
Chapter 379 364 Ancient Muzz

The portal at Muzz is fully intact when Cain arrives, and he takes a step to the side to admire the artistry. There are quite a few Gnomes in the area, but the sight of Dwarf admiring stonework isn\'t exactly something new or noteworthy; they do it all the time.

Cain is actually making mental notes of how it used to look so they they can restore the entry they rebuilt inside the Blood Sands Castle to all its former glory.

It is hard to say that the city is in its heyday, though. Already the grasslands are looking parched, the trees in the distance are stunted, and he doesn\'t sense much wildlife, which the Forest Dragon is very good at.

The city is still fully active, though, so Cain heads below, excited to see what wonders they have in store for him.

The signage is all in gnomish and Dark Elf, so Cain calls for Drazzit to merge with him, the same dark Elven Cleric he used to translate the first time.

[Oh, this place was nice when it was still occupied. I wonder if my dad is here?] The Dark Elf asks.

That\'s a good question, Cain doesn\'t know the actual date he is currently experiencing, so it is possible that they are not long before the city\'s fall, and a much younger version of her father might be here working as a Royal Guard.

Cain makes his way through the city before a moped sales and repair shop catches his eye. Kone wanted one of these, so Cain heads inside.

Whether he can bring one back home in his inventory is a good question, but at the very least, he can get one to ride around the city with. The shop has a small collection of the two wheeled vehicles, and accessories, including what Cain believes to be a folding solar panel.

There were none of those in ruins, so they must have taken them all as they left.

"What can I find for you? Gnomish mopeds are extremely sturdy, well-sized for a Dwarf, and can be recharged at any gnomish lightning outlet or with the optional sun collector." The shopkeeper welcomes him.

"I would like to try one in your larger size. If it rides well, I will also take a solar collector." Cain informs him, looking over the sleek black paint on the largest-sized moped.

It would be on the large side for a Dwarf but is capable of carrying two riders, or a single human could sit at the back of the seat. It also has a small cargo rack at the back, suitable for putting his backpack on while traveling.

In short, this is the perfect pattern to buy if he will have their design team produce them for mass-market sales in the Central Continent.

"You have a keen eye. Our luxury model includes a double battery pack and a quick charging option. Two solar collectors can fully charge it in a single day." The gnome informs him proudly.

"How far can it go on a charge?" Cain asks, curious as to how viable these things are as a primary form of transportation.

"To the ocean ports. Over two hundred muzzles at twenty muzzles an hour. You might not want to go that fast on some of the roughest sections though."

A muzzle must be about two Kilometers, so that is a very impressive pace and range by this world\'s standards. It\'s not Dragon flight, but no horse could keep up. Likely not even any of the nightmares or other ordinary magical steeds.

The attendant rolls it into the road, holding Cain\'s backpack as collateral, knowing no Dwarf would abandon his tools. Cain takes a quick spin around the block, impressed by the quality of this electric bike, and returns to collect the accessories.

"I\'ll take it, along with two panels. I\'m headed to Assah next if I can\'t find what I need here." Cain informs him, and the gnome nods happily.

The price is over a hundred gold coins. Exorbitant by any standard, but this is the height of gnomish luxury travel. Cain slowly tours the city, taking it all in and getting many envious looks from the Gnomes, before turning towards the palace.

If he\'s going to find out about Ancient Relics, they will be the ones to know.

Cain stops behind the stables and stores everything, including his pack, in his inventory. He is a bit shabbily dressed to meet government officials or Nobles, so Cain decides to try being human for a change, picking his usual heavily tattooed form that still reminds him of an ambitious young mob boss.

Dressed in an elegant black suit in the Dark Elven style, with red gloves and shirt, and a black tie, Cain heads for the main entry, where he can see visitors of a dozen species coming and going. There aren\'t many humans, but a few, primarily ragged looking nomadic sorts.

Hopefully not all humans in the region are like that, or this could be awkward. Cain considers adding horns or wings to look Demonic but doesn\'t see any Demons in the line, so he refrains.

"Human Noble, what can we do for you today?" A gate guard asks him.

"I require information on the Ancients and was informed that it could be found here. I am willing to pay for it if necessary."

The Dark Elf looks startled but nods his agreement and leads Cain inside, another guard taking his place.

"I will find you someone who speaks Human. Your accent is atrocious." The guard mutters, and Cain realizes he has been having no problem understanding people. The system must be assisting him, though it still isn\'t translating the written script.

If the system is the one translating his intentions to his speech, his accent shouldn\'t be too bad. More likely, the Elf was offended at a human speaking his language. Or perhaps he was speaking the common language of the Forest Elves and not the local dialect of the Dark Elves?

They are basically the same language, or so he had been told.

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