
Chapter 378 - The War (VI)...

[With Hela] 

A frown appeared on Hela\'s face when she noticed that Hulk2\'s body was twitching and his head was slowly healing… Hela wondered if Hulk2 would have his memories after he finishes healing… After all, she had turned his head into a meat patty. 

Even though Hela was quite curious to see what would happen after Hulk2 finishes healing… she decided to finish him and be done with it. Hela approached Hulk2\'s body and a long sword appeared in her hand. The sword started to ooze greenish-black smoke and Hela plunged the sword directly into Hulk2\'s heart. 

Hulk2\'s body started to rot away at a visible rate and only after a few moments Hulk2\'s body was completely gone… even his blood was gone. Hela smirked and started to look for her counterpart\'s brother. Hela finally located him… he was knocked out cold. Hela approached Thor2 who was no longer bleeding due to his severed arm. He had somehow closed the wound. 

Hela had some plans for Thor2 and that is why she needed him alive… that was why Hela never used a killing move on Thor2… she grabbed Thor by his arm and she was about to leave but she noticed that Captain America was still alive… she contemplated for a few moments and decided to leave him. 

Her sword was still embedded in his gut… there was a small chance that he might live but Hela decided to live it on his luck… she had lost interest and now she had much more interesting things to do… Hela thought and looked towards Thor2. 

Hela has always wondered if Divinities could be stolen from a God or Goddess… she didnt want Thor2\'s divinity but she still wanted to find out if it was possible or not… 

[With Rumi] 

"This is so much fun… let\'s keep fighting…!!" Rumi exclaimed excitedly and a vicious grin appeared on her face… she immediately lunged towards the woman in the purple latex leotard… even though she knew that the others would try to stop her… she didn\'t change her target. 

The mental probes were getting really annoying… Rumi could have ignored them but where was the fun in that and just like Rumi had thought, the metal man came in front of Psylocke2 to guard her but this time the metal man\'s stance was very different. 

Rumi arrived in front of Colossus2 and punched in his direction… and the metal man also punched Rumi… both of their fists collided in mid-air and a shockwave erupted from the collision… Colossus2\'s howled in pain when his arm was burst open due to the force behind Rumi\'s punch. Rumi was about to punch Colossus2 once again but Rumi had to turn around to dodge a kick. 

Rumi looked at the person who had interrupted her and thought that this new person was much more interesting than the metal man. Rumi lunged towards the person who had interrupted her. It was a woman surrounded by a yellow glow… the woman was none other than Carol Danvers… aka Captain Marvel. 

"You are strong!!" Rumi yelled out in an excited tone and kicked towards Danvers. Danvers brought her arms in front of her chest because she knew that she wouldn\'t be able to dodge Rumi\'s kick… Rumi was much faster than she had thought previously…

Rumi\'s kick landed on her arms and two resounding cracks were heard from Danvers\'s arms… Danvers yelled out in pain. Her body was flung back by several meters until her back smacked on the ship\'s bridge… Danvers\'s body dropped from the wall and landed on the deck leaving a huge dent on the ship\'s bridge. Danvers passed out due to the pain… 

While Danvers laid on the deck completely unconscious… the others didn\'t stop attacking Rumi. Rumi was currently dodging laser beams fired by Bishop2 while she was being constantly attacked by Ororo2\'s storm clouds. Even though Rumi was getting struck by lightning… she simply shrugged them off. 

Rumi was already using Armament Haki so the lightning didn\'t matter to her much… All of a sudden Rumi Flash Stepped and appeared behind Bobby2… Bobby2 was quite surprised due to Rumi\'s sudden appearance and soon the surprise turned into fear. Booby2 was kneeling on the ground trying to create a thin layer of ice. 

That is why Rumi decided to take care of Bobby2, because of him Rumi had already lost her footing once and she would be damned if she allowed something like that to happen once again. After all, losing your footing during a fight could be disastrous for a person. Rumi backed her leg and kicked Bobby2\'s head… 

Bobby2\'s head exploded like a fruit… "Noooo!!!" Rouge2 screamed in despair when she saw what Rumi had done to Bobby2. Rouge2 forgot everything else and lunged towards Rumi in blind rage… Rumi simply shook her head in disappointment and smacked Rouge2\'s forehead with her palm… the back of her head exploded like a coconut.

"I will kill you bitch!!" Logan2 screamed in rage and approached Rumi while brandishing his adamantium claws. Rumi simply turned around to dodge and the claws passed by her face… she balled her fist and punched Logan2. 

As soon as Rumi\'s punch landed on his chest, a frown appeared on Rumi\'s face while Logan2 spat out a huge amount of blood… but only then she remembered the properties of adamantium… they were nigh-indestructible. She had heard that from this world\'s Logan and Fleur must have mentioned some things off-handedly.

