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Chapter 1039 - 1039. Refreshed

"I still can\'t believe we were just resting around with some of the most dangerous monsters in the area. I don\'t think many people can say they have done that". This was definitely a memory that Walker was locking away tightly in his mind. But it was also a memory he could tell Alice would never forget. There was a spark in her eyes that said she would travel the world just to have another day like this. "This is why I wanted to adventure. The world is an unprecedented and unimaginable place." The two bumped shoulders with soft smiles before the cooler breeze hit them and caused them to pull their cloaks tighter. The ice and snow were still on the ground in the regular terrain. Just because the billing beach had been warm didn\'t mean everywhere else was. 

"Now that we have rested, I would like to suggest that we get back home quickly. Sister and I want to explore the city more." This was the most Onyx had said since he had buried himself in the sand. The slothful attitude had finally dissipated and revealed his clear thoughts. 

"We can follow this merchant route back. It will take us right above then down the rover. We will basically follow it all the way to the outskirts of Genesis before we need to cut back over to the city." Walker had the map out and was showing off their predicted route. "The merchants travel these routes often so we should be fairly safe. I would expect that we will pass a village or two on the way but the odds are we will also cross a caravan heading for the port town. Word about the danger should have spread." 

The fact that the port town had been under threat and was attacked would naturally bring many merchants. Rebuilding was a good time for young merchants to build themselves a new business and try their luck. It was the same with Genesis city. If a merchant had an equal party at the port town and at Genesis city it could mean a very powerful relationship in the future. A merchant would be a fool to miss the opportunity. 

"That\'s good. I can try and do a little hunting and practice my scouting. I haven\'t walked these trails and it will be good to train them. Midnight, you should join me. I bet we can find some good prey for our dinner." Midnight jumped at Gil\'s idea. The two were off to scout ahead before Walker could say a word. He had basically told them it was a good idea by mentioning how highly traveled these routes were.

"Let them go. Midnight has wanted to train and get better for a while. She battled a lot against the kraken but she prefers the earth beneath her feet." This was something that Su also felt. The two of them shared a lot of the same feelings about battle. Su and Midnight both knew that when they could grip the ground with their feet that they could hold their ground better and rise up. 

"I know, but they still ran off pretty fast." Walker had wanted to go over what the best monsters to hunt in the area were. But it was possible that Gil had already looked in to this before they had left the mansion. 

"You can just be stuck with me and help me pick up herbs. Just because there are a lot of watery and muddy spots doesn\'t mean there aren\'t a lot of herbs. Just look how well those cypress trees grow. If they can grow I am sure there are perfect herbs just waiting to be found." The trees Remey pointed out were perfectly adapted to the marshes and riverbeds. They did not grow tall but they grew very elaborate root systems. Many small fish would hide in them when the rivers and marches flooded over. 

"As long as we don\'t have to worry about mud lizards trying to bite at our feet then I am fine." Alice jumped around looking at the nearby mud after Walker spoke. "Don\'t worry. Mud lizards are mostly harmless. But they try and nip at passing animals and monsters. They eat what they can bite off then burrow in to the mud as fast as possible. They are hard to catch but apparently make a great addition to potters clay." Walker had read that their scales were the best for keeping the potters\' clay malleable and ready to be sculpted. 

"If you scare her like that again I will give you a lesson." Remey cracked her knuckles and Su just shook her head. But Walker didn\'t feel like Su was shaking her head at Remey\'s threat of violence, instead, it was at the way he had told them about the mud lizard. 

"Fine, fine, Just make sure you keep an eye out." Walker fixed his cloak and sulked slightly while Su took the lead. 



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