
Chapter 185 - 185. Some Random Fools

Magnus and Ragnar both read the letter together.

Ragnar started laughing suddenly, "Haha, wait... Is this the smell of perfume? Pfft... They used perfume on it?" ​​

Magnus sniffed the letter too and laughed, "I guess my voice is just too cute, ha?"

"Read it, quick," Ragnar nudged.

Magnus coughed and tried to sound like Sirius.

"Dear Sophia,

Your letter made me feel ardour. I don\'t know you and neither have seen you, yet the way you think about me, seeing how smitten you are with me, has made me adore you."

"Pfft... HAHAHA... Ah, I can\'t... this is too much. Why is he using such mushy words? He\'s so serious." Magnus started laughing.

Ragnar snatched the letter and started to read it. "I would love to see your amber eyes, I would love to hold your hand and walk together."

"Okay, this is probably James now. He\'s the only fool who would write such things." Ragnar commented and continued.

"I wish to meet you someday, and I too can not wait to return to the school. But before that, I dearly wish to at least see you, so I can attach a face to this letter of yours.


Sirius Black."

"Uwaa... I feel like vomiting now." Magnus fell from his sofa in disgust.

Ragnar chuckled, "Well, I think he\'s head over heels over you now. Who told you to sound so seductive?"

"I was just pranking. Okay, let\'s end this prank as soon as we go back to Hogwarts. But you should keep your camera ready, we must record his face when the time comes." Magnus decided.

Ragnar evilly laughed, "Oh, not just one, I\'m gonna record him from each direction."


Grace arrived home, she had her forever smile on her face, even extra now because her two sons were at home and she loved spoiling them with food.

"Mum, how has your invention been received by the medical community?" Magnus asked her.

She sat beside him on the sofa and replied, "So far so good. The 1st stage trials were successful, and now the 2nd stage ones are taking place on 50 volunteers. If everything goes right, I think by the start of next year it will get usage approval from most of the medical bodies around the world. I have already started to receive offers from companies to allow them to use the patent."

"I can surely help you find a company that will pay you handsomely," Magnus replied. He had his own company now after all. Plus, Pfizer was in the final rounds of the acquisition.

"Oh, and I met the queen, she said that we announce everything on Christmas." He informed her.

Grace nodded, "Will we have to move out from this home then?"

"It\'s your wish. If you don\'t want to, you don\'t have to. We will just increase the security and don\'t forget, I\'m a wizard." Magnus assured her. He would honestly feel very bad if he was the reason for the destruction of their peaceful lives.

He was the one who was supposed to be the king, but now he had to bring them into this mess too.

"Okay, let\'s cook something special today. Are my sons going to help me?" She got up and asked.

Magnus and Ragnar immediately jumped, "YES!"

"I\'m the best potioneer, I think I can cook good food." Ragnar boasted.


Tom, not the evil one, but the good one was living in shock. It had been a month and his training had been completed. To his utter shock, he was directly promoted to 3 ranks above and made a Superintendent. Never in his dear life had he expected to become a higher official. His rank was equal to a Major in the army now.

But this was not the end of his shocks. Just as he joined the duty, he was told he would lead the London City Division of Criminal Investigation Department.

The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) is the generic name for the branch of a police force to which most plainclothes detectives belong. They were supposed to handle some of the toughest cases, and their investigations many times require them to head into some dangerous locations.

Accordingly, each person in this division had the word detective before their rank. So, Tom was Detective Superintendent now. What was even weirder was that his promotion was heavily televised.

He quickly understood that they were just using him to gain public trust again. He was nothing but a cheerleader and this also meant that many senior officers would not give him due respect.

But, Tom\'s promotion was already guessed by Magnus and Adrian. So, Adrian decided to start the work and used MEDA resources to get a list of all high profile cold cases.

Then, he sent some of his men to investigate them. These cold cases were worthless to his company anyway as his company only dealt with real-time Detective work.

He then simply gave a list of the top 10 cases with all the clues needed to solve them.

After this, Tom went on a case-solving spree one after another. The written material that Adrian provided was enough for Tom to fully understand every aspect of the case, so he was able to make others understand too how he caught the criminal.

In some cases, the criminals were already dead, in some, they were either living a normal life with no remorse or were still active.

In just 2 months, Tom won over the hearts of the people and the respect of the Police Department. Now, most could only envy him and not taunt him for his shortcut to promotion.

After cold cases and making a name for himself, he headed to solve the current cases that were being investigated. He did not touch these before as most of the staff under him acted unruly, as they still saw him unworthy, but now they were begging for his help.


Japan and South Korea,

LG Chem, Panasonic, Samsung SDI and Toshiba. These four companies were at the forefront of Lithium-Ion battery research. They were also close to a breakthrough and it was going to be a matter of multi-billion dollars.

They had already developed prototypes, but what they lacked was a more economical version, something they could drop in the market and make billions.

But they found out that someone had already filed hundreds of patents for the Lithium-Ion battery technology, both liquid and solid. They quickly did some research and found out everything about the person.

"A British military officer? Did the military develop it?" They wondered.

But, after a little more digging, they found out that this invention was listed under one person as the sole inventor. This made them a little relaxed.

So, the CEOs of these companies met, because it was a very big deal they agreed to keep aside their differences.

"We can file a lawsuit against him, we did make a prototype after all and even that is patented." The CEO of LG Chem spoke.

But the rest disagreed. Samsung SDI CEO replied, "That\'s true, but our patents for the liquid battery. We had not even envisioned a solid one. He has patents for Solid-State Battery. So, even if we win and get the patents for the liquid battery, it\'s worthless because the world will only use the Solid State one now since they have been developed."

Toshiba\'s chief scientist then asked, "What should we do? He\'s a person from the military, let\'s not forget that. He\'s a decorated officer, and his wife is a renowned scientist in the medical field. If we did anything against him, their government might personally retaliate."

"This means we will need to do it silently whatever we do." LG Chem CEO said.

All of them turned silent. But then, the CEO of Toshiba suggested something very controversial. "All we need is the patent. We can not harm him, but we can threaten him. Maybe through his son?"

"But who would do it? We don\'t have control over such multinational criminal organisations." LG CEO asked.

Then with a big smile, the CEO of Panasonic suggested, "The magical world is not a secret to all of us. We all have someone in our family who is a wizard or witch. The Yakuza also has a special Wizard unit. We can hire them, it will be a quick job and nobody will find out."

"It\'s going to cost us but it will be worth it. So, let\'s sign a contract, the patent will be owned by 4 of us." They quickly reached a consensus and proceeded to call the hit.


Magnus was on his way to Bobby\'s house. He had not seen him in a long time.



"How can I catch a cold? Hmm... does someone want to give me money?" He muttered nonsensical things as he walked to his friend\'s house. He had taken a cab all the way but he had no idea where Bobby currently lived as he had also changed his home.

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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