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Chapter 1038 - 1038. Splashing Monsters

"Huh, I would say that\'s what we walked through the sand for." The sight was pretty amazing. The sand had slowly become darker due to the cooled magma underneath the waters being broken by waves. The steam was enough to shroud the entire beach and cause the fumes to remain around them. The party had barely encountered any monsters or animals on the beach during their few hours of walking. This was simply because the rock crabs had rushed back to the water when the kraken spawn suddenly decreased in numbers. 

A hand clamped on to Walker\'s arm and he was being pulled ahead. Alice was smiling straight ahead while doing her best to pull Walker along. This left everyone else to go off and explore on their own. But before they could get far, Midnight stopped beside them growling. 

"Alice, stop. That\'s a screaming baboon. They are known for tearing their prey apart whenever it enters their territory." Walker only recognized the red haired primate because it was known to live near the swamp lands in the marshy lands. The trees that grew in the marsh lands had their favorite fruit growing on them and at times the screaming baboons would go to territory wars with the lizardmen near the swamplands. This was also one monster that the merchants were sure to give a large amount of space since it would mean thirty of them attacking their caravans at once. 

Seeing that Midnight quickly relaxed made Walker looked more carefully. It wasn\'t just one screaming baboon but ten of them. They had glanced at him as if he was just another one of them walking by. They had claimed pools of steaming water and lowered themselves in to it. Some of them swam about while the younger ones were splashing as children should. 

"They aren\'t aggressive at all. If this was normal, they would have attacked." Midnight gave a huff and walked right up to the pool with two of the playing screaming baboon children. Not a single screaming baboon reacted even though their gaze followed Midnight. What was even more stunning was when one of the screaming baboons splashed her and was quickly splashed back by Midnight\'s tail. The two screaming baboon children began to holler in glee. 

"I..well…I guess this is a good spot to rest and relax." Walker had become a true believer in this beach. So much so that he kicked off his boots and let his feet rest in the warm sand. Alice followed suit. Onyx had taken to his full size and was burying himself in the sand to enjoy the heat. 

"Su, don\'t let anyone else tell you you\'re wrong ever again. This is magical." Gil just stood looking at the pools filled with screaming baboons and how Midnight was playing with them the same way she had played with other children. Zephyr had already left the bow and was flitting about the beach to take in the sights. Fleur was following her lead and checking everything out as well. It was another surprise to see that Fleur was so comfortable leaving her spot on Walker\'s shoulder. But the natural mana was stronger here and she felt a little livelier than usual. 

Su set down her shields to make a shadow to hide her from the sun. She managed to coax the earth spirit out of the earth dwelling shield it had been resting in just to see it sink in to the sand to relax there. She didn\'t expect much since she had caught on that earth spirits like the slow and steady life. But right now she was going to mimic that attitude and take a warm nap in her but shade. 

"Look!" Alice pulled harder on Walker\'s arm and pointed out something sliding out of a babbling pool much hotter than the others around. 

"I have no idea what that is. Let me appraise it." Walker knew that Alice had gotten his attention because she wasn\'t sure what the brightly colored thing was in front of them. 

\'Boiling snail

This is a very unique monster that can only survive in places with volcanic steam. They often live right next to volcanoes and will go dormant when not in ideal conditions. They are fairly harmless creatures unless they are eaten. Then their release the long absorbed toxins from special glands in their bodies. This is also how they gain their vibrant colors. They are known as the guardians of the hot springs. If there is a hot spring or boiling beach then these monsters are why it is safe for living beings to enter the area. They absorb nearly all toxins from the cooling magma. They like to hide deep in boiling water unless they are looking for food. They prefer to eat steamed algae from the tides.\'

"That\'s actually really cool. They make this safe for everyone." Walker had been more than impressed by the vibrant colored snail. But Alice was even more entranced. As far as she was concerned this was a healer in monster form. It protected people from poisons and made a safe and happy place to rest. 

Camp set up wasn\'t even needed. The party ended up finding a very hot boiling pool of salt water and used it to cook some soup in their large pot. Walker readily admitted that Su had found a gem and made the decision to keep the location their secret. The group slept out in the open on the warm sand where even the bach breeze didn\'t bother them. It was an incredibly relaxing night leaving all of them fully energized for the next day. 



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