
Chapter 66

“What never seen a person eat 20 plates,” Nekro said with a smug face.

“I have seen a person eat more than a 100, but I mean, you’re so small how. Wait, is this how mother thought about me 3 years ago.” I said, confused.

“Probably I mean, you were the same size as Stacy then, right,” Kayda said, chuckling.

“Huh, I guess you’re right. Never mind then, are you sure you are full. Money isn’t a problem.” I said, smiling at Nekro.

“Yeah, I am sure, but first. How do you know my name, and can you please introduce yourself as well?” Nekro said, a bit guarded.

“Nekro, isn’t it a bit late to be guarded. Whatever, I used my skill Analysis on you, so I also know what’s your bloodline,” I said, making her pale.

“Kitsuna, I thought you want to keep her. why are you scaring her like that?”


“I didn’t mean to. My name is Kitsuna Draig. I am the adopted daughter of the Draig family, and this is Kayda.” I said briefly, not know what to say about Kayda.

“You are not going to experiment on me, are you,” Nekro said, readying herself to run.

“Hmm, I don’t know. A devil bloodline is quite rare,” I said, grinning.

“Come forth.” Nekro suddenly chants. Right after her chant, the floorboards of the restaurant started to crack and break. Making way for skeletons coming out of the floor, most of the restaurant people started screaming. Kayda and I just looked at her, shocked.

“It seems I didn’t tickle your funny bone,” I said, smirking, not moving from my spot. Hearing what I said, Kayda and Nekro looked at me with deadpan excretion. “What they are skeletons I just had to.”

“Just freeze them already. We are making everyone scared.” Kayda said with a sigh.

“Fine,” I said, freezing every skeleton and dispelling the ice, making them disappear in an instant. “Well, Nekro, I thought you said I should train you, and you will do anything for that?”

“How did you do that so fast,” Nekro asks, shocked.

“They are only bones. They are nothing special.”

“Actually, necromancy is very special, Kitsuna,” Kayda said.

“It is?”

“Yeah, they are as rare as a god eye,” Kayda said, making me choke on air.

“Well shit. I am sorry for scaring you, Nekro, but I didn’t think you will do something like that.” I said apologetically, looking at Nekro.

“I am not going to lie, but what that fuck is actually going on. Do you want to experiment on me or not!?” Nekro shouted, looking at me puzzled.

“No, that was just a joke,” I said, waving her off.

“Kayda is she always like...”

“Excuse me but did you guys do this.” A man suddenly said from the side.

Looking at the man, I realized a group of knights was busy surrounding us.

“Why are you guys surrounding us?” I ask, confused, standing up.

“We hear someone has reason the dead. As the law states, any person with the skill Necromancy must be taken to the king.” The knight captain said.

“What law says that. I have never heard of that.” Kayda said with an angry tone.

“Dragonoid or not, you have no right to defy the king’s order.”

“You are Duke Boeis’ soldier. You have not right to use the kings’ name like this in the first place,” Kayda said.

While Kayda and the head knight were arguing, I was moving closer and closer to Nekro. Moving next to Nekro, I put my hand on her shoulder while thinking. ‘They moved quite fast for this. What a surprise. So, this is how things go for rare skills, huh. Too bad for them.’

“Nekro, listen, they aren’t going to let us go easily. Don’t worry. I won’t leave you behind. Now the plan is to get on my back and get ready to hold on for dear life okay.” I said, whispering next to Nekro.

“Okay,” Nekro said, jumping onto my back.

“Hey, don’t move.” A knight yelled, seeing Nekro jump on my back.

“Calm your tits, man. She is only getting on my back,” I said with a deadpan look.

“Is she the necromancer?” The head knight asks.

“Yeah, that’s right. But you don’t need to worry. She is already under The Black Ops.”

“I am sorry, but I never heard about Marquis Draig having a necromancer in his ranks.” A sudden deep voice said. Looking at the man, I felt that multiple tics marks appeared on my face.

“Duke Boei, how nice to finally meet you,” I said, annoyed looking at Hugo’s’ father.

“Like my soldier said. All necromancer skilled induvial must be taken in by them,” He said, not skipping a beat.

“Dude, I like I told you. She is already in the black ops. There is nothing for you to retrieve here.” I said, lying through my teeth.

