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Chapter 1241 1241. Arcane Scribe

"We are actually looking to put a skill in a scroll so she can use it." Walker seemed a little skeptical and started to check out the scrolls with all around appraisal skill. He didn\'t want to be in the position where they had a bogus scroll that didn\'t even work.

\'Ice arrow spell - 10 mana cost

Higher mana cost due to the activation and gathering of ambient water elemental mana. This skill can create a single large arrow of ice that is propelled toward any target. There is a chance for it to cause lasting freezing damage to a target if they are pierced.\'

\'Low appraisal spell- 3 mana cost

This skill can appraise any item to a very basic level. It can get the most general information and often the name of what the item is. This can not be used on living beings nor can it be used on monster corpses unless they are broken in to pieces.\'

\'Empty rune inscribed spell scroll

This is a very carefully made scroll using a specialized rune formation unique to arcane scribes. The arcane scribe system is a rare mage system that is often forgotten due to their nomadic nature. The rune scroll can hold any high tier or lower skill or spell. The more mana used to transfer the skill or spell to this scroll the better the chance of success.\'

Walker was surprised that this was actually made by an arcane scribe. This wasn\'t just someone that could make these scrolls but someone that specializes within the field. Normally there would be other systems that could make these like advanced runesmiths. However, if a magic skill or spell was being inscribed it was better to find a mage based system user to help with it since they could better inscribe the spell or skill with success.

"So you are an arcane scribe? What brought you to Genesis?" Walker spoke carefully not wanting to offend the man sitting in front of them. The man stopped shuffling through scrolls to gather up the blank ones and looked at Walker with his pale blue eyes.

"So you have an appraisal skill? Did you look at me or my scrolls? It\'s good that someone young checks up on the people they do business with. You are right. I came here out of curiosity though. I will not be setting down roots so don\'t ask. It is not in my nature to remain in one place. I have traveled for sixty years and I plan to travel until the day I become one with the earth again." The man spoke firmly. So much so that one would not believe him to be elderly and beyond the age of sixty.

"I wasn\'t planning to try and get you to stay. Like we asked before, we want to get a skill made in to a scroll. Just one. But I wouldn\'t mind doing more depending on the price." Walker felt that Alice may have found a gem. He didn\'t know why she had been able to spot the man even though he and Onyx had glanced right over him. But it was luck at the end of the day that they were able to find anyone.

"I don\'t want gold. I can make that by selling a single high tier scroll with a skill in demand. I just ask that you allow me to make a copy of that appraisal skill. I have an appraisal skill but it is only for skills. I can\'t learn much about anything else. It\'s Inconvenient when I am on the road or in a forest looking for interesting things." Walker felt that this wasn\'t going to be an issue. If it could help and pay for the scroll they needed it wouldn\'t be a problem.

"I was actually going to ask if you could make ten copies of my all around appraisal skill as well as one of the blood contract. I want to also see if you can make any others but I don\'t think I would be able to handle the mana cost since I will have to drink a few mana potions to keep it up." He knew that at the most, he would be going through five or six mana potions just on the all around appraisal scrolls. But the blood contract would cost him all of his mana at once so he would save that for last.

"No worries there. I can use my own mana to pay some of the price. That\'s why it is my specialty. I also wonder since you seem fairly knowledgeable, where might I buy a new cloak? I need one that is waterproof since I have gotten a few holes in this one." The old man was interested in seeing more of the city anyways and easily caught on that Walker was confident in what he knew. It was all in the way that Walker held himself. He could stand and move with a purpose while in the market meaning he had been there multiple times.

"That\'s good." Alice\'s whisper made Walker realize that she had been worrying about it the entire time. It wasn\'t some big secret that Walker would most likely pass out after using the blood contract skill. And she had seen the spell scrolls before so she knew that making them must come with the cost of using the skill inscribed within them.

"Now, if there are other scrolls you need you must know that some skills will never and can never be made in to scrolls. Skills that give immunity to poisons, or strength bonuses, or even help with modifying body parts are usually impossible. The appraisal skills are magic, they use mana. If it was an eagle eye skill then that is a modification of the eyeball. I can not copy that." The warning was very clear and Walker had no arguments. It was better to know this on the front end than after everything.



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