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Chapter 1474 1474. Charge Through

"I got ready to leave and you are all the last one on the carriage!" Walker teased everyone. He was in a much better mood now that they had a plan to move forward. The healers within the carriage had hired an experienced driver. It turned out that the driver was a tamer who seemed very talkative.

"Well, you see, the horses I have are called pure stallions. They are actually a slight ancestor of unicorns and bicorns. They were a species that someone mixed with wild horses without the ability to use mana. The result was amazing endurance while losing all ability to use mana." The man had caught Su\'s ear since she had stepped up to the front of the carriage in case any monsters came nearby.

"I think that sounds very nice. If that means we will reach the border walls sooner then it was a wise choice to hire you." Su was benign as nice as possible but knew that she would end up having a sore throat from talking just like Alice.

p "You\'re telling me. I was more than happy to buy up some land near Genesis and expand my pure stallion farm. I can provide them to a few other tamers turned carriage drivers. You would not imagine the people that have hired me. I\'ve even been one of twenty carriages for the Garnet family!" Walker chuckled seeing this. He was sure that it would be a long ride no matter the pace.

"Just remember, we are passing through the arrow sparrows\' nests. They will react with a lot of anger but they will remember us when Gil and I fire some arrows together. Don\'t worry and just keep pushing through." The path that Walker had chosen was still the fastest path even though they had to handle the arrow sparrow again.

"Oh that\'s not a problem. My team here is very powerful. Some small little birds wouldn\'t even make them flinch." The team of six pure stallions appeared to have a very hard temperament. As long as they were left alone they didn\'t seem to care what was in front of them. The training they had was very strict. Only a tamer specialized in their breed could possibly reach this level.

"Alright, Let\'s get moving! Push through and sprint!" The voice change in the carriage driver was very sudden. He became harsh and steel like. The result was the pure stallions also changing their attitude. Their eyes bulged and their muscles seemed to flex to become much larger. Walker even swore he heard the pounding of their hearts.

"Hold on!" One of the healers that had hired him gave a warning when the entire carriage jerked. The pace that which they were moving was incredible. The carriage driver was smiling while the wind whipped his long hair as if it was a living thing.

"I did tell you, we are fast right?" The carriage driver was clearly living his best life. Walker couldn\'t be anything but impressed. While the ride was rough, it was very efficient.

"You know, I might have to hire you in the future!" Walker\'s compliments seemed to spur the pure stallions on even more. Their speed only increased. By the time they reached the nests of the arrow sparrows, Walker Was sure less than half the time they had spent on foot had been used. This was amazing since the party had only become faster the more they trained and gained levels.

"Walker, here they are." Gil pulled Walker on to the top of the carriage where he and Midnight had been waiting. They needed to mentally prepare to hold off the arrow sparrows which were already flying in to the air hearing their carriage coming. No matter how heavy their sleep was, the arrow sparrows could have heard the ground shaking trampling of pure stallion hooves.

"This time fire five of those arrows as fast as you can. I want to try and break them all at once. That way we\'ll have a lot of time to get through without having to constantly defend." Walker\'s idea sounded perfect to Gil. he would be able to push his successive arrow firing while Midnight could focus her fire breathing. It also meant that they would have less stress over time.

The oil soaked arrows that Gil had made had more cloth wrapped around them. One of the healers had donated cotton to Gil\'s plans to make more of the arrows. This way he could have a better flame on them that floated down embers slower. It would remain in the air longer keeping the arrow sparrows at bay.

"Midnight took a deep breath and started to spark small breaths of flame in front of her. She was controlling her mana much better than she normally did. The challenge of doing so was something she hadn\'t properly considered since she had only worried about single bursts of power. The forging with her flames had been able to propeller teach her stamina. Now she was using her control.

"Now!" Gil heard Walker\'s call. He and Midnight began to light and fire the arrows. Gil aimed every single one in a large grouping of the arrow sparrows. The wind pulled around them as Walker prepared a large bust to go and break the flaming arrows in to small pieces.

What felt like a torrent of storm blew around them causing Walker and Gil\'s hair to stand on end. The arrows burst in to flaming cinders of cotton and wood. The large plume of sparkling embers was almost beautiful until they heard the panicked shrieks of the arrow sparrows. They remembered the burning pain of the embers.

The arrow sparrows didn\'t even hesitate to run. Walker, Midnight, and Gil had created a sure fire way to scare them off without much effort. Many others would be able to use such methods.



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