
Chapter 105 - 29 - Confrontation (part 1)

Zoemi stood up straight and explained exactly what happened and why this is a misunderstanding.

"...That is why I wanted to apologize but somewhat it became this misunderstanding."

Zoemi wrapped up his explanation under the watchful eye of the blue-haired woman.

"That\'s all lies, teacher! This darkness magician is lying! I saw everything! He pushed poor Sifra down and violated her!"

But the red-haired girl who was biting her lips all the time while the black-haired boy was explaining his side of things, instantly stepped forward and started talking in a tearful voice of a shaken, brokenhearted maiden.

"...is that so...?"

Teacher Perserios raised her brow and looked between Zoemi and the red-haired girl, then she turned to Sifra who was hiding her face in her hands.

"N-no! No, no, no! I-I mean, yes – but no...!"


The ghastly pale Sifra began shaking her head and cried out in panic, causing even Zoemi to furrow his brows and look at her in confusion.

"So, your friend is saying that you were violated yesterday but that\'s all you have to say, Sifra? No, no, no, I mean yeas but no...? What is that supposed to mean?"

Teacher Perserios squinted her eyes, glaring down at the blue-haired girl.

"That is such a big deal though, and your comment on that is - No, no, no, I mean yeas but no? Don\'t you know? Hasn\'t your father worked oh so very hard to push for your engagement to my little brother? If I remember correctly, sir Ralia swore on his honor that you would be an untouched virgin until the marriage."

|Huh...? Why does it sound like teacher Perserios doesn\'t actually believe in the accusation at all?|

Zoemi\'s eyes became round from watching their interaction.

From the tone of Perserios\'s voice, one could feel hostility towards the blue-haired girl.

"N-no, I...!"

Sifra started trembling.

"I was scared and h-he was too s-strong and...!"

She cried in a terrified voice.

"...so you picked your choice... I hope you are ready for the consequences..."


The blue-haired teacher\'s eyes became ice-cold and she muttered under her breath quietly enough for only the black-haired attendant to hear her.

"Student Auequas, come here."

Perserios beckoned at him to come even closer.


Zoemi obediently took a step forward.


Teacher Rokiana pointed at the spot right in front of her.


Zoemi didn\'t dare to disobey and moved.

He was closer to her than it was deemed appropriate and he felt a bit uncomfortable.

"Grab me and don\'t let go. Use magic and everything you can think of – you can threaten me with your darkness blade too – I won\'t hold it against you later."

She assured him and made him grab her shoulder.

"B-but teacher...!?"

Zoemi called out in confusion – he had no idea whether the blue-haired woman wanted to help him out or not, so he wasn\'t too keen on cooperating...

"I advise you to comply with this request or your expulsion will become certain."

His objection was instantly shot down before even properly voiced it.

Rokiana knew his capabilities from the magical examination so she knew what she could expect so the black-haired boy had no way of half-assing it just in case.

But she also didn\'t know about Zoemi\'s newfound ability to use the shadows of the spells...


Zoemi closed his eyes and reached deep inside of himself where the shadow danced.

Something good for the attack but defense too...

What could he use?

Teo\'s earth enchantment?

That actually might have been his best shot...

The boy focused and the right shadow emerged from the ocean of hundreds of others...


Until another one passed by as if trying to get his attention.

This one suited the situation even more – but could he actually accomplish using it...?

Even in the grave situation that he has found himself – or maybe because of that situation – the black-haired boy couldn\'t help himself and picked the more uncertain option.

"...shadow theater... armor..."

Zoemi already had one hand on Rokiana\'s shoulder, and now he also grabbed her wrist with his other hand as he activated the brand new spell.

The shadow copy of duke Espine\'s flame armor.

Zoemi\'s shadow grew darker and started to climb his body, soon he looked like some sort of shadow monster – as his copy took the shape of flames but remained murky black giving it a demonic aura.

And there was... a super-close-range physical defense equivalent of water magicians\' bubble.

"...what in the...?!"

Grazio and three girls flinched in shock when they saw that.

"Hmph, not bad – still..."

But the blue-haired only smiled, her arms shone with blue light and kneed Zoemi in the side, forcing him to stumble back freeing her hand, and then she proceed with taking a step forward and punching at the boy\'s stomach.


Rokiana\'s fist lost a bit of momentum once it met with the shadow armor, but in the next second Zoemi\'s mana got completely depleted, the shadow armor dispersed and he was flung across the hallway.

A spell based on the water magician\'s bubble spell had the bubble spell\'s weakness – it fully depended on the user\'s mana to stop the damage – and the size of the mana reservoir in Zoemi\'s case wasn\'t his strong point - resulting in such outcome.


The effects of mana depletion appeared instantly so the black-haired boy couldn\'t even properly land and he ended up hitting the hard floor with his back and all air left his lungs in one go.


He cried in a miserable voice.

"You\'re so mean! First, those bullies come at me with a horrible accusation - and now even you are beating me up! That\'s not fair!"

When the black-haired boy managed to stand up, he could barely keep himself straight, and even though he sounded completely drunk he ended up properly voicing his complaints...

...although he did sound close to bursting into tears...

"*Sniffle* Why do all of you have to be like this...!? I just want to protect my master - I don\'t care about any of you...! Just leave me alone!"

And, as it turns out, Zoemi was the kind of person that would become very emotional when drunk...





The three girls and the red-haired boy stared at the black-haired attendant lost for words.

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