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Chapter 343 - 343. Going After The Slimes

"I am aware that it is taboo for certain skills from certain systems to be used outside of your race. There is a lot of pride in them. But I can\'t control the system and I have a title that allows me a little more freedom when it comes to these things." Walker knew that with the true hero title he had more wiggle room when he learned unique skills. If someone was angered by it then it was on them, if they acted against him it could be seen as going against the heroes. This idea could start wars if done improperly. 

Wade thought for a movement that there was a little more meaning in Walker\'s words, however, he couldn\'t narrow it down. He just had a feeling. After some time he nodded and accepted that he would be seeing Walker running through the trees like an elf. It was easier for him to pretend Walker was a half elf and report that to anyone asking too many questions. 

"Really? You got a new skill and you just left us in the dust?" Gil came up to Walker huffing to catch his breath. He was not too out of breath to give Walker a soft punch to the shoulder. 

"Keep greeting people like that and I\'ll change your name to Remey." Gil\'s response was yet another his ti the shoulder. When Su and Remey made it down with Midnight They found the boys were wrestling like fools. 

"We go all the way to an elven city and what do you two do? You wrestle right by the exit instead of focusing on the reason we are here." Su stared at Remey like she was seeing a ghost. It was like the roles had been revered. Remey was acting like a mom, Gil was fooling around punching people. And Su was the one thinking too hard. 

"Wade, how well do you do with scouting? I want you to pair up with Gil and get out bearings as we leave." Walker had not failed to notice that there were still no other elves around other than enforcers. It was clear that the elves had been ordered inside somewhere to avoid the eyes of the party. It was a very cautious action to protect their unique systems in case of war. 

"No problem. We will move out first then." Wade sured up his grip on his bow and smirked at Gil who was doing the same. "We might even see a good target to test your archer\'s eyes. 

"My eyes? You\'re the one who claims to have a title, I\'m not sure about anyone else, but I don\'t think you do." Gil was feeding the small rivalry that was starting. 

"Leader, are you sure we should send them off together?\' Su was worried they would compete and get in to trouble. 

"You don\'t need to worry about Wade. He is pretty much an adult now. He was almost going to join as an enforcer but instead, he pursued sharpshooting and ended up with a title. He still has the strong sense of duty though." Alma looked at Wade like Lisa would look at him. 

"You guys are pretty close huh?" Alma didn\'t even flinch at the question. She had always been close with Wade since she was little. Now that they were in the same party it was an amazing coincidence. 

"I plan to make him my right hand when I become queen. I will need someone like him to make decisions with me. I won\'t have the same benefits as speaking to the spirits of the other elves so easily as the queen does now." her face became slightly darker. 

Calen umped Alma\'s side slightly, "We will fix this problem, don\'t worry." She managed to get Alma to smile after poking her a few times but was then threatened with the blue ivy poison again. 

"I have been wondering, why are we going to deal with the massive slimes than the elven army? Of the enforcers around?" Su was confused as to why it was so easily accepted that they were to defeat the massive slime. It was clear that the elves were put off by having humans around. But even with the hero titles, there should have been more pushback. 

"I know the answer to that!" Calen was quick on her feet and was standing behind Walker and Su before they had even noticed. "We have a lot of elves off at the borders. So we can\'t spare the manpower to send out our guards." She looked proud to know the answer, but Alma looked horrified. 

"I knew you were slower, but you just told someone from another country that we don\'t have enough troops in our city to defend it" She looked ready to let the blue ivy loose on them at the slightest provocation. 

"You and I both know that the hero title is just that, the hero title. Not hero of the humans, or hero of the elves. You can believe that we would help even if your kingdom was at war with yours." Walker was quick to calm Alma down. She was already catching on that Alma was not the most elegant person and could take things the wrong way too easily. 

"Psshh, I wanted to see the two of you fight while we walked. I need to see what that blue ivy can do." Remey grumbled while walking with Midnight. She wanted more information on what she would need to avoid if fighting next to them. Even more so what the poison could do to an enemy. There could be limits to the antidote potion she had made and if it didn\'t work on the poison it was much more dangerous. 

Midnight was looking expectantly at Walker and Alma as well. She was also waiting for a good fight since they were just stuck slowly walking out of the elven city while Gil and Wade had already left to narrow down the start of their path. 

"Sorry, you all needed to wait. Gil is at the entrance we will be using. I met with an enforcer and found that they have reports of small purple slimes only a few hours walk away. The massive slime still has not been sighted." Wade had run up and pointed toward the edge of the road they were on. 

"As much as I want to say I am sad to be leaving, we aren\'t seeing the real elf city. So this is the same as the ruins as far as I\'m concerned." Walker\'s words were part truth and part hidden message. He really was disappointed that he was not able to see the real beauty of the city with all its people out and about. But the mention of the ruins was to make it seem like the elves were weakening in the human perspective. 

Just saying these things would be enough to possibly change the way the elves worked. If he was lucky the little seed of idea might let the party walk through the proud elf city and meet its ever day people. 

"I want to argue with you but…" Wade looked at the empty streets and headed towards Gil. He was not in the mood to talk about the fact that the elves hid away everything for fear that their knowledge would spread.

Alma had a pained look on her face again which prompted Calen to bug her more. By the time they walked through the illusion that hid the city the three elves were all back in to a serious mood and ready to head off in to the forest. 

"The reports said that small slimes had just started to form in this direction. The decay was minimal but got much worse as the enforcers followed it. Unfortunately, they needed to turn back since they were ambushed by one of the slimes and infected." This was bad news, if there were so many small slimes that they were able to harm the patrolling enforcers, it might be a challenge for them to get through. "I think just destroying the cores from a distance will be our best means to stay safe."



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