
Chapter 34: BitDar

Chapter 34: BitDar

‘So…the cat had abandoned me and I am left to deal with a raven and a hybrid of an Orc. I am unsure how I am supposed to react to all this but, I supposed this is the first step to have my name spread out…little steps, Colt, little steps.’

“Ha! You have been abandoned by the cat! Without a Soul Partner, this is two against one! Do you really think you can win against me!? HA! Now I’ll be able to show how inferior you are and expose the deceit you have used against the Goddess Mina!”

While thinking in such a manner, Colt looked at Orc-face celebrating and then took the sheathed sword hanging by his waist.

“Is that so, then, in order to face you properly, I must do something that is of importance.”

Taking out a handkerchief he had brought with him and began trying the scabbard to the sword guard as to not have any unwanted accident.

And as he did so, Colt began to speak without as much as lifting his head.

“So, you are acting like an uneducated person because Mina had chosen me over you? I do not know what logic it is that you use in order to decide whether it is worth the trouble of fighting me and troubling your family, but I must say, you’re brilliant at doing something stupid.”

Colt finished tying the scabbard to the guard of his sword so he will not be able to unsheathe his sword by accident. He swung it a couple of times and confirmed that it was firmly going to stay in place, he looked at Orc-face with an expression he had not shown in this world before – seriousness.

He had been irritated before but not in a situation where he is combat-ready, but right now when in actual combat, Colt’s heart was in trepidation as his heart began to beat wildly.

“I am now prepared, do your worst, Orc-face…” as Colt looked at Orc-face with seriousness, he realized what he said and then clicked his tongue.

‘Shit, I let it slip.’ He cursed in his brain.

The sudden throwing of insult made Orc-face angered and irritated.

“Thost! Attack him!”


The Raven soared and dove towards Colt with its sharp claws.

The Raven had pitch-black feathers and had claws and beaks that were purple in color. Its eyes were red and it had a white line under its eyes.

The movement of the Raven was fast, in a manner of seconds, it found its way a couple of inches away from Colt.

A Soul Partner is a Magical Beast, only that it has formed a connection to a Warrior and had been tamed. Its physical ability is strong enough to crush a boulder.

In a way, this Raven before him is much more dangerous than a bullet. But looking at the Raven, Colt could not help but shake his head.

“Hmm, Thost…that’s a rather inappropriate name for a  pet.”

Colt commented as he pivoted his left foot too and turned his body to the side to dodge the oncoming trouble.



The Raven crashed on the ground with its claws clawing up nothing but dirt.

“Make him suffer, Thost!”

But dodging it once was not enough. The Raven flapped its wings once more as to get away from Colt and gain enough distance for it to attempt another dive at Colt.

It moved around, cutting through the wind as it attempted to puncture a hole through Colt’s body.

But its attempts to do so have the same level of value on how much Colt cared about this duel – nothing. However, Orc-face didn’t seem to see it that way!

“You coward! Is dodging the only thing you can do!?”

Orc-face tried aggravating Colt, only to turn up nothing to show in return. Colt merely gazed at him without saying anything and just focused on the Raven.

To him, this is a learning process, he is facing a beast whose speed clearly outmatched his, but his eyes could clearly see through its movements.

‘This is not good enough; this chicken is not going to help me train for actual combat. Neun is faster than this thing even if he severely lowers his speed.’

Colt had enough, and his eyes finally hinted that it was time to finish this.

With a flap of its wings, the Raven darted forward and tried once more, but the oversized black garbage chicken had a sudden realization that it was not the one in control of the situation


Colt abruptly raised his sword and hit the Raven squarely in the body sending it upwards!


It was a magnificent display from Colt, his movement was fluid without any stop on his right arm.

‘Tsk! I missed its jaw…!’

But Colt clicked his tongue as he finds what he had just executed is nothing but an unpolished movement every man can execute! It was a disgrace to what he had learned.


But for the Raven, it was a massive and painful hit. It tried flying once more, however, its wings were grabbed and its ability to fly was stripped away from the poor trash chicken.

CaW! CaW! The Raven tried to get away from his grasps, but as it turned its head to Colt who had raised his sword, its face turned violet from fear!



