
Chapter 377 - The War (V)...

[POV Nat] 

"You know you should have told me…!!" Yelena muttered out with an annoyed look on her face. She wasn\'t happy at all with the stunt we have pulled. 

"You know… you shouldn\'t be like that… you should leave the fighting to the people who love fighting…" I said while patting her head. Yes, some of the Widows wanted to fight but only a few of them loved to fight. 

I loved fighting from time to time… but I am not someone who you can call a battle maniac… that\'s Rumi and Hela… both of them seek fights so that they can utterly destroy their enemy while having fun. 

"Yes, but we could have helped" Yelena insisted and I simply chuckled. 

"These primitive weapons won\'t be able to penetrate the barrier no matter how much they try…" Nebula pointed out and Yelena\'s shoulders sagged in disappointment. 

"Now, be a good sister and stay here… I have to do something important" I said politely and Yelena reluctantly nodded her head. A portal opened beside me and I entered the portal while waving at her… 

I appeared inside an empty building… "You are 21 seconds late…" Dora said with a calculative look on her face. 

I simply rolled my eyes seeing Dora\'s antics… "21 seconds isn\'t a big deal… unlike a certain someone who was late by an hour because she was hungry" I retorted and a silly grin appeared on Dora\'s. 

"Tch… Tch… Tch… you were late… it doesn\'t matter if it\'s 21 seconds or an hour… being late is late and those pancakes were great!!" Dora exclaimed proudly and I simply gave her a blank stare. 

"Sure… sure… whatever you say ma\'am" I said and a smug grin appeared on Dora\'s face. "So, where is he?" I asked Dora and she snorted in clear distaste. 

"As soon as the EMPs went off he knew that there was a traitor among them so he went to hide in his safe room… he also took Coulson with him" Dora said and I also snorted in disdain. 

"I didn\'t expect anything else from that paranoid bastard… So, Barton didn\'t come?" I asked and she simply shook her head in denial. 

"He has been AWOL since morning" Dora mused and her hair morphed… She was now sporting silver spiky hair. 

"What kind of security does he have??" I asked and Dora simply shrugged. 

"Who knows what that paranoid bastard is into…" Dora said and her face turned slightly green. 

"Thanks for those images" I grimaced and "Let\'s go…" I said and both of us started to walk towards Nick Fury\'s safe house… 

[POV Reo] 

While floating in the air along with Luna, I was watching the whole battlefield… Everyone was sitting ducks in the water…  The EMP trick worked like a charm but there were 15 highly advanced ships… They seemed to be working really fine. 

They were continuously bombarding the barrier… Wakadan ships I mused in my mind. "Luna… I am going to greet a certain King" I said and Luna nodded her head. 

"I am going to stay here if you don\'t mind… this is the best place to record everything…" Luna beamed with a huge smile on her face. I nodded my head and appeared over the biggest Wakandan ship… I slowly floated down to the deck and everyone on the ship started to disintegrate into nothingness…  I was careful so that I don\'t accidentally disintegrate the foolish King. 

The foolish King has even brought his family along with him… I casually walked through the halls and arrived in front of a bunker type room… the room was made up of Vibranium. Using my Magnetokinesis I easily opened the door… I could have easily destroyed the door but it would have been a crime to nature. 

Valuable metals should be protected… at least the metals which weren\'t shiny. Shiny things were Nemuri\'s responsibility. I walked inside the room and a nearby guard attacked me with a spear… I simply stared at the man and he disintegrated into nothingness. Everyone inside the room flinched back in fear. 

"T\'Chaka… that\'s your name, right? You see I get nervous around pointy things… so I lose control and then disintegrate them…" I said while looking towards T\'Chaka. T\'Chaka\'s whole family was huddled behind him. 

"Please let my family go…" T\'Chaka said in a pleading tone and I simply stared at him with a dumbfounded look on my face. 

"So, I can kill the rest of them??" I said pointing around towards his guards, the guards gulped loudly but T\'Chaka didn\'t say anything. "What kind of pathetic King are you??" I asked him in an amused tone. 

"My father is not pathetic…" T\'Challa yelled out before Ramonda could stop him. 

"Hmm… is that so??" I asked and Ramonda dropped to the ground and started to beg with tears falling from her eyes. 

