
Chapter 344 330 Royal Birthday

The entire palace and surrounding area were packed with well-wishers when Cain\'s group arrived, despite the somewhat early hour.

Everyone was excited to see who the King would pick and if the rumors were true. The atmosphere wasn\'t tense, as Cain had feared, but festive. A great variety of guests were on the list today, from Skyview, the Nyanko Confederacy, the Serrah Woods, and other friendly nations.

None of the guests of honor were out yet, but Cain did see one friendly face that he hasn\'t expected to. Prince Sven and his fiancee Princess Lauren of the Serrah Woods are in attendance, standing near the travel circle.

The Kitsune recognizes Cain right away and brings his bride to be over to say hello, escaping from the boredom of being introduced to Nobles and answering questions about the recent events in Landis.

"Duke Cain, my good friend. It\'s wonderful to see you again. I\'m sure you\'ve heard the rumor that the Princess Luann is among the top candidates, so we couldn\'t resist visiting." Sven greets them before pulling Lauren in front of him to make her own introductions.

"It\'s a pleasure to meet you, Duke Cain. Thank you for getting my beloved safely away from that war zone." The Elf greets him politely, but he can see her hands are still going for Sven\'s tails, despite him placing her in front of him and safely out of range.

Maybe the magic of fluffy tails is addictive? It wouldn\'t be the strangest thing Cain has discovered about this world.

With such a large group, strangers are reluctant to butt into their conversations, much to the relief of Sven, who was getting overwhelmed. A quick round of introductions are made, and Lauren gives a longing look to Daisy\'s ears.

Misha decides to save the new arrival from her fellow fluff lover, so she brings out her blue feathered wings and wraps Lauren up in a hug. Cain realizes what she\'s doing and adjusts her jewelry to have blue gems instead of red while maneuvering the Elf to a quieter location.

"Ladies, why don\'t you have a chat while I catch up with Sven?" Cain suggests, and the other ladies follow after the pair, just as intrigued by the previously hidden wings as Lauren was.

With the group split, the other Dukes come to visit. Chen and Archibald first, then Dutchess Morgan, and a businessman Cain doesn\'t recognize.

"Good afternoon, gentlemen. Meet Duke Roscoe of Lapland on the northern continent, who has graciously accepted to be my plus one for the festivities." Dutchess Morgan introduces him to the group.

"These are the Dukes Archibald and Chen, and Duke Cain, whom we have heard so much about."

"Oh, I hope the rumors are good ones this time?" Cain laughs, and Roscoe almost chokes on his tongue.

​ "After the events on the eastern side of this continent, I\'m not sure if the rumors should be called good or bad. The story on the Northern Continent is that a burgeoning young warlord has put half the Central Continent under his protection.

The Wave Riders like to gossip when they\'re drinking, and they weren\'t shy about the amount of money you donated to eliminate your rivals; then the stories from the Mercenaries started coming back of multiple Summoned armies all carrying the same Guild Tag of Darklight Host, of which the system says you\'re the Guild Master." Roscoe explains.

"You should also check in on your summons in Niman; they\'ve run amok and are helping a nomad army from the steppes besiege the capital. It\'s making people think you\'ve got a deal with them too, to take over Niman and the Southern Steppes." Duke Chen explains.

He\'s right; the Echoes are having a grand time attacking the blue-walled city that Cyrene saw in her vision. The nomads probably aren\'t going to want the whole town, being nomads and all, so maybe they should bring it to the King\'s attention that they might be able to gain new territory and end one of the threats to the region entirely.

If the Echoes have been doing as well as they think they have at eliminating the slavers, the entire territory should practically fall into their lap if the Skyview army attacks with the intention to conquer.

"That\'s enough politics for today; this is a celebration. How has your dear daughter Rae been getting along with the King?" Cain asks, and Dutchess Morgan smiles so wide it looks like the scar on her face will split open.

"Very well indeed. I expect good news will be coming about their relationship very soon." The proud mother declares.

"Would you like for me to gift her a conception chance increasing skill, or do you have it covered with potions?" Cain jokes, and the other Dukes start laughing.

"You laugh now, but I\'ve always wanted grandchildren. They seem like so much more fun than children. It won\'t be long, and the succession will be secure again."

The trays of drinks and dessert squares are beginning to make the rounds, a signal everyone recognizes as meaning the King is about to appear. His favorite snacks are always served just before he comes out.

Most Nobles think that is his intention, getting people to associate him with his favorite food, but it\'s a result of Gwen colluding with the kitchens to get HER favorite foods served. They just happen to have similar tastes.

Sure enough, he soon comes out, followed by four lovely ladies. Rae and Khali, the nearly matching pair of petite dark-haired, pale-skinned humans, one the King\'s childhood best friend, the other a Princess from Nyanko Confederacy. They are joined by Luann, a blonde Elven princess, who is the sixteenth Daughter of Prince Galt of the Serrah Woods, and towering over all the other Consorts is Adalynn, the Cat Kin granddaughter of Duke Chen.

All of them are dressed for their new station in elegant ball gowns with a delicate tiara on their heads to signify their position as members of the Royal Harem.

Gasps fill the air at the sight, realizing that the King is really making good on his word of a diverse and equal chance for humans and nonhumans to join the Royal Family, firmly sinking the change of Royal policy into every mind.

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