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Chapter 342 - 342. Running Through The Trees

Remey was more or less just running around having a blast. She was enjoying the rush from jumping above the larger gaps and not stopping at all. It was a rare opportunity for her to run free so high above the world. Of all the people to be enjoying it so much Walker was surprised that it was Remey. He would have bet that she was unhappy to be off the solid ground where she could burst in to punches or kicks. 

The three elves reached the branch without the foliage and the party slowly made it t them. "So any reason we just rushed up here?" Gil was the first to ask what the entire party was thinking.

Wade gazed at the view for a few moments before responding. "We three were kind of forced together when we started to learn the ways of the titles. I might be the oldest of us but our people always tiptoe around us, we share the same feeling of being kept on display. So when we finally got sick of things and came up here we made a deal to be a party ourselves and use their own influences against them. Not much they can do to manipulate three possible title holders..or well, one title holder and two potential." 

Wade laughed a little thinking about the control they had gained just by meeting in this spot. "The crazy part is, lightning struck this branch the day after we made the deal. Now we come up here every time we leave. It was lucky enough to be struck by lightning you know." 

Walker thought it strange, but if that was what connected them as a party then so be it. His party may have come together through the adventurers guild but there were many ways to meet your party. Some have a party with their family. Other meet traveling. Some retire with friends and create an adventuring party. Things just happened.

"Well whatever the reason to come up here, it\'s worth the view." Remey looked out at the vast sea of green in front of them. The forest could be said to go on forever from up here. 

"It is an amazing view. We could never see something like this from our kingdom" Su was right there with Remey wishing they could bring this view home with them. 

"Ready to do what we usually do?" Wade looked at the other two elves. 

"Remember Calen, no using your skills for speed. Just using what we have as elves." Alma gave her friend a knowing look. 

Midnight turned her head to the side trying to figure out what the three elves were talking about. She was asking Onyx but he didn\'t know either. "Since you three like to keep us in the dark, I might as well ask. What do you usually do when you are up here?" Walker had the feeling he already knew but he had hope that he would be wrong. 

"We run dow full speed of course. It\'s our send off to the city, like a goodbye to the stress and hello to the freedom." Wade just smiled and immediately crouched down. "Go!" The three elves rushed downwards hopping from branches and sliding down "Well, I really had hoped we weren\'t doing this." Gil sounded like he had a chore thrust upon him, but jumped in to action anyways. 

"Yes! This is going to be fun, come on Su let\'s go!" Remey dragged Su along behind her trying to rush down the tree as fast as possible.

Walker turned to look at Midnight but realized that she was already on the move. She had jumped in to action well ahead of the others leaving Walker alone on the lighting stricken branch. 

Walker was hesitant to rush down from such dangerous heights but he knew that there was no other way if he wanted to stay with the group. Walker gave in and started running on the largest branch downwards. His steps got bigger and bigger as he realized that he was so far behind. Staying on the safer path was leaving him farther behind. 

Biting his lip he picked up his pace and made a large jump. His feet fell through the air with nothing below him. Walker\'s heart started to pump blood through his veins at double the speed. When his feet touched the next giant branch his body seemed to burn, before he could understand the feeling he was already gaining momentum for the next jump. The fear of falling was all but erased. 

\'The unique skill tree dashing from the elven bloodline has been taken from the pure elf system. Due to the user action, the skill tree dashing has been automatically learned. 

Tree dashing- passive

The elven people have the natural skill to jump through the vines and branches of the forest. Dashing through the trees and jumping from branch to branch is the same as walking through the forest to them. Pathways through the trees are clear as the sky to an elf.\' 

Walker was able to feel the difference in his ability to move. The jumps were second nature to him. The rounded branches no longer looked tough to stand on but instead were perfect foot holds. A great smile spread out on his face while he picked up the speed even more. 

Walker\'s daring jumps and slides down branches and vines made him surpass Remey and Su in just seconds. Gil was barely able to recognize that the blur going past him was Walker. Midnight gave a small whine as Walker passed her since she was unhappy to be outdone in such a simple looking way. Onyx was just enjoying the ride while coiled around Walker\'s shoulders. He felt he had won out in this deal, never had he imagined Walker would have a burst of speed like this and fly through the trees like a real elf. 

"You\'re right! This is a lot of fun!" Walker caught up to the three elves and gave them the surprise of their lives. "Try to keep up!" Walker passed the three leaving them dumbfounded. The fact that he didn\'t know where he was going didn\'t even occur to him. This intense feeling was not fading even as he neared the base of the tree. He could keep running like this all day of the tree was endless.

Upon reaching the bottom he felt as if all the fire from within his body was suddenly quenched by icy water. He looked up at the branch he had come from while trying to catch his breath. The sheer height of where he had come from was too much to believe, even though he had just run from the very spot. 

"What in the spirit of the forest was that?" Wade landed down next to Walker with Alma and Calen in tow. 

Walker smiled devilishly, "just a skill I learned. Tree dashing or something like that. Just the usual." His nonchalant attitude added more to the blow the three elves were feeling. 

Unlike his party, the three elves were not desensitized to the shock that came from hearing about the skills Walker would learn. They had been hit with so many bombs like this that they were nearly immune to the effect. 

"Oh, just the tree dashing skill." Alma waved it off before looking at Walker with hard eyes, "You mean the tree dashing skills that is unique to elves!?\' Her shout made Calen cover his ears and Wade shake his head. He was cursing her out in his mind for acting so much like a brute than in elegance as a future queen should. 

"With reactions like that, I don\'t think you will be the queen for another seventy years or so." Wade\'s words bit in to Alma hard but she still refused to remove her eyes from Walker. 

"Wait so are you a half elf half human?" Calen could only understand this if Walker was somehow a cross between the two species. 

"Nope, as far as I know, I am all human. If it helios I also have a skill used by the demi-human rabbit tribe; dance of the wild rabbit." Walker felt that this was not enough for them to understand and realized he would need to tell them more details. 



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