国自产拍 高清精品

Chapter 137

It was a thirty minute or so drive when they arrived at the hotel restaurant. Thanks to their VIP reservation, they had their own exclusive entrance to the hotel and when he stepped out, Marcel could already see a few of his relatives had arrived with their cars lined up.

As expected, men and women in tailored suits dressed impeccably like they were about to attend an international conference meeting instead of a family meeting. Marcel wondered what was with Mafia families and their love for suits?

If one stared at this scene, they would think it was an important gathering of big-shot businessmen and women with their entourage. If only they knew it was a conglomerate of criminals. A crime family dressed in the finest designer Suits, about to maim him to the cross.

The only thing differentiating them from the security doing their duty was the wire-rimmed devices behind their ear used as a form of communication through which they spoke orders to other members and their cautious demeanor.

Security was very tight today, after all, the biggest players in the Luciano family were in attendance today. As confident as Elijah was at infiltrating a location, he would die before he thought of sneaking in here, not even a mosquito could get into this restaurant.

“Shit, the whole of them is here!” Victor exclaimed when he saw his relatives who arrived before them, “I never even knew I had an extended family until now,” He hinted at the fact he didn’t get along with his relatives that much.

“A dead meat dropped, why won’t the vultures circle around?” Marcel said, observing his relatives indifferently, not even bothered by their presence as if they were nothing less than flies in his eyes.

None of them noticed his presence as well since they were heading inside the hotel with their fellows while conversing heartily and he was grateful for that because he didn’t need those foxes flattering him with their sugary yet venomous tongue. All of them were a bunch of good pretenders.


But one person did notice him. Or rather his consigliere.

“Victor,” Marcel finally heard a voice that brought a smile to his face. Finally, here she was.

And while Marcel was relieved by that voice, Victor on the other hand felt a different sense of dread. It couldn’t be what he was thinking, right? He had investigated her coming and his sources claimed she wouldn’t be able to make it....unless she had a last-minute change of mind.

Victor gulped, turning slowly and as he feared, it was his mother. He smiled nervously, “Mama?”

It seems men here tend to take after their mothers in terms of look – at least from their side of their family – because Victor was a replica of his mother with the brown hair and gray eyes, the other little attributes like the shape of his nose and lips were obviously from his father.

And while Victor might be the only son, he had two other sisters who wanted nothing to do with the family’s dirty business hence their presence was hardly seen or even noticed. And just like today, they weren’t in attendance just like his mother would have been until she changed her mind at the last minute.

Although she held a big position in the organization, unlike in the past, Carmine wasn’t as active anymore and it all began after her brother, Albine died. Let’s just say after that time, she and her brother Daniel don’t get along over the years. Carmine chose to remain silent, only coming out in important events just like today.

“You bastard!” His aunt was already on Victor before Marcel could even blink, “This is why they say you should never give birth to a male child because they never belong to you,” She said while pulling his ears.

“Ahh-that hurts mother!” Victor cried out in pain, that woman was about to pull his ear off.

“It hurts, right?”The woman sneered,

“Why do you think I’m pulling it in the first place if not to cause you pain?!” She added more pressure to his ear.

“Victor’s mother,” Victor called his own mother calmly, scared to agitate her else she pulls his ear further, “Let’s calm down and solve this the right way, violence isn’t the answer,”

“Oh really? I guess you should have remembered that when you decided to leave your family in the dark about your return!” She scolded him.

As the only son in the family who was in constant danger because of the nature of the job, they couldn’t help but worry for him. Unlike his siblings, Victor was the only one who decided to be part of the Mafia against his mother’s wishes. Well, it wasn’t that surprising since he always followed Marcel around a lot as a kid, hence no matter what his mother did to stop his growing interest, he was always back in the base to be with his cousin.

Their affection for each other was unrivaled from young and Carmine gave up on trying to change his mind. Perhaps he took after her thoroughly because just like him, she had been fascinated with the Mafia as well, until it took someone it wasn’t supposed to.

So she stopped, taking a backseat from all of their activities. Carmine would have given up entirely if not for her son. Since Victor wanted that lifestyle, she had to be there to protect him in case things didn’t go well. What kind of mother would she be if she can’t protect her son? She lost Albine, she wouldn’t lose her son Victor too.

Victor was still crying in pain when an idea formed in his head and he turned, shouting, “Dad?!”

His mother turned in the direction as well, wondering why her husband would be here – he was totally non-mafia – but it was that moment of distraction that Victor needed to make his escape.

“You unfilial son!” Carmine shouted after she discovered she had been tricked and went after Victor who ran into the lobby as if the devil was on his heels.

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