"You see kid… your father is really pathetic and foolish… for so long I have left your pathetic country alone… but your father had destroyed his country" I said and waved my hand disintegrating three guards… they didn\'t do anything… It was just to create a dramatic effect. 

"Please kill me… and leave the others alone… please" T\'Chaka climbed down from his throne and kneeled in front of me and I simply clicked my tongue in distaste…

"Hmm… how about this? I will forgive Wakanda but in exchange, I will take all of your Vibranium…" I said and T\'Chaka stared at me like I am the Demon… Well, I was at least for him with my act. 

"It is the blessing of the Beast God Bast to our pe…" T\'Chaka started to say with a serious look on his face but I cut him off. 

"Well, I am going since you denied my offer… there is nothing else to discuss. I will come to Wakanda after the war ends and I will take every last ounce of Vibranium from Wakanda… anyone who tries to stop me will be killed… but don\'t worry… I won\'t kill you or your family…" I said with a grin on my face. 

Everyone in the room had horrified looks on their faces… after all, they would be nothing without their precious metal… they would just be common people… 

"You will have to stay alive to take the responsibility… you shouldn\'t have participated in the war… you should have stayed behind your barriers like a coward like you people have always done… alas, it\'s too late now" I shrugged and appeared beside Luna but Flavia was also here now. Like always she was munching on her potato chips… I wonder if she was an Akimichi in her past life. 

"Reo!! That was so evil!!" Luna exclaimed loudly but she was smiling. "But I liked it…!!" Luna said and jumped into my arms and started to kiss me. 

Flavia groaned in annoyance. "Go get a room, you two…" Flavia said in an annoyed tone. 

"You are the one who is intruding in our lovey-dovey time Flavia" Luna shot back while giggling. 

"Ignore the minor details… would you like some tea Luna?" Flavia asked and Luna immediately skipped towards her and plopped down. 

"What about you Reo??" Flavia asked me but I simply waved her off. 

"Maybe another time…" I said and I started paying attention to Hela\'s and Rumi\'s fight. Flavia simply shrugged and started to prepare tea for herself and Luna… 

[With Hela] 

"That was annoying…" Hela uttered out in disdain and started to release an insane amount of bloodlust… everyone shuddered in fear when they felt her bloodlust…

"Don\'t worry… as the Goddess of Death it\'s my duty to guide you all to the afterlife…" Hela said and disappeared from her position. Everyone was confused because of her insane speed when they heard a blood-curdling scream… 

All of them turned around only to see Hela sticking her fingers inside the eye slots of the War Machine2 and with a strong yank she split James Rhodes2 skull and his brain dropped to the ground. Stark2 screamed in rage and fired a beam towards her but once again she was gone. 

"Groot2!!!" all of them heard Rocket2\'s scream and turned around to see that Hela was holding Groot2 by his neck… that wasn\'t the problem but Groot2\'s lower body was on the ground. She threw away the body and a sword appeared in her hand. All of them saw her bringing down the sword but none of them were able to do anything but to keep watching. 

Hela\'s arm finally stopped descending and Rocket2 was split right from the middle… Thor2 appeared before Hela brandishing his hammer… he was too late to stop Hela from killing Rocket2 but he was going to stop her now… with that thought, he brought down the hammer and Hela simply stopped his hammer with her bare hand. 

A small smile appeared on Hela\'s face and with an upper slash she cut off his whole arm and kicked Thor2 away… when Hela stopped Thor2\'s hammer with her bare hand, Thor2\'s face was filled with terror. Hela caressed the new hammer and turned around to see a man in a catsuit was about to reach her. 

Hela raised up her new hammer and shot out a lightning bolt making a fist-sized hole in Black Panther2\'s chest… Since Hela was standing in one place it gave Groot2 enough time to wrap his vines around Hela\'s foot. Hela noticed that the plant thing was still alive but this gave enough time for the others to land a devastating blow on Hela… 

Several blasts of red miasma slammed on Hela\'s chest and Hulk2\'s fist landed squarely on her face resounding a loud crack… Hela was blown away like a cannonball… Hela\'s body collided on the ship\'s bridge… Hela\'s body went inside making a hole in the bridge. 

