
Chapter 133 - Blank

Alfonso, cat one and Cerberus were relocated in a nearby house, it had three separate rooms for the three of them.

"For now, rest for the long journey, we will talk more tomorrow, also, your friend is already aware of your arrived, he told me that he will come tomorrow morning" Said Antiope before going on her way.

Alfonso sat down on a nearby chair, at his side was Cat one and on his lap was Cerberus.

"For now, we will wait for Hephaestus, I have some questions for him… Cat one" Said Alfonso.

"My lord"

"Cat one, based on what you saw, what are the attitudes of the amazon toward us?" Asked Alfonso.

"They have good will, although, I must say that the decision of showing your powers was rushed" Answer earnestly Cat one.

Alfonso made a small smile.

"It might be, however, you must understand this, people has different approaches depending their personality, Ainai for example, she is a straight forward person, so, if we delivered hide things for her, It won't do us any good, showing good will and being honest is the perfect way to deal with persons like her, this isn't the case with Felio for example, who is a cunning fox, my way to negotiate with was more crafty, you understand what I mean?" Said Alfonso.

"I do" Answer Cat one.

"Cerberus, how powerful are they?" Asked Alfonso.

"At least, they are as powerful as Demeter and Artemis, specially that Ainai, I think that, even if Demeter and Artemis attacked together, they wouldn't beat her, its hard to said, her powers were well hidden, but my instincts tell me that she is even more powerful that what we can imagining" Answered Cerberus.

"I see… " Said Alfonso.

"My lord, I have one more thing to say" Said Cat one.


"My lord… I think that Ainai and Antiope had other plans when they bring you here" Said Cat one.

"You also notice? That's good" Said Alfonso.

"Oh? My lord also noticed?" Asked Cat one.

"Yeah… when we were entering this tribe, I notice the gaze of some people on me, I was already suspicious however… after seeing Ainai, I confirmed it" Said Alfonso.

"Oh? How come?" Asked Cat one.

"Those eyes… are the same eyes Demeter has when she sleeps with me" Said Alfonso with a bitter smile.

Although was a little innocent(stupid) in topics like love and sex, he was, after all, an old man with experience, he could tell that these women had other plans for him, or, to be more precise for 'Little Alfonso'.

"Isnt that good? Is not the dream of every men to be desired by so many pretty women?" Asked Cat one.

"That's for young kids, when you have my age you will see that sex isn't really that important, young people tends to be so anxious about getting late that they became stupid, as for me, I prefer to have a good and relaxed conversation with a girl, I won't deny that I like sex, but I have other priorities right now, I can't be as carefree as Hephaestus" Said Alfonso.

"…" Cat one was speechless.

"Or, you can just say that you are afraid of Demeter finding that you were having some 'fun' at her back, what's the use of speaking this long monologue?" Said Cerberus.

Alfonso's cheek became red and he didn't know, or to be more precise, he couldn't refuse!

There was a small yet awkward silence in the room.

*Cough* *Cough*

Alfonso interrupted the awkward silence.

"Anyway, I am afraid that we will have some unwelcome visitors tonight so, we will take turns, or to be more accurate, you and Cerberus will be taking turns to guard the house" Said Alfonso.

"… That's a little unfair isn't it?" Said Cat one.

"Hey, I have few privileges as the leader, one of them is that I can sleep for as long as I want" Said Alfonso.

""…"" They didn't know what to said.

"Anyway, you know your mission, let's go to our rooms and rest, tonight will be a long night" Said Alfonso


"Everyone is clear of the mission?" A shadow talked while looking at the house of Alfonso and the others.

"Yeah, take the little brother and eat hi- bring him back" Said another shadow.

"That's right, don't forget the instructions, the first taste must be for the matriarch!" Said Another shadow.

"Excuse me…I want to know something…why don't we just go and ask… I mean he is a man I don't think he would say no"

"Don't be stupid! , according to Antiope's report this man is different, I don't think he would agree , the matriarch also thinks the same"

"How come? His friend was very cooperative"

"Don't know, don't care, also, I haven't tasted a man since…more than a thousand years ago, and he happens to be very cute, so let's go!"

"For the future!"

"For the future!"

"For the future!"

"For the foo- future!"

The seven shadows went on their way to Alfonso's house, before they could get too close, a shadow appeared before them.

"My lord is currently resting, whatever business you have *yawnnnn* please leave it fo- *yawnn* tomorrow" Said a seem to be half-sleep half-awake Cat one.

"…" The seven shadows looked at each other before one of them made a gesture with her hand to the other ones, in an instant, all of them stood still and in silence.

After a couple of minutes…


A snoring sound came from the girl in front of them, one of the girls took slowly steeps towards the girl, she waved her hand in front of her.


The girl didn't answer, after that, the woman made an 'ok' sign to the other ones, they passed Cat one and went into the house.


Inside the house, everything was dark, the seven girls enter the house with slowly steps.

"Do you have the item?" Asked one of the girls.

"Here" Said the girl while taking out a rope.

"What about the other item?"

"Here" Said another girl with a small bottle on her hand.

"Good…" Said the girl.

However, before she could take another step, she looked at the bottle and the rope, she stopped and said

"You know… aren't we acting like those… you know… aren't we basically kidnappers at this point!?"

"…" The other girls stood quiet for some time before realizing.

"Well, duh, of course you are, and, because of you, I have a huge headache and my eyes are killing me" A voice came from the other side of the house.

When they notice, the lights turned on a silhouette could be seen, it was a man with a cane and eyepatch.

"Yo-yo-your highness… what are you doing awake at this hour?" Asked one of the girls.

"I set those two to make guard, but just in case, I stood awake for some time, not even an hour passed until both of them fall sleep, god, what kind of bodyguards left their boss do the job while they sleep!?" Said Alfonso with an annoyed expression.

"You knew we were coming?" Asked another girl.

"You make it too obvious, however, let me tell you something this… not matter how hard you try, you can't force me to do something I don't want to" Said Alfonso.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Asked one girl.

"I am telling you, literally, you can't force to do something I don't want to do, not because of my fighting power nor because I have those two idiots… because, LITERALLY, if I don't want to have sex, nobody can't force me, my friend down there won't go up no matter what, so get out now, you are wasting my sleeping time!"

Alfonso usually wouldn't say this and with those words, however, the problem was that, because he hasn't sleep well, and, as someone who love to sleep the most, he was angry and frustrated.

"God, why I am surrender by pushy women!?" Though Alfonso.

"So, now that you know that get out of he-"

"I don't accept it!" Said one of the girls.

"What..?" Said Alfonso.

"Yeah! No matter how much control you have, we are one hundred percent confident in my appearance! I mean, look at my breast! They are huge!"

"Yeah. Yeah, look at my pretty face and lips, if makes man drool with desire!"

"…" Alfonso was speechless.

"They are too narcissistic and shameless!" Though Alfonso.

"Well, If you want to try go ahead, I will be in my room, however, I tell you, is useless" Said Alfonso while going back to his room.

The other seven girls looked at him and a disbelieve face appeared in the face of the seven.

"There is no man with such control, right?"

This was the though on the seven girls.

They fixed their appearance and went inside the room.

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