
Chapter 163

“I’ll go find one,” Tisiah said before he took off running towards a car parked nearby while Malachi took a quick look at the situation around us. “There’s a Honda Civic that’s right there,” I suggested, as all their heads turned to that, and then Nikki nodded her head quickly. “That’s it,” she said with a nod. “Hurry!”

Quickly, we spent towards the vehicle as I took the backseat as Tisiah and Nikki joined me. September took the driver seat, and Malachi only could settle with the passenger seat.

“Come on, come on,” September mumbled as she turned on the car, and immediately she drifted, leaving a pack of smoke behind her before she zoomed through the street. “Alright, we need to catch up to them,” I said, feeling my heart wiggle from the speed. “Can you tell where they went?”

“Yeah, but it’s not easy,” September grumbled as she took a turn that led us into an alleyway that was filled with many different kinds of motorcycles, cars, and even busses.

“Okay, okay,” I said before she turned a corner. Then she drove, making her way out of the alleyway, approaching the van. Quickly she drifted to the left, chasing the van towards an intersection, but when she got there, she turned right towards another street, only this time it was full of cars. “Whoa!” she shouted, while the van we were chasing was still in front of us.

“Okay, try not to kill us alright,” Malachi said, but September shot a mean look at him.

“Hold on!” she shouted as she veered hard to the right before she pulled the car back onto her path. The van was moving like a snake, in a rhythm of left and right as if they were drunk, only it wasn’t moving slow at all. It was moving at a high speed while the traffic seemed to be getting slower by the minute, while all cars on this street were still moving like normal.

But all of a sudden, my heart dropped.


The back doors opened.

There were about ten men inside the back.

And they had guns.

“Duck!” September shouted, as their bullets began to spray. Glass shattered, bullets flew, and the windshield cracked all over as the bullets flew inside of us. September steered left and right, as the driver of the van followed her exact movements. “Oh shoot!” Malachi shouted in shock, covering his head, while Nikki closed her eyes tightly as well. “I can’t keep up!” September shouted in shock, as she pushed down the gas pedal in an attempt to go faster.

September continued to swerve through the streets, trying to dodge the speeding bullets. “This is bad,” September said with a rough sigh, looking around, while she took a sharp turn to the right and then another sharp turn to the left before she took another sharp turn to the right again. “I can’t keep up with them!” she shouted in frustration.

“Just keep at em!” I shouted, feeling my legs wobble from the speed, but then suddenly we came across an open space and we could see ahead of us that we were approaching another intersection where the van would either have to turn right or left. “Go left!” I shouted with all my might.

She quickly swerved the car to the left, as the van quickly drifted to that same direction, before it turned left and continued down the road with us following closely behind them.

“That was close!” September shouted as she took another sharp turn to the left and then another sharp turn to the right before she turned to face them once again. “One question, where is Marcello in all of this?” Malachi asked, making the thought make itself known my head, but then I shook my head and shrugged my shoulders at him.

“No clue,” I said, as I gripped the handle of the door tight as we were racing at such high speeds down the street.

“He has to be in that van,” Nikki said, scratching her head, as if she had a brain full of ideas that she could use to figure this out.

“Yeah,” I replied, staring ahead at them in order to aim my gun at them while I thought of a plan of what I would do next. “Get to the side of them,” I said. “He’s possibly the driver.”

September nodded as she began to push the gas pedal with a bit more force, while I tried to get a better look at who was driving it.

“Shoot!” I heard Malachi shout as he ducked down and covered his head from the flying bullets that were now hitting the car with a lot more intensity than before, causing our car to shake violently from every shot that fired at us. It was very hard to dodge bullets while try to gain up on them, as they were shooting from all directions, making it extremely difficult for us to dodge them all.

I could see that we were getting closer to them, but so was the van which was driving at a high speed through the city streets with us trailing after it.

“Come on, we’re making it!” I shouted, feeling the fear and suspense pump inside of me, as if I wanted to let out everything in my body that was holding back this overwhelming feeling of fear that was building up inside my heart.

“Yes!” Nikki shouted, as she kept her gun out as well, while she pointed it towards the van in order to shoot at it.

She shot back, but it only reflected off of the van, as if it was a mirror.

“Shoot!” I shouted angrily at her, while she looked at me in confusion. “Shoot it!” I shouted again with more force.

She nodded her head in understanding and shot once again.

This time the bullet hit someone’s head as he ducked down and covered his head with his hands, and suddenly he fell off his seat onto his feet as he slid off into the backseat, causing him to fall onto the floor with a loud thud.

“Got em!” Nikki shouted with excitement as we were now gaining more ground on them as we raced down the street in pursuit.

“Come on!” I shouted, feeling the fear pump even more inside of me, as I looked ahead of us to see that we were going to be at the intersection soon, and that we had to decide if we should turn left or right. “Okay, right here we can pit em,” Malachi said, leaning over to September, who was driving, and then he whispered something into her ear.

Then suddenly they made a quick turn right and disappeared from our sight, only to reappear just a few seconds later on another street where they kept driving fast with us following closely behind them.

Soon enough we started to show up at their sides, almost at a good area to pit them. But not enough.

But they seemed to know that we were close behind them, and they took another turn right before we were able to follow them down the street.

“Turn left,” I heard Malachi whispering into September’s ears again, but this time they didn’t listen to him as they kept driving down the street at full speed, their engines roaring loudly in front of us.

I grabbed my gun and held it tightly in my hand, while I looked forward and focused on where they were going to be at any given time. “Okay,” I said to myself. “Okay...”

We were now starting to catch up, and my chance was coming soon, as we could see them taking another turn right before we could follow them on another street where there was nothing around us.

“Now!” I shouted as I pointed my gun towards them, but they didn’t seem to notice me as they kept driving fast down the street with no one around them. September quickly zoomed in, ramming into the tail of their van. I shot the tires at once, but then suddenly there was another van that appeared from nowhere and blocked my shot.

The two vans collided with each other and exploded into a huge fireball of smoke as everyone inside of them flew out of the vehicles and onto the road.

Shock was blasted onto my face, seeing the van burn. The men inside were still alive, but no sign of Marcello. “Stop the car!” Tisiah said, as the car stopped quickly, causing us to jump out and run towards the smoke. I felt the smoke blast into my face, and the crunch of the pieces under my feet were loud as I stepped forward slowly towards the smoke that was coming out of the burning van.

I took a deep breath as I felt the heat coming from the flames that were burning on my face. But then I heard faint coughing that came from behind as I stopped cold.

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