
Chapter 186 - 186. 25th December

Eventually, he arrived at a street. But it had a line of houses on both sides. Magnus didn\'t know which one was his.

So, he started walking into the street while screaming Bobby\'s name like crazy. He could have used magic but this was more fun. ​​




"Shut up kid, what the hell is wrong with you?" A man from one house shouted back.


"I don\'t, now don\'t shout another word or I swear I will come down there and whoop your arse." the man shouted back.


The man suddenly felt scared and ran back inside his home. He was seeing it on the news every day that someone would get caught by the police on suspicion of a crime against children.

Magnus continued, "BOBB... Ah, there you are."

Booby was seen running towards him with a frowned face. As soon as he reached Magnus he simply smacked him on the head, "What the hell is wrong with you? I just moved here with my family, don\'t cause a scene."

"Huh, nobody would dare say anything after December 25th." Magnus proudly replied.

Bobby\'s face lit up, "Finally?"

Getting a nod from Magnus, Bobby put his arm around the shoulder and led him to his home, "My best friend is going to be royalty. It\'s like a lifetime worth flexing."

"Just wait, I will knight you later, you will become a noble then," Magnus said.

"Hehe, Knight Brandon Steel Armstrong... It has a nice ring to it." Bobby muttered.

Magnus suddenly stopped and looked at Bobby\'s face, "Who are you talking about?"


"That\'s my full name," Bobby clarified.

Magnus seemed shocked, "What?! That\'s so cool. I never knew that."

"Really? We\'ve been friends for the past 10 years and you never knew my name?" Bobby\'s brows twitched.

"No, why would I know that? To me, you were just Bobby, my best friend." Magnus said as a matter of fact.


"Were you always this crazy or is this the magic acting up?" Bobby asked sarcastically.

"Magic is not a disease that would start acting up. Oh, is this your home? This is a big one. How much did it cost?" Magnus finally arrived in front of a 2 story house.

"60,000 pounds (£692,100 in today value). It\'s big enough for me to have a big basement for experimenting with computers. Come, mum and dad are waiting for you." He entered.

Magnus spent the whole day with the family and just looked at the various things Bobby was making in his basement. Magnus was not too familiar with the latest technology but he knew that his friend was doing good.


Slowly, Christmas arrived. The streets and houses lit up with colourful lights. The people had no idea what was going to happen soon. But over the past two weeks, Adam had again returned to the spotlight with his invention of Solid-state Battery.

Adam wanted to write Ragnar\'s name but stopped as it would have been too much for a 12-year-old. And it would have put unneeded attention on him, which he didn\'t really want.

He was being interviewed for his battery, he was preaching about it changing the world of oil-based engines. He revealed that he was going to launch a car that can run on the battery, which could go on 400 kilometres in one charge. The car will have a top speed of 300 kmph. Everything will be battery powered.

But, he told the people that these cars will not be affordable anytime soon because the technology as a whole needed to advance. Just having a good battery can not make a good car. But the battery was going to affect other components of life, for example, the radio can run for hours longer, homes can have a battery-based power backup, and any other electrical appliance can be turned mobile with the help of a battery.

This was still a very big announcement. And, as expected, the Oil Market plummet. It was not a very big dip but big enough for people who knew it was going to happen and were shorting the oil stocks.

Magnus had decided to earn some goodwill from the top-level people, for example, the top politicians who were most likely to rule the political side of the country in the coming years, many big lords and ladies, along with, of course, the royal family.

Magnus helped all of them make some money for free of cost. This could be considered market manipulation, but who would investigate when the investigators were also getting the benefits? Many became millionaires in two days. They were happy and would certainly not forget Magnus\' gift. Neither would Magnus.

Then, finally, December 25th arrived. That day, most people were at home, watching the television in the warmth of close ones. But, instead of watching a movie or some other Christmas programme, everyone had turned to the BBC news channel.

