
Chapter 154

“Ugh, pain, pain. Why do I always wake up to pain.” I sang, slowly getting out of a very inviting bed.

“good morning.” I heard kayda say to the side.

“good morning. Good to see you are okay. Where are we, by the way.” I said, looking at her sitting on the window sill.

“Your home, of course. Can’t you see by your room?” Kayda said, looking around the room.

“This isn’t my room, though,” I said, looking around and seeing the lack of everything in the giant room. There was only a bed, desk and 2 couches. That was all there was in the room.

“I do agree there really isn’t anything nice in this room, but when I thought about it, it makes sense if it was your room,” Kayda said, grinning like an idiot.

“Are you saying I am boring?” I said, narrowing my eyes at her.


“oh no, no, you as a person are very entertaining, but when it comes to fashion and decorations. Yes, you are as boring as can come.” Kayda said, walking closer to me.

“ugh, I have enough pain. I don’t need emotional pain as well, please,” I said, holding my heart in pain.

“glad you are okay,” Kayda said, giving me a hug.

“Of course, I am alright. So how long have I been out?” I said, struggling like there wasn’t pain all over my body.

“Only a week,” Kayda said, monotoned.

“That little? Thought I will be out for at least a month.” I said, quite surprised.

“Nah, you were only in that state for a few minutes,” Kayda said, waving her hand dismissively.

“Yeah, but a few minutes are quite long enough for a month,” I mumbled thoughtfully.

“True, but you know. It’s you we are talking about here.” Kayda said, looking at me and smirking.

“I am not that special, kayda, but whatever,” I said, shaking my head.

“yeah, says the one that held someone 20 times their level off them for more than 10 min,” Kayda said, grabbing my hand and leading me to the couch in the room.

“It was 7 minutes, and he wasn’t even strong. He was level boosted, no skill at all.” I said, rolling my eyes, following her.

“not a big difference,” Kayda said, sitting down on the couch and pulling me with her.

“It is though it’s like 3 minutes,” I said, raising her to pull a bit.

“3 minutes isn’t that much, though,” Kayda said, staring at me.

“Whatever, so what happened after I succumbed to the skill,” I said, sighing and sitting next to her before she pushed me onto her lap.

“you killed all the duplicates and were keeping the original of you until we came,” Kayda said, sounding proud and worried simultaneously.

“That’s good, so where is that thing?” I asked, referring to the monstrous being.

“It’s dead. What else?” Kayda said with a raised eyebrow.

“So it was possible to kill it,” I mumbled thoughtfully.

“Ah yeah, sorry, we didn’t tell you anything about them. The only way to kill the original is to disintegrate the body.” Kayda said, smiling sleeplessly.

“... you got to be fucking me!” I said, annoyed, glaring at her.

“no, sadly, we aren’t at that stage yet in our relationship,” Kayda said teasingly, trying to distract me.


“Sorry, I just had to,” Kayda said, looking away from my murderous glare.

“tsk, so what are you telling me? I could have easily killed it. Ugh, for god sake, I should learn more about Devil beings. Because my family is useless.” I said venomously, looking away from her but not getting off her lap.

“well, probably not sure, really,” Kayda said thoughtfully, ignoring my rant.

“For fuck sake. I am in pain for no fucking reason!” I said, annoyed, glaring up at kayda.

“Sorry, but why didn’t you try to incinerate him?”

“because I was afraid I would create a thousand little fuckers that run me over or something,” I said, looking away again.

“ah fare point, but I am sure you could have thought about a better plan,” Kayda said, continuing the argument.

“not really. That things master was also there. At the end of the day, I needed the stat boosted to kill that guy while holding the monstrous thing off me.” I explained, shrugging.

“wait, what? You killed that thing, master?” Kayda said, surprised.

“yeah, blown him up with a few bombs.”

“Haha, wow, haha, thanks for the I for that. Haha, you just made Stacy’s job easier,” Kayda said, laughing.

“... we aren’t going to tell her for a few weeks, okay.”

“what, why?”

“because she was the first one to tell me about them and didn’t explain how to kill the original. So in simple terms, she is the reason why I am in so much pain.” I said, getting annoyed again.

“ah, okay, but you will tell her.”

“of course, I want to see her face when I tell her that I already killed someone she has been looking for weeks,” I explained, grinning.

“Haha, that is going to be funny,” Kayda said, laughing evilly.

“Definitely,” I said, nodding in agreement.

“Oh right, a devil child. Does all of them have masters?”

“mostly yes. It’s the best way to control them.”

“uh, make sense.”

“... so what is the plan?”

“Don’t know if we can go to steve today or tomorrow. What the time right now?” I said, glancing at the window again, seeing there was still a lot of sun.

“it’s only 10 in the morning.”

“ah, then we go today,” I said, smiling in excitement.

“Are you sure you will be fine?”

“yeah, your lap is doing miracles right now,” I said while rubbing my head deeper into her lap.

“you damn fox,” Kayda mumbled, looking away from me, pouting.

“hehe, hey, cutie, don’t be shy now,” I said teasingly.

“yeah? How about this.” Kayda said, taking my hand before squeezing it.

“Ah ow ow ow stop that hurts, kayda. Oh, I am sorry I won’t tease you anymore. Please stop!” I whined, worming around on her lap, trying my best to get my hand free from her.

“ah, run.” Getting out under her, I ran to the door out of my room.

“Hey, come back here!” I heard kayda yell walking calmly after me.

“fuck!! I am so slow!” I yelled, realising her fast walking was the same speed as I was running full speed right now.

“Stop running, kitsu~,” Kayda said, smiling at me.

“ah, the young miss is awake.” One of the maids said, seeing me run past her.

“Can you guys let Stacy know her daughter is awake and get food ready for the two of us?” Kayda said, walking past them.

“Yes, Milady will do that right away.” The maid said, bowing before leaving.

“Keep calling me Kayda, for fuck sake,” Kayda said, looking at the maid.

“But Milady is the young misses wife?” The maid said, turning around for a moment before continuing on.

“Tsk, these servant rulers are annoying to deal with. we aren’t even married yet,” Kayda said with a slight blush.

“I know right,” I said, looking from afar.

“hey, you stop right there,” Kayda yelled, continuing to chase me.

“Well, got to go,” I muttered, running away again.

“Got you,” Kayda said, wrapping her arm around my waist.

“that’s unfair, kayda I can’t move properly,” I said, pouting again.

“Haha, don’t be like that. I will carry you to the dining hall, okay?” KAyda said, starting to pick me up, princess, carry.

“Oh, hell no.” I yelped trying my hardest to get out of her arms.


“Just give up, kitsu.”

“no,” I said, giving her a deep kiss stunning her.


‘even though we do it a lot these days, she is still weak to it, haha. Now to sneak away.’ I thought, unwrapping Kaydas’ arms and walking a wat slowly.

“ah, Kitsuna and Kayda, you guys are here.” hearing a voice I hadn’t heard in a long time, I looked behind me with a small smile.

“Rebecca, shhh!” I said, trying to quiet her down.

“what’s wrong with kayda,” Rebecca said, seeing kayda not reacting at all. Grabbing kayda arms, I turned around and teleported away.

“ah, she ran away.”

“uh, Rebecca? Were is kitsu.”

“Oh kitsu~ how cute,” Rebecca said teasingly.

“Ugh, where is she, Rebecca?” Kayda asked again.

“Don’t know she just disappeared,” Rebeccas said, shrugging.

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