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Chapter 1475 1475. Unintended Signal

Just as the carriage broke through the nests and the cinders had started to disappear, a massive roar echoed through the air. Walker turned his head to see a greenish dragon descending. "That has to be…" Walker could tell who it was. Without any hesitation, he jumped in to the air and began to step.

He had to greet the incoming royal dragon that he knew was coming because of what Mordant and Ignus had gone to say. The attack to scare off the arrow sparrows was clearly the ideal symbol to attract attention from anything flying in the air.

"Ventus! I take it you met with Mordant or Ignus already!" Walker quickly stepped to be even with Ventus who had stopped high in the air. Walker felt that he had very little control over the wind elemental mana. But that was fine. He didn\'t need it. As long as he could hold out with his skills he was fine.

To demonstrate his strength, he started to pull the wind and water elemental mana that he could influence toward him. A pair of icy wings formed behind him draining his mana more than he liked. The elemental wings skill was still an impressive demonstration of his relation to dragons. It also showed Ventus just how strong he was in terms of flight. Something that all dragons but for the earth dragons seemed to idolize.

"You sent a glorious symbol to alert me of your location. It was somewhat beautiful. It even brought snacks toward my young daughters." Ventus growled slightly with huffs mixed in. Walker could tell it was a freeing laughter while Walker looked over.

Three dark green scaled dragons were flying through the lower altitudes snapping up the arrow sparrows. They were clearly related to Ventus but much MUCH, younger. They still had a long way before they were even a quarter of the size their mother was.

"I am glad you were able to spot it. I am also glad to see that you could bring your family to bond over the freeing of an oppressed people. It will teach the valuable lesson that abuse and corruption have no place in these lands." Walker was sure that Ventus would not go against this.

The feeling that he had from Ventus was very similar to the feeling Walker received from Zephyr. It was one that preferred to fly free and happily over controlled and angry. One that would allow for a soft breeze to pass as long as the breeze was not stopped.

"When Mordant came asking a favor, I decided to repay him from a long time ago. That is a matter for another time. Is that small wall the place you are going?" Walker could see the border wall from where they were in the air. A little over a day\'s journey seemed so small from this height. The carriage was still speeding along so Walker decided to fly the rest of the way. He knew that he would be able to speak with Ventus more.

Without further hesitation, they flew through the air with the three children of Ventus behind them. Walker was sure that Midnight was a little angry with him for just going off with another dragon. However, he had a duty as a royal dragon to speak with Ventus who had no reason to come here. She had not been to Genesis and had not seen the city for what it was. She did not have an attachment.

The soldiers were visibly shaken when Walker, Ventus, and her three children landed. What Walker noticed immediately was the difference in landing compared to Mordant and Ignus. Ventus and her children landed the same way a feather would fall. Nearly silently with grace. That was the high wind elemental affinity at work.

"I know you will have to speak to those along the wall. I will be clear. Mordant spoke of a valuable place for my break through to a new level of elemental understanding. It was said that it would be more than a reward for my assistance along with an introduction to a place I can not underestimate as weak. That means a lot from him." The seriousness in Ventus\'s voice as she changed form to her dragonkin form which Walker was familiar with was enough to make Walker stand a little taller.

"The mage tower has elemental floors for every elemental mana. It gathers there very densely. We call the runes used, origin runes. They are being researched and I promise you will be allowed a month there at least as one of the things you will gain when you come back to Genesis. That and I hope that you are able to experience my new home with an open mind." This seemed to make Ventus very happy. She was going to be able to get what she had been working toward for the last fifty years.

"I will speak with my children. Mordant was clear on the laws and rules you enforced. They will need reminders. They are barely thirty years old. Too young to keep focused." This blew Walker\'s mind since they were so large. He felt that Midnight would take half the time to become such a size.

"Hello! Where is your commanding guard or officer!?" Walker\'s shout brought a burly man toward him. The man was wearing heavy armor and carrying a shield double the thickness of the shields that Su carried.

"I expect that you are Walker? Welcome to the currently quiet border wall section fifteen. I have multiple reports to share with you. I appreciate you bringing your fellow royal dragons. They will be a large deterrent against the forces we have spotted on their way. We have been forced to bring back all patrols to the border wall in the last week." This sounded even worse than Walker knew. He walked right behind the man to see what the details were.



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