From early morning, it had been reported that the Queen was going to make a very big announcement, that all people should know and care about.

This morning, the queen first headed to Magnus\' Mansion publicly. This time she went there with her whole entourage of security, as she does on official visits. All kinds of journalists were camping outside the mansion.

Wizards and the police were on alert. But, except for the 2 Queen\'s wizard guards, the 10 remaining wizards were either from the Ministry or MEDA, who were supposed to safeguard Magnus and his family.

"Are you sure?" Adam asked in shock because the Queen had requested to arrive at Buckingham Palace in his newly developed car.

"Of course, you are my son, I need the world to know how great you are. And, this car is going to be the reason you didn\'t return to the royal family, so it\'s better to show it to them." She suggested.

"But its designs are not patented yet," Adam said.

The queen smiled and looked at Magnus, "I\'m sure that can be easily taken care of, right?"

Magnus nodded and tried to persuade him. "Dad, Granny is right, let\'s all go in the car."

"Fine, let\'s go. It\'s fully charged already. There won\'t be any problem." he confidently stated and went into the house to get the keys.

All of them had worn good clothes today. Grace was wearing a simple yet elegant tea-length dress. While all the boys wore normal suits.

Soon, Adam brought out the soundless car. The queen sat at the front passenger while Magnus, Ragnar and Grace sat in the back.

"My, this is a very elegant car, I\'m now excited for the future of the automobile industry." She praised the car, from the exterior to the interior.

"Granny Liz, if everything goes well, we\'ll be back in the top place of vehicle manufacturing in the future," Magnus revealed. He knew the future was going to be all about electricity, as people will become more conscious, and the cars will become cheaper, they will buy. And being the oldest player on the field, Magnus can capitalise on the market, that is if they keep on innovating.

Soon, the automated doors opened and the strange car came out of the mansion. The queen\'s car was now empty and followed behind. As Ultron Alpha car reached the road, a long entourage also started, with some cars in the front and some in the back.

Everyone was wondering what this was all about. Many were hopeful that today they would get the answer of why the queen visited this place so often.

It was just a 20-minute drive from Magnus\' home to Buckingham Palace. The doors of the palace opened as they approached. Only their car was let to enter.

In front of the main entrance of the palace, a small red stage was set, on which a table and a few chairs were present. There were mics on them. And a distance from the table, there were all the journalists.

The car stopped near the stage. The camera shutters were already sounding crazy. The car was as big of a news story today as anything else. Adam had told everyone about it and today they saw it.

Guards opened the doors of the car first. Adam got out and first helped the queen, then his wife. Meanwhile, Magnus and Ragnar were already out, looking at the various journalists. He and Ragnar were looking like blood brothers right now because they wore similar suits and their blonde hair.

Today, Magnus was just a simple little kid. He was not supposed to say much and only sit silently, looking cute.

A few seconds later, they all climbed the stage and sat down. The queen sat in the middle with her husband, Prince Philip, on her left. Adam sat to her right, then Grace, Magnus, and Ragnar.

The Queen started speaking on the mic. "For the past few months, as you may know, I have been visiting that mansion..."


Japan and South Korea,

The phones of the CEOs of the four companies rang non stop that day. And soon they were given the news. Almost at the same time, they switched on the television and watched the telecast.

"...Adam Grant, is my eldest son..."


Their minds exploded and they fell down on their beds. They cursed in their native language nonstop.

They all called their contact point in Yakuza. "CALL OFF THE HIT. IF YOU WANT TO LIVE, JUST DO AS WE SAY!"

They were pleading. But, the Yakuza wizards were already gone, and there was no technology of instant communication, and neither would an owl reach them so early. Their whole team of 5 wizards had gone this time, so nobody even knew where they were.

Now, with a sullen face, they continued to watch the news. Not knowing that the true monster they should be afraid of was also sitting not far away from the queen, looking all innocent and cute, chatting with his brother, who was equally terrifying when it came to family.

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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