“That child on your back is too young to join the black ops, and you, as an adopted daughter, have no right to add a person into the black ops.” The Duke said, annoying me even more.

“Oh, you know of me how touching,” I said sarcastically.

“Hand over the child.” The Duke said, reaching out one hand, ignoring me.

“You sound like a kidnapper. Hand over the child or else.” I said, mimicking the Duke.

“You damn fox. Show respect for the Duke.” The head knight yelled.

“Oi, you can’t say ‘damn fox’ that’s Kayda saying,” I said, looking at the knight.

‘From when is that mine!?’ Kayda thought from the side.

“Kitsuna Draig, hand over that child on your back to me, and we can go our separate ways.” The Duke said, getting annoyed.

“Man, I hate Dukes. You all are so stuck up and power-hungry,” I mumbled, receiving a choking noise from Nekro on my back. sighing, I tilted my head at the duke and spoke. “I have a personal squad, and I have added her into that. I have 100% rights to do that, don’t I.”

“It doesn’t matter you will hand over that girl to me or else.”

“Or else what Furry. You are going to attack a Marquis’s daughter. I am sure Stacy will love to hear that you want to attack her daughter.” I said, getting more annoyed.

“You only know how to hide behind people, don’t you.” the duke said, smirking.

“Fuck, furry. I am only 13 years old. I have no powers of my own, so yes, I am hiding behind someone else’s,” I said, looking at him like he was dumb.

“Even if you are hiding behind her status and power. She won’t arrive in time to save you.”

“Fuck, no wonder your son is so dumb. He gets it from you,” I said, laughing pointing at him. Even though his fur hides his skin, I could swear he was getting redder and redder the more I talk. It looked like even his fur started to redden.

“I mean, first, you need to kill me that I assure you it is not going to be easy, and if you do that, what will happen when Stacy finds out about that,” I said with another round of laughter.

“Fine if you want to be like that. Men Att...”

“Duke Boei, I am warning you right now. Do something to Kitsuna Draig, and your mansion won’t be standing at the end of the day.” Kayda said, finally having enough of the Duke.

The Duke, who hadn’t even realized Kayda was standing on the other side of the table, paled seeing her.

“See what I mean, you are so dumb, not even realizing who is around you, Ha-ha,” I said, laughing, walking back next to Kayda.

“Kitsuna, shut up. We are leaving.” Kayda said, walking to the door. Seeing no one move for her, she made 5 scorch balls in the air. Seeing this, the knights moved their ass out of the way faster than they arrived at the restaurant.

“I will have a word with the King about what happened today.” The Duke said in an aggressive voice.

“Oh, Furry, if you do. Remember to add my name. I would like the king to hear my name for a change as well.” I said, chuckling.

“Kitsuna, did I not say to shut up,” Kayda said in a low deep voice.

“Yes, ma’am,” I said but still flipped the Duke off, walking out of the door.


“OW!?” I shouted, holding my head.

“Do you think you’re invincible!? What were you thinking talking back to the Duke like that?” Kayda shouted at me with the angriest voice I have ever heard from her.

Looking at Kayda, ready to talk back, I saw her glaring at me with most eyes. Seeing this, I sigh.

“Sorry, I just hate Dukes, and Hugo isn’t my most liked person at the moment as well.”

“Why do you hate Dukes so much,” Nekro asked from my back.


“Kitsuna, what would you have done if I weren’t there.”

“Runaway with Nekro the second the soldier arrived,” I said seriously.

“Okay, what are you going to do in the future when you are alone and see the Duke coming for you?” Kayda said, still angry.

“That wouldn’t be in some time. I mean, I won’t be leaving the mansion until the banquet at the end of the month, and then the duke house will be under our thumb.” I said dead serious.”

“For fuck sakes, Kitsuna, can’t you just accept you did something unnecessary.”

“But I didn’t. Having him hate me as well will make the banquet even more enjoyable,” I said, receiving multiple sighs from Kayda.


“I am done. It’s useless,” Kayda said, throwing her hands in the air walking away.

“You can ask Mom about it if you want. Oh, I need to tell her I pissed off the church, most probably today as well. Ha-ha, so many goals in one day. I am a genius.” I said, following Kayda.

‘I am still confused about what is going on?’ Nekro thought, still hanging of Kitsuna back.

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