"Did we get her?" Quill2 asked in a hopeful tone but before anyone else could answer him Thor2\'s hammer came flying from the hole and smashed on Hulk2\'s chest. Hulk2 howled in pain and a black blur jumped out of the hole and rushed towards Wanda2. 

Wanda2 tried to back away and form a shield in front of her but she stopped when a superpowered punch landed on her chest… the punch was so strong that there was a gaping hole in her chest… before her brain could even process the pain several similar powered punches landed on her chest… her torso was looking like a beehive right now. 

Hela balled her fist and landed a final punch on her torso. Her torso was completely obliterated leaving behind only her lower body and head… Hela grabbed Wanda2\'s head with one of her hands and with her other hand she fixed her own jaw. "That hurt you bitch!" Hela said while looking at Wanda2\'s head and threw it towards Natasha2. 

Natasha2 didn\'t even know what happened but found a gaping hole in her stomach. Natasha2 dropped on the deck with a shocked look on her face… she didn\'t know how she died. 

Hela noticed that Strange2 was drawing some kind of circles on the deck with his remaining hand. Hela rushed towards him but Thor2 came in between them… Hela simply kicked him away once again but found two more people in her path… both of them were hiding behind shields… Hela opened her palm and Thor2\'s hammer flew into her hand while she pulled out another similar hammer from her shadow and lightning crackled around her. 

Hela slammed down the hammers on the two shields and both of them were blown away… Strange2 stopped what he was doing when he noticed Hela standing over him… he looked up only to see two hammers coming down and Strange2\'s head was turned into meat paste.

Hela turned around and threw one hammer at Stark2 while threw the other at Hulk2. Hela appeared near Groot2 and greenish-black smoke started to ooze out of her hand. She slammed down her hand on Groot2 and Groot2 screamed in pain when he started to rot away. 

Hela was interrupted when a shot landed on her back… Hela turned around to find Quill2 firing at her… she wasn\'t bothered by it and started to approach Quill2. Quill2 continued shooting her but all of a sudden Hela stopped and tilted her head to the right… a bone passed by her head and Danvers2 came into view… her left hand was hanging beside her body. 

"You aren\'t a good girl and bad girls should be punished…" even though Hela said that while looking towards Danvers2, she rushed towards Quill2 and lightly smacked him on his chest… Quill2 rose up in the air and Hela grabbed his foot and smacked him on the deck. 

Several bone-breaking noises were heard but Hela pulled him up once again and smacked him on the ground… this time Quill2\'s head wasn\'t able to withstand the blow and it cracked open like a watermelon. That is when Hela noticed a giant man with red tattoos had lunged towards her with daggers in his hands. 

Hela was shocked to see the man… there was only one thought going through her mind… \'How the fuck did I miss him?? He must be strong\' with that thought Hela slapped the man and Hela was shocked once again when she broke the man\'s neck with just a slap. 

Hela simply shrugged and grabbed the shield which was about to hit her head. Hela twisted around and threw the shield towards Stark2… Stark2\'s vision twisted around and he found himself looking at his own headless body before his world went completely black. While Stark2 was living his last moments Hela threw a sword towards the man who had thrown the shield. 

Hela backed away to dodge Danvers2\'s attack once again before she firmly grabbed Danvers2\'s face and with a small twist, Danvers2\'s head was now looking backwards. A loud roar was heard and Hulk2 arrived beside Hela and punched towards her but Hela simply grabbed his giant fist and imitated Hulk2\'s roar… 

Hela opened her palm and Thor\'s hammer appeared in her hand and she smacked Hulk2 with it… Hulk2 dropped on the ground howling in pain and Hela climbed on his chest and started to slam down the hammer on Hulk2\'s face… a lot of cracks were heard in the next moments until Hulk2\'s head was turned into green goo. 

Hela finally turned around and her eyes narrowed on the last two people who were still alive… one of them was badly hurt due to Hela\'s sword stabbed in his stomach so Hela ignored him… and approached the other one. It was Captain2. She leaned down and grabbed his head and started to put pressure. Captain2 screamed in pain and Hela simply smirked. 

"Tell Death that I said hello…" Hela said and popped his head like a watermelon… Hela looked around and a satisfied smile appeared on her face…

(A/N: Whoo!! Hela\'s fight scene is finally over... Please tell me how it was... I was working on this chapter since the evening...)

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