Colt swung his sheathed sword and bumped the annoying black bird’s head knocking it unconscious.


Orc-face Formillo asked himself what he had just saw and as his mouth remained open, Colt’s attention was turned to him.


His confusion peaked as he wondered what was about to happen, and as Colt took a step forward his figure disappeared and then came face to face with Orc-face.

“I’ll make this as painful as possible, don’t worry.”

“Eeek! I~” Orc-face tried to get away, but Colt had already tightly clenched his fist and sent a direct blow onto Orc-face’s liver.

The air on Orc-face’s lungs was flushed out! He fell to his knees one of his hands touched the ground while the other holding his sides. He was in immense pain, but he has yet to be defeated for he was not in all fours.

Colt wishes to trample his face down, but he can’t do that as it will only gain him infamy. So with his left foot, he delivered a quick kick to the jaw knocking the bastard unconscious.

Looking down on Orc-face, Colt shrugged his shoulders.

“Seems like I didn’t need to tie my sword anyway, it was a useless act…” Colt turned to his teacher, Gilbert whose smile could almost reach his ears and asked, “Is this enough, can teacher please announce my win? I think he needs someone to take him to an infirmary or something?”

Gilbert smiled at Colt’s attitude of being nonchalant about his victory.

Raising his hand, Gilbert announced the victor of the duel, “Colt had won!”

And that match should have set Colt’s standing in the academy for the whole day, telling others that he was someone whose strength is worthy of respect and not someone that everyone could walk over on.

But the day is not over, and there are still some surprises that could cause a disturbance in the original plan.

The first half of the day ended and now, it was time for lunch.

Other than the duel with Orc-face, the entire morning classes were nothing but an orientation and some corny jokes of old professors. Other than Gilbert’s class turning out to be actually fun.

It was now lunchtime and Colt had promised Mina to eat with her at the resting area so as he prepared to leave the room, his destination was already set.

“Hey cat, why didn’t you help me earlier?”


“What do you mean “I knew you can handle it?” that’s a lie, I saw your eyes earlier, I know it’s a lie.”

Colt began his interrogation to the cat as to what happened earlier. Just as he was about to step out of the room, Colt was barred on the door.

“Are you Colt Edgeworth!?”

A loud and obnoxious sounding voice entered his ears. Colt turned away from the cat and looked forward, in front, he saw girl with golden hair and drills in the end. As for her face, she had a pair of round eyes. She was pretty, yes, but Colt had been staring at Mina for so long that his value of beauty had been distorted.

No ordinary beauty can move him now.

To him, only Filla can match Mina’s beauty. Not because he was his daughter because that notion is simply facts…Colt is in no way bias.

The lady was wearing the badge for warrior classes, and as he stared at her, he can feel that something about this lady was amiss.

‘I can feel my “Bitdar” tingling.’

He wanted to get away, but it would seem that it would be impossible as she seemed not to be the type to be ignored and move to the side. And from the two bulky men who standing right behind her, Colt could ascertain what type of person this woman before him.

“That I am, and may I ask what this lady wants from me?”

The golden-haired lady looked at Colt and smiled.

“Good, then come with me, I want to talk to you.”

Colt’s wrist was about to be seized by the drill lady but he moved his hand away and wryly smiled at her as he explained his situation.

“I apologize but I have somewhere to be, my fiancée is waiting for me, so I must leave. Have a good day.”

Colt walked to the side and attempted to escape the woman whose name wasn’t even given to him. He wishes to get to Mina as soon as possible because it is too bothersome to deal with this woman and Mina’s temper.

But as he was just about to leave, the woman tightly held onto Colt’s wrist and turned him to look at her.

“What do you mean you have somewhere to be? This is more important, forget about that woman.”

At this point, Colt was already irritated and as his smile began to crumble, he once again refused.

“Please unhand me and I will be getting on my way, Mina of the Vera family, my fiancé is waiting for me.”

“Who cares about some bitch whor-“


And then and there, the woman’s words could not be completed as Colt’s free hand had already smacked her square to the face.

With his smile washed away, Colt looked at a woman with nothing but a pair of an expression that was both irritation and anger.

And even without him saying anything, everyone in the room knew the air around Colt had changed.

“No one insults my woman in front of me.”


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