
Chapter 709 - New Name

"Father! Why didn't you tell me that you got into trouble?" Anya was shocked.

"Your condition has not been well lately. I'm afraid I'll only make you overthink further. The important thing now is that you agree to it. I will directly deal with the problem in my company," Galih laughed and said. "Those old geezers thought I had no successors. I will announce it right in the new year. Let their new year's eve be ruined!"


"From today on, you are Anya Pratama," Aiden said with a soft smile.

Anya seemed to think for a moment and got an idea, before asking Nico for help. "Nico, please help me record New Year's greetings."

Nico then immediately took out his cellphone and looked for the best angle to record Anya.

"Hello, I am Anya Pratama. On behalf of the entire Iris staff, I wish you a Happy New Year!" Anya said with a smile.

After finishing recording, Nico immediately showed his thumbs up to Anya. "Auntie, you are so cool. You don't need to announce it in a big way. This greeting alone has shown your true identity!"

The Atmajaya Group company's website rarely made any announcement about private matters. They usually just announced things related to work or company.

But today was an exception. Aiden told Harris to put up a photo of his family and send everyone a greeting.

"What does this photo mean? Isn't Aiden spending New Year's Eve with the Hermawan family?"

"Aiden is really busy. After eating together with the Hermawan family, he immediately went home and ate together with Anya."

"Impossible. The news about him with the Hermawan family is probably not true. Where's the evidence then?"

"Didn't anyone read the message? The whole Atmajaya Family wishes you a happy new year. Nico and Tara belong to the Atmajaya Family. Nadine and Harris also belong to the Atmajaya family. Anya and Aiden are husband and wife, and they are all parts of the Atmajaya Family. Diana Hutama is Anya's mother, so no wonder she was there. But why are Galih and Indah Pratama there?"

"Yeah! Are Galih and Indah Pratama also part of their family?"

"They said Keara gave birth to Aiden's child. Maybe Galih and Indah became part of the Atmajaya Family because of it."

"The comments above are ridiculous! My classmate is a nurse at the hospital where Keara gave birth. She said the child born by Keara was black. How could that child belong to Aiden?"

"Very weird. Then why did Galih and Indah Pratama appear at the Atmajaya Family's new year party?"

"For those of you who don't understand, try going to the Pratama Family's website!"

It didn't take long for the gossipers to move straight from the Atmajaya Group website to the Pratama Group.

On the website page, they saw a photo that was exactly the same as the photo on the Atmajaya Group's website. They also wrote a greeting. But there was one additional photo that showed Galih, Indah and Anya, only the three of them.

"Galih Pratama, as the CEO of Pratama Group, and the whole family would like to wish you a happy new year!"

"Isn't Anya's face similar to Galih and Indah's faces?"

"Is she their daughter?"

"No wonder her face looks so much like Keara. It turns out that they are siblings!"

"I heard that Galih had lost his second daughter. But I didn't think that she turned out to be Anya!"

"Now her name is Anya Pratama. Hurry up and head over to Iris' website and take a look. Anya also wishes you a happy new year!"

The gossipers were busy as they were getting a lot of new material. After visiting the Pratama Group website, they went straight to Iris' website.

They saw Anya looking beautiful in her white dress, wishing everyone a happy new year towards the camera. Behind her, Galih and Aiden were seen chatting and laughing.

"Geez! She introduced herself as Anya Pratama! Her life is truly extraordinary!"

"Wife of the CEO of Atmajaya Group, daughter of Pratama Group. How come she got to live such a great life?"

"Could it be that she saved the world in her previous life?"

"Her husband is tall, handsome and rich, also a CEO of a large company. They are blessed with twins. Anya also won a couple of prestigious perfume competitions and has her own perfume brand. Her life is so perfect!"

"Don't we deserve the chance to? Why is Anya's life like a fairy tale?"

"I'm so jealous! I also want a rich daddy!"

"Anya has a wonderful family! How dare Jessica disturb her marriage? She's so stupid!"

At that time, Pratama Family shareholders lost their good moods when they saw Galih put up a photo of his family.

When Keara died, they thought Galih had no successors, so they wanted to urge him to step down and hand over his shares.

But Galih had found his second daughter now.

Plus, his second daughter turned out to be Aiden Atmajaya's wife!

Aiden loved Anya so much and spoiled her, even before Anya had such a great family background. But now that everything had come to light, of course Aiden would look after and care for her even more!

Galih had found his biological daughter and found Aiden as his son-in-law. Shareholders who wanted to expel him from the company immediately panicked because of this news.

They all immediately called Galih one by one, wanting to wish him a happy new year and congratulate him for finding his biological daughter.

And all the women who tried to humiliate Anya at her sons' party immediately felt so stupid. They thought that the woman they were humiliating was the daughter of Deny Tedjasukmana and Diana Hutama.

The Tedjasukmana family had lost its worth and Diana only had a small garden, which was nothing in their eyes. People thought Anya's parents were just nobody.

They didn't know the truth.

But who would've known that Anya was the daughter of the Pratama Family! That meant, anyone who had belittled her offended Aiden and also Galih Pratama.

That night, there was a big commotion in the city!

Meanwhile, the Atmajaya Family was very peaceful. They gathered at the main house and celebrated the new year with great fanfare, regardless of what was going on outside.


The next morning was the first day of the new year. Anya was tired because last night's party ended very late. She didn't want to get up too early, but a noise from downstairs woke her up.

After stretching her body, she got out of bed, put on her slippers and walked out of the room. "Mrs. Hana, why is it so noisy downstairs?" Anya asked Hana from the second floor.

Aiden heard her voice and immediately went upstairs to meet her. Anya was still wearing her pajamas, looking really innocent and beautiful in the morning.

"Get in quickly and change your clothes. It's cold today. Don't let yourself get sick!" Aiden embraced Anya's shoulder and led her back into the room.

The man didn't allow her to come down and see what fuss was out there.

Once back in the room, Anya went straight to the window and opened the curtains of her room. She was very surprised to see what was downstairs.

"Aiden, why are there so many cars outside?" Anya asked.

"They all came to wish us a happy new year and meet you," Aiden said calmly.

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