
Chapter 628 628

The alteration of Elder Ling made almost as much of an uproar as the downfall of the Red Scorpion Sect had. Most of the Immortals had sacrificed not only their youth but almost all of their lifespan to achieve their goals and live on eternally in the bodies of senior citizens. The prospect of returning to their youth, through Elixers, Divine Skills, or any other means they could manage, was an obsession for many that consumed their lives for many years until they moved on with attempting to reach Divinity, where it would no longer matter.

The first to test the veracity of Cain\'s abilities was Elder Chen, the Lotus Blossom Sect Elder, who walked up behind her and wrapped the Elder\'s body in her arms.

"Oh, that is perfect. Young, supple, and perfectly toned, and I do believe that her energy flows more freely than ever before. A return to your youth, without the time spent on damaging techniques in an effort to reach Immortality before you died of old age, has done wonders for you, Elder Ling."

Elder Ling gasped at the unexpected contact. "Where do you think you are touching, woman?"

Elder Chen just laughed and released her, only to take Elder Ling\'s hair between her fingers and sift through it. "The hair is not dyed. It is thick and flexible again, as it should be for a young woman in her mid-twenties. [Transfiguration] really is an incredible skill."

"Did you really doubt me? Of course, I knew how to use a skill if I was going to do it in public like this. When I ask to experiment on you in private, that is when you need to worry about what I have in mind." Cain replied proudly.

"I don\'t think that came out the way you wanted it to, Sect Master," Penny informed him quietly.

"Bah, they get what I meant. Now, let\'s head to the Shadowed Blade, as they have graciously invited us for dinner." Cain told his Disciples, taking the two Lotus Blossom Elders by the hand and dragging them with him, leaving their Disciples to chase after the group.

The Shadowed Blade Sect had a suspiciously large gap between it and the Sects who had camped around them, suggesting to Cain that they were somewhat feared among the gathered Cultivators here. Their Disciples had done fairly well in the Outer Sect competition but hadn\'t made the finals, so Cain had underestimated them.

The fact that their Outer Sect didn\'t do as well as hoped could have been the result of an unlucky matchup against a Sect that was familiar with their tricks or a hard counter for their style, which Cain believed to be shadow related since they had chosen to camp in the trees, instead of the open where it was easier to actually set up a camp.

"Elder Dragon Tooth, who have you found today?" The Elder in charge of the guard duty asked as they entered the trees, more curious than hostile.

"The lone male and the Disciples in Peach Robes are the Forbidden Treasure Sect, who just defeated the Red Scorpions in open combat. Then we have Elders Ling and Chen of the Lotus Blossom Sect and their disciples." The Elder responded, amusement visible in her eyes, the only part of her face visible through the cloth mask.

"Elder Ling Chen, it is a pleasure to meet you and your lovely disciples." The man greeted Elder Chen, though he was looking straight at Elder Ling.

"She is Elder Chen, and I am Elder Ling." She informed the Elder with a frown that promised violence if he made that mistake again.

Cain must not have been hiding his amusement as well as he thought because the Elder looked straight at him after being admonished. "I have heard of you, the trickster Sect Master, whose skills take every opponent off guard. Congratulations on winning, and I will look forward to the story, but I must ask, what have you been doing to the Lotus Blossom Sect Elders?"

"That\'s hardly a topic for polite company," Cain replied, deadpan, before taking a smack to the back of the head from Elder Ling.

"He used [Transfiguration] to return me to a more youthful appearance. Now, Disciples, take note. Men\'s minds are warped by testosterone, and they think of perverted things constantly."

Elder Ling\'s words only made Cain laugh harder. "You know, you\'re no fun at all. The look on his face was incredible. I am sorry Elder, but my implication was misleading. The appearance is only due to a skill I used on her. But she is lovely, isn\'t she? It\'s a shame we would have to fight our way through Elder Chen to get to her."

