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Chapter 1242 1242. Witnessing History

"Understood. I wasn\'t going to ask for any skills that changed my appearance or such. I do wonder if skills that work with elemental spirits can be inscribed in to scrolls?" The idea that had come to Walker was the all around spirit speak skill. He wanted to be able to pass it on to people and since he couldn\'t use the educationist title skill repetitively, he wanted to give others the chance to learn how to communicate with the elemental spirits.

"What did you have in mind? Skills that revolve around the true spirit forging I have heard about since I got here may not be possible. Those are based on learned techniques and not skills purely." This was true but Walker shook his head. The old man had heard about the true spirit forging that had taken the city by storm. However, this was not Walker\'s goal.

"I have a skill that lets me speak to all elemental spirits. I can communicate with them and hear their voices through the use of mana. I want to be able to produce a lot of these if possible." There was a small glint in the old man\'s eyes.

"Now that sounds like a challenge. It is a skill that is both active and passive. One that can understand and translate all manas? Hmmm." The old man sifted through scrolls and pulled out a bag with many sheets of paper. They had many different rune patterns on them that clearly related to specific t elemental manas. "If I use these main pieces and craft them together… Bring me someone dense in all elemental manas and I can see what I can do. As I said, I will not stay here. But I do plan to be here for those competitions. I wish to see the races come together. My life has been long and I have seen many historical events. This one seems to be important and I wish to witness it." The words were the same as someone making a promise. The old man seemed to have personal goals instead of goals driven by his system or morals. It was a free style of life and if he was able to meet his personal goals then he would work.

"And the cost? It won\'t be small I know, but I want to be able to have them so that there would be others that can copy them somehow. That way the blacksmiths, mages, and pretty much anyone can make sure that the elemental spirits aren\'t forgotten." Just like that this meeting had become more than just a scroll for a blood contract. It was for Genesis and the growth it could have in the future. Walker seemed to have fallen right in to this trap and Alice was not upset. Even Onyx just watched and enjoyed how the progression had happened. If they had not met this old man who wandered from place to place like the wandering blacksmith, then they wouldn\'t have the chance to ask for such things.

" Food, company, and front row seats. I will still do business but if others watch me work I have no problems. As far as I can see it, skills are not secrets. I make scrolls to share skills that others could never use. It is just fair that they learn and share them as well." The old man was never one to hide away the things he knew. Many craftsmen would hide their techniques to ensure that they were able to keep their clientele. But to an arcane scribe, the techniques they had should be seen and shared so that everyone could use the skills they have and share more knowledge.

"Then follow me. I can help you move your stall to the best place. Most people can\'t enter the training area that is made behind the tower since it is still being made. But the forest elves and runesmiths have already made their formations. The elemental mana in the center of the area has equal amounts of each mana. It will also be the best place for me to train with Fleur." Walker used a finger to pat Fleurs\' head and she seemed to hide away a little from the additional attention. The old man widened his eyes noticing the nature spirit and began to understand that he might be seeing something equally historical right in front of him before the competitions and joining of multiple races.

"Material costs will be high, but I assume if you can do these things like bringing me all the way on to an area kept off limits by the guards that you are the young hero I have heard about? A spirit unlike any I have seen, a black serpent, and a quiet young woman whose voice is sweeter than the falling snow. The young hero Walker, the shadow serpent Onyx, and the songstress of Light, Alice. Many people have many nicknames for you and the rest of your party. I\'m glad to see you in person." The old man stood up slowly with a calm smile while he organized his things. A single tap of Walker\'s hand stored them away.

"Well, it\'s a good day to meet you as well. I haven\'t met an arcane scribe before so this is a first for me as well. Hopefully, I can show you the best of Genesis. And yes, we will provide material costs. Genesis will pay for the spirit related scrolls, I will pay for the others. Also, My younger sister is a seamstress and will send a cloak over. I will also pass the word on to a few mages I know have been studying your specialty. Maybe they can get insight on a few things." The old arcane scribe just smiled while walking past the guards. He was glad to see the world growing in such ways. It was his greatest joy to witness it all.



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