
Chapter 51 Training With Blank Is A Disaster

Right now Arius was sitting on the ground cross-legged with his eyes tightly shut.

Blank stood behind him making sure he didn\'t open his eyes.

A small golden light began to glow around Arius\'s body.

Noticing this Blank showed a smile. "Arius, do you feel a small golden flame igniting in your chest?" She asked.

"Yeah, it hurts like hell," Arius responded with a hint of pain in his voice.

"Just keep focusing on that flame."

"Got it."

Arius went back to focusing on the golden flame that was heating up in his chest.

The golden flame started to turn into a liquid and sink into his internal organs.

He felt his whole body grovel in pain.

Thump, thump, thump.

His heart began to beat rapidly and his hands began to feel like they were full of unknown power.

Arius still with his eyes closed lifted his right hand forward toward the obsidian.

Without saying anything a small golden beam shot out of his hand into the obsidian.

The material which was extremely sturdy had a small hole going through it.

Clap, clap, clap.

Blank started to clap her hands at the sight of Arius using 0.001 percent of the Supreme mark\'s power.

"I have to say, Arius, impressive even though it was really nothing you still showed you had the power in you fully." Blank looked at Arius while she spoke.

"Do you feel anything different about your personality?" She asked.

Arius cocked his head to look at Blank and shook his head left to right. "Nope, I feel like my regular self." He hit his chest in pride.

"..." Blank disappeared and reappeared in front of Arius and looked straight into his eyes like she was trying to dig his soul out. "I see... You had a tough life as a mortal on earth." She frowned.

Arius tilted his head in confusion. "Why are you bringing up my past?" He asked curiously why she was.

"Well, the reason why the Supreme mark probably isn\'t really affecting your emotions and way of thinking is because of your past of having a dark personality but now you have an outgoing and happy personality," Blank spoke her thoughts.

"I see, well we should worry about that later, and right now focus on my training," Arius told her.

"Alright, stand up," Blank ordered Arius.

Arius, who was about to stand up, felt his body become stiff and react on its own like he had no control over his own body.

His body without listening to Arius stood up in front of Blank.

Blank placed her hand over her mouth and giggled. "My, my, I forgot I had that power whoopsie." She mumbled to herself.

Blank\'s black eyes began to glow a little.

All of a sudden like it never happened Arius had control over his body again.

Just to make sure he had full control he opened and closed his hands multiple times.

"Cough, cough, let\'s focus up," Blank spoke like a teacher.

Arius stopped what he was doing and nodded his head waiting for her to speak.

Seeing he was paying attention she began to tell him what he was gonna do first. "Ok, first you\'ll... first you\'ll, umm" Blank all of a sudden realized a huge problem.

She has no idea how to train or master anything!

All she has known is having the power like it was as simple as breathing air it just came to her naturally.

Arius, who noticed Blank standing still like a frozen statue stepped forward and tapped her on the shoulder. "Are you ok?" He asked, truly worried.

Blank snapped out of her embarrassing thoughts. "Yes, I am ok, let\'s start training you!" She told Arius.

Arius responded with a nod and stepped back a foot and waited for her to tell him what to do.

Blank\'s whole body was trembling trying to figure out what to do for his \'training\'.

Desperately trying to figure out a way to train Arius, a thought came to her mind.

"Arius, close your eyes again but stay standing up," Blank told Arius.

Arius listened to her instructions and closed his eyes.

"Ok, now think of something magic-related or power-related," Blank spoke.

Arius\'s mind was thinking of thousands of things but the one that came to his mind was the voice of authority.

Opening his eyes he looked at the obsidian and his eyes began to turn golden. "Destroy." His words felt like absolute authority.


All of the obsidian blew up like they were nothing but a liquid.

Blank showed genuine shock seeing this.

Even though she never had to train she knew how hard it is to train with the Supreme mark.

To be able to even use that type of power he raised his Supreme mark level to at least being able to use 0.002 percent of its power, not a bad start at all!

Arius went back to closing his eyes and this time he thought of trying to use gravity.

Nothing happened.

Opening his eyes he saw and felt like nothing happened so he must have failed to use gravity he told himself.

"Arius, try not to use that type of power yet, with the Supreme mark it will destroy a small planet if you don\'t know how to control the power." Blank hurriedly told Arius.

Arius\'s face froze at the thought of killing a whole planet off just because he couldn\'t control his powers.

He made sure to keep in mind how strong and dangerous he was, starting today of course.

For the next couple of hours, Arius tried many different powers and other things and this is where he was at.

He can use 0.009 percent of the power of the Supreme mark which is literally demi-god level.

And trust me when Arius heard this from Blank he was in utter disbelief.

At this rate, he will pass even Violet on the scale of powers.

"Blank, let\'s spend a month here so I can at least try and get 1 percent of the power!" Arius showed a bright smile.

"That\'s fine with me, take all the time in the world," Blank responded with her own gentle smile.

For the next month, Arius would be trying everything he could to master his new power even if it\'s a little bit of that strength.

. .

While Arius was training in the floating mountain world\'s basement two people sat across from each other both sitting at a wooden table that was located in a huge clean room that looked like it was in a tree.

These two people who sat across from each other were both insanely strong. They could change the world\'s power balance with a flick of their hand but promised each other not to.

It was strange though these two people haven\'t had a meeting in thousands of years.

So why are they having one?

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