
Chapter 152 - New Equipment

Chapter 152 - New Equipment

"Yup. The teleportation magic circle engraved on it will activate and teleport you to safety."

"…" Noelle\'s expression froze as her head slowly turned towards me, as if she was an old, rusty metallic doll. "Huh?"

"The teleportation magic circle engraved on the necklace will activate and teleport you to safety," I repeated my statement, word for word.

I had already suspected it, but it seems Noelle\'s brain is just so slow that she simply cannot comprehend a statement that has more than 7 words.


But fear not, Noelle. This is a society; even stupid people like you can survive. As long as you stay with the New Dawn Guild, Azell will protect you.


Hmm, but what if I make her a new Dragon Vampire Shadowlord Hybrid Brain?

The idea is interesting, but would be quite difficult to implement as changing the biology of her brain would also change her personality, way of thinking, her survival instincts et cetera.

Then there\'s the problem of actually transplanting that brain.

I might even have to change her entire nervous system to accommodate the new brain while simultaneously ensuring that her body does not reject the new system.

So yea, it would probably not be worth the trouble. For me, that is.

It might pose a refreshing challenge though. I could think about it in my free time.

"Am I hearing what you are hearing?" Noelle slowly turned her head to the other members of the Guild.

"I, uh, I don\'t think I am," Antonio replied. "Because to me it sounded like teleportation. I guess my ears are playing tricks on me," he nervously chuckled.

Alright, make that two brains.

This is just wow.

At this point they might as well sign a contract saying that I can modify their body however I want and surrender their bodies to me.

I seriously worry about these guys\' cognitive skills.

"Your ears are perfectly fine," Neia sighed with a dry smile. "This locket has a teleportation spell engraved in it."

"Holy shit!" Antonio exclaimed as he stood up from his chair.

"I\'m not even surprised anymore…"

I heard that mutter, Arteria.

And frankly, that\'s the behaviour I expect from everyone here. They should all copy a page from her book.

Huh, this idiom has become a bit boring.

I might have to look for a new one and personalise it by taking it apart using baseless assumptions I mean use a new idiom just like all normal people do.

"Is it that amazing?" Lecia asked suspiciously as she scowled at me.

Is she genuinely curious or is she just jealous that I have Azell\'s attention?

Well, who knows? Certainly, I don\'t. I\'m not an expert on stupid fucking children, after all.

"You don\'t know?" Antonio looked at her in surprise.

"Allow me to explain," Neia stepped in. "Until now, a way to integrate a Teleportation Magic Spell with an inanimate item has not been found. Many researchers have tried various methods but they all failed. That\'s why the only teleportation artefacts are the ones we get from dungeons."

"Ahh…" Lecia\'s eyes widened as she looked at the necklace in her hand, then turned back to me. "How did you do it?"

"I\'m an out of the box thinker."


"No, seriously."


"In case you weren\'t aware, answering a question by words that have no connection to that actual question is another way of saying, \'I\'m not going to tell you\'."

Read between the lines, Lecia.

"Why?" She frowned.

"Keeping such knowledge to myself is the only way I can keep my position as the R&D Head."


"I mean, what if you use my knowledge to create something better than me and take my position? I can\'t have that."

"T-that doesn\'t make any sense!"

"Welcome to the real world, Lecia."


"…" Neia rolled her eyes at me.

"No, but seriously, this is amazing-"

"Look," I cut Antonio off. "Anyone who spouts bullshit about how amazing this is and how it could be revolutionary will have their necklaces and rings taken from them."

"…What the hell?" Antonio muttered under his breath.

These guys sure are not the best at keeping their thoughts to themselves, are they?

"And they will also be banned from the R&D Department, meaning they won\'t get to use any of our future inventions. Is that clear?"

"…" Everyone quietly stared at me like I was the last of an exotic species.

"Is. That. Clear?"

"Y-Yes," they nodded.

"Thank you. Now, as I was saying, the necklaces are fitted with a teleportation magic spell that will bring you back to the Guildhouse. If you ever feel you are in danger, all you need to do is tap on the surface of the necklace three times. The spell will activate automatically- without needing any Mana from you, might I add- and teleport you to right here."