Rumi grabbed Logan2\'s arm and punched Logan2 on his chest once again… but this time she used her full power. A huge shockwave erupted obliterating anything behind Logan2, a lot of X-men were behind Logan2 including M2, Psylocke2, Colossus2, and Ororo2… they were trying to approach the two of them so that they could help Logan2. 

Logan2 let out a painful howl before his whole body crumbled into dust… when the dust finally settled down Rumi noticed that she had destroyed a lot of ships with the shockwave of her punch… and that wasn\'t all… she had even split the ocean into two while creating a huge canyon on the seabed. \'I should have held back\' Rumi thought when she saw the destruction.

(A/N: Just imagine this kind of destruction and power but in the ocean). 

Rumi could only sign with a disappointed look on her face. \'I could have enjoyed a lot more with them if I had continued playing with them while holding back but NO!!\' Rumi groaned in annoyance and rubbed the back of her looking really ashamed. She let out another sigh and her shoulders slumped down… she could only blame herself for what she had done here. 

The ocean finally started to return to its original place… and water started to fill up the recently formed canyon. All of a sudden she was hit by a lighting bolt… Rumi looked up and found that the storm clouds were still there… which meant Ororo2 was still alive… the ship started to sink as the ocean started to return to its original state. 

Rumi had no idea how Ororo2 survived but she did… Rumi looked down at Logan2 and saw that he wasn\'t healing… Well, she kind of expected that he would heal but that didn\'t seem to be the case. 

Rumi decided to leave Logan2, and Ororo2 and find Charles2. She was pretty sure that Charles2 wasn\'t behind Logan2. Rumi finally found Charles2 lying on the ground while coughing… he might have fallen from his chair due to the shockwave. Rumi Flash Stepped in front of Charles2 and picked him up by his throat. 

"You are a monster…" Charles2 mumbled but Rumi simply snapped his neck and killed him. That was an express order from Reo, both Hela and Rumi were told to kill Charles2. Rumi threw away Charles2\'s body into the ocean like it was thrash and Ororo2 finally arrived on deck along with Kitty Pryde2. 

"You two are lucky… I have lost interest…" Rumi said while walking away and Flash Stepped back to Elysium… 

[With Nat and Dora] 

"Yes… I can sense them inside there…" Nat said while looking towards Dora who was goofing around. 

"Then open the buggering door!!" Dora retorted back while playing games on her phone… Nat gave Dora a blank stare and started to use her mental manipulation power. 

She froze Nick Fury while she made Phil Coulson open the giant door… with a loud clang the locks were finally disengaged. "Fucking finally!!" Dora cheered loudly and paused her game. Nat pushed the door open and found Coulson standing beside the door with a blank look on his face. 

"Coulson you are a nice guy… so your punishment is going to be light. As a magnanimous Goddess, I punish you to sleep on the floor…" Dora said and shot Coulson with her tranquillizer gun. Dora started to giggle when Coulson dropped on the ground like a sack of potatoes. Apparently, acting like a magnanimous Goddess was funny for Dora. 

Nat simply rolled her eyes when she saw Dora\'s antics. Nat shifted through Fury\'s head to see if he had set up any traps in this room and found that the whole room was rigged with bombs. Nat quickly told Dora about it and the two of them disabled all the bombs and lastly, Dora removed Fury\'s guns.

Nat and Dora finally sat down in front of Fury. Nat finally unfroze Fury jumped out of his seat and his hand went towards his gun but found nothing… "How?? What the fuck??!!!" Fury exclaimed loudly when everything finally registered in his brain. 

"You!! You were the traitor!!" Fury yelled out when he noticed Dora and she simply grinned. 

"Ding… ding… ding… and we have a winner" Dora said with a grin on her face and Nat simply pulled out her gun and pointed towards Fury. 

"Sit down Fury… I have something to say to you" Nat said coldly. Fury glared at Nat but followed her command and sat down. 

"Instead of letting you live, I should have killed you" Fury growled out. Both Nat and Dora could see the fury in his eye. "So, what are you going to say?" Fury asked while he grabbed the detonator and pressed it. 

Fury knew that there was a very small chance that he would live so he decided to take the two of them to hell with him but unfortunately for Fury, nothing happened. "Motherfucker!!!" Fury yelled out in frustration when he noticed that the bombs didn\'t go off and his eyes grew wide in fear. 

"Hasta la vista… Fury" after saying that Nat pulled the trigger and splattered Fury\'s brain on the wall behind him. 

"Nat… that was so badass… Hasta la vista… Fury" Dora said while she looked exactly like Nat. Nat wanted to hide her face in shame… she didn\'t mean to say that… but she agreed that it was badass… 

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