair, so what you did wasn\'t a favor to this world" Said Artemis. "It was just murder"

Susana didn\'t know how to reply, she just lowered her head while some tears appeared on her cheeks.

"That\'s enough"

A firm yet cold voice came from behind them, after turning around, Artemis and Susana saw Alfonso sitting up.


"Go back to the other carriage Artemis, Cerberus, go with her" Said Alfonso.

Cerberus just nodded and went on his way. Artemis looked at Alfonso.

"Go, I will take care of this" Said Alfonso.

Artemis didn\'t move.

"Its an order Artemis, go, I will talk to you later" Said Alfonso.

Artemis didn\'t say anything else, she stood up and disappear from everyone\'s side.

Alfonso stood up and went in front, sitting down at Susana\'s side.

"Man, I really hate went people wake me up" Though Alfonso.

"It\'s a lovely night, so let\'s have a good chat, princess Susana" Said Alfonso.

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