"How many times can we use it?" Azell asked.

Finally, a sensible question.

"The necklace also has an automatic recharging function. So, you can use it once an hour."

"Damn…" Arteria gulped.

"So, the ring and this necklace form a set. If you ever get into an unfavourable battle, or perhaps a situation from which it is difficult to get out, first activate the ring and call for help. Then, if you believe that your life is in danger and we won\'t make it in time, activate the necklace and get the heck out of there."

After I finished my words, everyone looked at the \'equipment\' they had in their hands. The next moment, they put on the rings and necklaces.

Hmm, as expected, the ruby the crimson of blood and the silver chain go very well with each other.

Though to be more precise, it wasn\'t a ruby but a mineral native to this world, and that was not Silver but Malvatron, a material which is running through my Mana Circuits and is simply the best for creating Magical Artefacts.

That\'s why the teleportation spell was engraved on the links in the chain; the crystal was just there to make it look good.

The ring was also made out of Malvatron.

Needless to say, the necklace was designed in a way that it remained inconspicuous.

Like, what\'s the point of making a life saving device if a random child on the street, let alone enemies, could see that it was a life saving device?

"Needless to say, I expect you to keep these things a secret. Do not reveal what these jewelleries can do unless absolutely necessary. I repeat; do not tell anyone what these things can do unless absolutely necessary."

"But why?" Neia asked.

Hmm, now that I think about it, she was also slightly dissatisfied when I had decided to maintain anonymity while presenting the Elixir to the world.

Seems like she\'s dead set on ruining my life.

"I\'m not yet ready to handle fame."

Now is not the time to draw attention to me; I still have to complete my Shadow Organisation.

Ideally, no one should even suspect that I\'m a part of it, and revealing myself as a genius inventor would go against that objective.

In the other words, it won\'t be the most strategic decision.


"No buts."

"…Fine," she sighed.

Hmm, why do I feel like this Dragon is up to no good? Should I make her sign a non-disclosure agreement or what? Bruh.

"Finally, everything you have has a self-destruct function which can be activated either by speaking a particular phrase, OR repeating that phrase in your mind while inserting mana in a specific magic formation."

"A self-destruct function?!" Clementine almost threw it away. "Why?!"

"For cases where it gets stolen or taken from you. We would not want them getting in the wrong hands, of course, so you have been given the option of destroying your equipment."

Would be a yikes if any of these fuckers got pickpocketed and allowed a random homeless person to steal food from our kitchen.

"Huh…" she nodded.

"For safety purposes, the magical formation is different for each set of equipment. It\'s fairly simple so it should be easy to learn it. You will also have to set the phrase by yourself. After returning to your room, tap them 7 times and speak the phrase. That would complete the setup."

"It just keeps getting more and more high-tech," Vafferan sighed.

"Don\'t be impressed yet, Ms. Vafferan."

If these toys are high-tech for her, I can only wonder how she\'ll see the things I\'ll develop in the future.

Miracles, perhaps?

"Anyway, this was all for today. I will let you know when I have something else to give you. You can go back to whatever you were doing."

Though I\'m sure they were just doing what wankers do best; wanking furiously and then crying themselves to sleep.

"Wait, what about this?" Neia asked as she pulled something out from her black box.

"Ah, right, I forgot about that," I lied. "Those are guns; that\'s what the Earthlings call it, anyway."


"Wait, guns?" Noelle leaned forward.

"Oh?" Azell smiled.

"They can shoot custom made armour piercing 20mm rounds at a rate of 300 rounds per minute and at a speed seven times of that of sound which allows them to obliterate literally anything in their path. The guns weigh only a measly 6 kilograms and have more firepower than what a human could possibly handle."

"Woah…" Neia exhaled in administration.

"In fact, these bad boys have enough firepower to bring down a Dragon."

"A D-Dragon?!" Everyone practically jumped up from their seats.

"Yes, a Dragon."

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