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Chapter 1747 1747. Test The Lighting

"It should, I\'ve gotten good at this. I bet I could make ten more before the sun is set and we can\'t see anything." Gil knew that he was setting a tougher goal for himself but that was fine. It would be an ideal test of the arrows in the night against potential cave crawlers and flying spiders.

There was also the fact that even with the life mage\'s buff skills for night vision, he was sure that he wouldn\'t be able to carve the mana crystals carefully enough.

"Gil, save the mana gem dust. I want to see if that can be used for anything. I think it could be used for repairs. Mixing it with a resin or wax to help fix things back together. It could help runes too. I think mana crystal dust is used like that when making certain rune ink to paint temporary runes."

This was mostly theory based on what Walker had heard. He didn\'t know that he was more on the spot than he thought though. "Rune painters usually use mana crystal dust from grinding used mana crystals. There were some painters like that coming to Genesis."

"Was it common or were they a small group?" Walker hadn\'t even known this but he had been pretty busy.

"There were seven that came from the dwarves\' kingdom to study origin runes. They are similar to magic scroll making system users and rune carvers or scribes. But they are an art based system. Rune painters even make small temporary runes to ward off the cold." It appeared that Mordant wanted share this more because he was proud of what he knew.

"So you want me to just save it all? Got it." Gil half responded while carving at a much faster speed. His actions showed that he had really gained a high skill in carving. Even carving crystals was beyond what the average person would be able to do unless they had studied from higher level carvers.

"If you learn rune painting you can create me a few things. I was interested to see the inspirational paintings. Runes that helped relax the mind. Temporary but calming. It could assist in learning about darkness mana." Mordant\'s sly way of getting Walker thinking about something new seemed to work.

"I can look in to it. For now, let\'s focus on the fact that the sun is down." Walker\'s tone changed as he looked at the life mage near him. "Give me a longer buff so I can see better. I might be moving too much to get another one later."

The feeling of the buff being reapplied was like opening his eyes wider. The dimness around disappeared and a slightly green hue entered his eyes. It was just like his energy had changed in his body to facilitate this buff too. As if it came from within. But Walker already knew about life mana and how it should be in every living being.

The reason that Walker had stopped immediately was because he saw a few of the angel soldiers stand up. That alone was signal enough to pay attention. They had their hard earned instincts for these situations.

When one of the angels took to the air slightly he was brandishing his sword wreathed in a slightly brown glow. By the time the angel soldier had lifted and slashed it, Walker saw some of the earth suddenly leap up and join the sword. The slash down sent the earth on the sword like a thrown blade.

The style of fighting was interesting since it was similar to other styles that he had seen. However, the mana had been stored while he sat on the ground. The angels\' wings were how they absorbed the mana so he could use it quickly.

That might be the thing that Walker started to remember most. He would be able to ask the angels to attack in faster ways than some of the other races. It was similar to the demons but the demons had power and the angels had speed.

However that didn\'t matter right now. What mattered was the fact that the attack front eh angel had just slashed a wing off a flying spider. It had already hit the ground where Midnight had growled before leaping on it to slash it to pieces further.

The way that Midnight had attacked shocked the fallen spider shocked the angels. None had expected the tearing sharpness and speed she had. But what was even more shocking was the fact that she had easily broken the harder shell of the spider legs.

They were clearly sharp and the angels even had some wounds from fighting them before. It was a dangerous encounter for anyone. The sharpened legs and fangs would cut their skin leaving very harsh wounds.

But all of that had been useless against Midnight\'s scales. She had resisted the cutting attacks of the flying spider while it flailed in death. She had even cut through it in seconds. The angels knew the dragons had power but had not expected this degree.

Since they had heard that Midnight was a young dragon and was very small compared to what they heard and saw when Genesis arrived, they expected that the dragons would only be strong when adults. Clearly they had been wrong and underestimated Midnight greatly.

Now that they understood, the Genesis forces were much more important to them in this battle. The small monsters here were nothing but the wyverns would be troublesome. "Ah, there\'s one."

Walker spotted another flying spider and created a frost whip much faster than he could before. He had used a small amount of natural mana to enhance it and whipped it out shooting ice needles in to the darkness.

The life mages boost had massively helped his vision and now he was able to spot the differences in color. The dark shell and skin of the flying spiders\' wings were lighter than the black of night. This difference showed Walker a clear target.

When the angry hiss of a spider echoes out after Walker\'s attack, onyx followed it up. His size became larger shocking the angel soldiers again. When his tail slapped the slowed and injured flying spider from the air, they could only watch it get crushed.

Two single spiders had been defeated without issues. The following alarm being raised made all the forces prepared for attacks. It was the night and the silence of the large forest was broken so soon.

Anything that could hear was already being attracted to them. "Move aside, I see something in the tree there." Gil had better eyesight in general as an archer. Yet, he could see even better with the life mage buff.

His arrow was already drawn along with a glimmer of lighting. Gil wasn\'t waiting to test his new arrow. With a glint of a smile he released the arrow.

All the elves watched as the arrow flew through the darkness. It was brighter and showed off its strength before lodging in to something darker In the trees.

The screech and immediate burst of yellow light was followed by a small pop of thunder. Many of the nearby flying spiders found themselves shocked and stunned but everyone had seen the cave crawler illuminated as well.

Its odd body and larger mouth were high kites along with the eyes. But that one was as good as dead. The lightning had left a darker spot in its body and the fall from the tree had cracked its bones.

This was the end for it but that was that and there was nothing more that the cave crawler could do. Especially because the slight bang had just scared many of the monsters away. However, it had attracted more.

There were many of the other flying spiders recovering. But with the life mages buffs many soldiers and archers were attacking. The flying spiders barely noticed the wooden spikes set up around them too. The camp was defended well causing spiders to fly right in to spikes.

Remey and Su were prepare for intercept where they could protecting any healer. But the time that Alice started dining it was already over for the flying spiders that had been deafened by the shocking sound of thunder from Gil\'s arrow. Everyone was being bugged by the fairest of lights due to Alice\'s careful and quiet song.


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