Elder Chen nodded in agreement, and Elder Ling sighed. "You lot don\'t get better, do you? Now, let\'s see what you are planning for a victory meal."

Once she finished speaking, Elder Ling let slip a hint of her Immortal Aura, warning away all of the youngsters who might think she was one of the Disciples due to the return of her youthful face.

"You said that you did the same thing to Tena. To reverse the years, or did you change her appearance as well?" Elder Dragon Tooth asked Cain as they made their way to the kitchens.

"A total change. She needed a new lease on life, and I offered her that as my Disciple. She asked me to make her cute like Luna, and that is exactly what I did." Cain replied.

"If you ask a favor of Sect Master Cain, be very clear about what you are asking, or he will interpret it any way that he likes. I did not expect to look so young again, no matter how cute I am." Tena informed the Shadowed Blade Elder.

"So it can change appearances entirely. That is valuable information. We will have to discuss possible payment for that skill after dinner. I know you said that it was a Sect Secret, but surely we can come up with something?" The Shadowed Blade Elder asked.

"We will see. We all know that truly useful skills don\'t come cheap. This isn\'t a simple shower, like the skill that I taught at the Symposium." Cain replied noncomittally.

"Oh, we have that one as well. We had a disciple there who managed a full copy, and the Inscriptionisits are working on a way to make it into talismans so that we can put up mobile showers everywhere. We take on a lot of infiltration work, and a strong odor will get you caught by even the laziest of guard dogs in an instant.

Unlike Cultivators who usually plug their noses with energy to hide the scent of unwashed bodies and filthy cities, guard animals won\'t make that mistake.

"See, this is a Sect that knows what is important. I never thought of plugging my nose with energy, though. That\'s genius. I just thought everyone was used to the fact that they smelled and could ignore it." Luna exclaimed, finally realizing how everyone else was tolerating it.

"Did you forget to teach her that trick?" Elder Ling asked Cain.

"I forgot about it. I just accepted that people stink. It is a simple truth and a clear indicator of what Realm you are in. At least here, they have proper indoor plumbing. In some places I have traveled, an outdoor latrine is the height of civilization, and using clean water for bathing is considered wasteful." Cain replied, thinking of some of the villages in the Beginner\'s Valley.

Even in the camps, they had set up enchanted toilets in outhouse buildings. A big step up from an open pit latrine.

The kitchen staff was getting ready for them, and Cain noticed how they cooked was unique. Instead of using high-quality ingredients, they added high-quality energy to the cooking and let everything recombine as if the ingredients were high quality, to begin with.

The process was intriguing, and Cain forgot all about the people around him to go watch the staff work.

Elder Dragon Tooth watched in amusement as Cain inspected the staff, then scanned through the crowd, looking for someone and smiling when he found the head chef.

"Interesting. I hadn\'t thought of that. Tell me, where did you learn this technique? My foodies will forever love you for today\'s learning experience." Cain asked the chef who had come over to ask what he was doing in her kitchen.

"It is a Sect skill that has been passed down through the ages. It isn\'t common in this world, but on some of the others that the Shadowed Blade operates on, it is considered essential knowledge for every kitchen." She replied.

"I can see why. Now that I know it, I don\'t think I will be returning to the old way of simply roasting things over a fire. It just seems so barbaric now that I have seen a better way." Cain agreed.

"Hold up, what do you mean now that you know it? Seeing this technique one time isn\'t enough to learn it. It takes years of concentrated effort to learn the fine energy control needed to manage even the simplest dish." The Elder who was in charge of the guards asked.

He had followed them in, trailing Elder Ling like a lost puppy, hoping she would show him some attention.

"It is a particular skill that I have gained. It allows perfect recall of a skill that I have seen. I might not be able to manage everything that your Sect can, but I can at least duplicate the technique." Cain explained while Luna snuck around him to record everyone in the kitchen as well.

Never again could she be denied the good cakes if she could just merge with someone who could turn mundane ingredients into the good stuff.

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