
Chapter 392 - Hunger

"What is this…" Though Alfonso.

"This hunger…"

"I feel so hungry…"

"I feel like I have a hole in my stomach!"

"Give me"

"Give me"

"Give me"

"Give me"


When Alfonso heard the cry, he suddenly felt a small pain his head.


Alfonso looked up and saw that his mouth was covered in blood.


He went back and noticed a strange… flavor in his mouth.


He touched his teeth and saw a small piece of flesh.


He felt his stomach revolting.

"What did I… Chrono… that fucking kid!" Though Alfonso.

"Chrono!" He shouted.

However, nothing happened.

Alfonso waited for some seconds, however, nothing happened.

He felt his soul power and discover… that only his own soul power was inside!

"What… no… impossible" Thought Alfonso.

Alfonso felt scared, until now, every time that Alfonso turned… strange, every time, was due to Chrono's interference with his body.

This time though…

"Why? Why isn't he here!?" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso didn't want to accept it, he couldn't accept it…


"Because that will mean… it was me who did this!"

Alfonso looked at his hands, the power of time was flowing more brightly and powerful than ever.

This, however, didn't make Alfonso the slightest happy.

"This hunger…" 

Alfonso looked at the demon who was touching her shoulder in pain.

His green eyes shone at seeing the red gas that she had in her body.


The stomach of Alfonso made growling sounds while the hunger intensified.

"What is this power doing to me?" Though Alfonso.


Alfonso heard a voice in front of him.

The woman, who was still bleeding from her shoulder, realized her death soul power at full.

"You will pay for that" Said the woman.

"Don't come close…" Said Alfonso.

However, the woman didn't listen and went straight towards Alfonso.

"No" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso tried to evade, however, the woman was too fast!

She took out her blade and tried to pierce Alfonso's heart.

Alfonso, however, didn't move at seeing her move.


Because… he didn't feel that he needed to!

  The woman felt that her blade stopped in place!


She looked up, and saw that Alfonso had stopped the blade with his hand!

"No, he didn't stop it!"

Alfonso had used his hand as a scapegoat for his chest!

Alfonso looked at the hole on his hand, but, funny enough, he didn't feel any pain.

"More than that…"

Alfonso looked at the woman and his hunger picked.

"It just unbearable" Thought Alfonso.


Alfonso grabbed the face of the woman with his hand.

"Just one time"

"Just this once time…"

Alfonso closed up to the woman.



Cerberus woke up.

"That woman…" Though Cerberus.

"Alfonso! Where is Alfonso!?"

Cerberus looked at his sides and saw Alfonso sleeping on the ground.


He ran and saw that Alfonso was sleeping on the ground.

"Alfonso wake up!"


Alfonso woke up and looked at Cerberus.



"What… what happened? Aah!" Asked Alfonso.

He felt an intense pain in his hand.

He looked and saw a scar that was no there before.

"Cerberus, what happened?" 

"That's what I wanna ask you, what happened? Where is the woman?" Asked Cerberus.

"Woman?" Asked Alfonso.

"The hunter, that woman with the long ears, where is she?" Asked Cerberus.

"I… I don't know…" Alfonso touched his head.

He felt that he is forgetting something important, but he couldn't remember.

"Did she flee? Or something?" Asked Cerberus.

"I don't see why would she do that… I… just…. I just can't remember…"

"Do you feel something strange?" Asked Cerberus.

"I don't… however…"


"I felt like after you have a huge meal after a period of hunger… something like that" Said Alfonso.

"?" Cerberus was confused.

"Let's wake up Drakini and get the hell out of here, the hunters are on their way" Said Alfonso.

Both run towards Drakini and made their way towards the inner part of the jungle.

Drakini turned around and her gaze placed in one site, she saw something but didn't say anything.

She turned towards Alfonso and smiled.

"Yep, everything is fine!" Though Drakini.

After that, they departed from the site.

The direction of where Drakini was looking, just a few meters away from, in there… 

A corpse… a mummified corpse with long ears was lying in the ground.


"What happened inside!?"

"What the hell is going on!?"

"I didn't pay for seeing a black screen!"

The audience complained towards the butler.

Just before the woman hunter arrived at the place of Alfonso, the screens suddenly turned black and nobody could see what was going on there.

The butler also looked at the black screens and didn't know what was going on.

"Shit! Since that brat came here, nothing is going on as planned!" Though the butler.

The butler suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder.


The butler felt a shiver on his back as he didn't dare to turn around.

"My lord…" Said the butler.

"I am disappointed" 



Suddenly, the head of the butler exploded into tiny pieces.

"…" Everyone in the audience became quiet in a minute.

They all stood and kneeled in front of the man in front of them.

"Our lord" They all said.

"I heard… that you have a complaint?" Said the lord.

Of course, we have… It's what they want to say, however, they did not want to die, so they stood in silence.

Except one of them.

"My hunter was approaching the human when suddenly the screen when black, now, the device on her isn't answering, I can only assume that she died, if I don't receive a good explanation, there will be repercussions"

Amadeus turned and saw the demon who was speaking.

It was a small demon with a black suit and two black wings.

"Should I say that is an honor to meet a pet of the upper levels?" Said Amadeus.

"Mind your words, my lord, do I have to remind you that I represent the lord of the fourth circle?" Said the demon.

Both demons looked at each other without making a sound.

"The image would return soon" Said Amadeus.

Then, he left the site leaving behind a black shadow.

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