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Chapter 1748 1748. Welcome Seran

The sound of something ignoring all the attempts any monster could make to be silent soon caught the attention of Onyx. His tail whipped out between two spikes slapping away a slightly larger cave crawler. It didn\'t seem to stop it though. One of the angel soldiers that had just received a buff from a life mage flapped his wings to finish the job.

Beneath him, three dragonkin were moving as well. Without any shouts or signals, the three dragonkin moved to each side of the cave crawler. The moment that the angel let gravity take control was when they attacked. All their swords struck at the same time causing the cave crawler to become trapped by the attacks.

The final attack came from Walker whipping out with the frost whip. The tip hit the cave crawler\'s open mouth. The result was a sudden freezing effect that caused it to freeze from the mouth down to its stabbed body. Before the ice could spread, the swords were removed and the dropped jaw of the angel was seen for a second. He had never fought with people who didn\'t know his style but worked so well on instinct.

Before any other of the flying spiders could flap down, there were three arrows that were shot out. They all had wind around them. Gil was right next to the archers that had fired them. They were the wind tupe wither spike arrows that he had made long ago. He had shared some of his arrows with the elves he had worked with so that they could all get a better feel for improving them. The result had been a better carved wither spike arrow.

This speed and accuracy was another shock to the angels because their archers were never that amazing. They were better able to create some arrows out of elemental manas but that was that. They were better for getting above an enemy and raining arrows down. But the elven archers could move and fire with extreme accuracy. They could also use elemental arrows with a better degree of control.

"Midnight, incoming spider!" Remey had jumped up off Midnight\'s back to punch down a spider. The result had been a sickening crack but the slight flame that had appeared on her fists had shown her another spider near them in the air.

Midnight had heard the warning and used her own wings to leap in to the air. The boost had brought her right in front of the flying spider. It had absolutely no time to dodge as Midnight\'s maw closed on its wing snapping it apart. The following attack was a small breath of flame that roasted the spider to a crisp.

Seran could only watch as so many monsters were attracted but so many were defeated before they could actually attack. It was slowly looking like a hunt rather than a defensive setting. This wasn\'t a camping spot, this was a baiting spot to collect materials and create the perfect gathering of warriors to warm up and train.

"We aren\'t fighting, we are getting to know each other," Seran mumbled this out loud attracting the attention of Ignus who had begun to growl slightly. He loved the heat in the air as his dragonkin had begun to get fired up for the battle. They were enjoying themselves but the dragons were also being affected. They had been waiting for the wyverns slowly but surely. Battle was in a dragon\'s blood.

"What did you think would happen? Can your soldiers keep up or should we send our dragonkin to do all the work?" Ignus gave Seran a harsh glare that pushed Seran to draw a secondary sword.

"Then I will enter the battle without holding anything back. I need to prepare myself as well." Hearing that Seran was finally jumping in to battle properly, all the dragons looked at him. They wanted to see the true extent of a real angel soldier. One with the backing of an archangel. One that had the power to command others.

As the second sword was swung, a large force behind it slashed a flying spider in half. Seran had been a strong soldier but as he had risen in the ranks he had faced a hurdle. The Rize empire wanted the strongest of the strong to maintain their leadership. It was their numbers and strength that was able to hold the border during wars. Since Seran had seen some of these fights in real life he had been able to see where the numbers had let them down.

Therefore, as the numbers had always been their reason for winning, Seran had focused on strength. Those he trained as a higher commander and himself were always trained in strength. Individual strength that would let them be able to face multiple opponents at once. That was also how he had become a commander that controlled multiple teams that could handle wyverns.

"Team one, take down the tree to the right. There are fifteen spiders waiting for ambush. Team three, take to the sky and ambush the four cave crawlers fighting over the fallen spiders. "Team five, split up and help the life mages. The Fel empire expects them unharmed." The orders were followed immediately.

With the additional order changing how the angels moved, the elves reacted as well. They fell back even more and started to take out the targets they could spot in the trees only. The dragonkin and demi-humans had returned to the circle of pointed branches made to pierce the spiders and cave crawlers. With the defensive line reinforced again, it was a simple matter to start cleaning through anything on the ground.

It appeared that the sounds attracting more monsters were becoming less and less since the monsters in the area had understood that a larger predator was around. Little did they know that it was actually a group of powerful warriors and not a predator. Yet, they could be called predators with the strength they had.

"Light fires!" Walker made the call as soon as five minutes had passed them by without a single monster appearing. The after dark attack had been many in number but the incredible teamwork that had flowed once the angels and the Genesis forces had understood each other had stopped everything. Without a hitch, many of the human soldiers took to starting small fires to light the area. The life mages stopped their buffing skills and focused on healing. Alice also changed her song.

The light that rose up from the ground and became much larger was healing every small scratch or bruise that had appeared. Almost no one was injured due to the shielding of everyone the entire time. The life mages night vision buff had been the key to this.

Every flying spider that had been defeated was being gathered up along with the cave crawlers. These monsters hunted at night but were just so so compared to the strength that the group had. "Gil, you should be able to use the spider\'s bodies for arrows. They have a hollow leg once you get rid of the inner muscles. That shell could be a makeshift arrow." The idea was enough to get all the elves started on breaking down the bodies.

"Remey, focus on the cave crawlers. You should be able to make many different antidote potions against their odd way of poisoning things." Remey grimaced but used her dark red alchemy fires to begin making what she could.

The sudden change was too much proof that this was not a simple group. To go from battle seamlessly in to resting and preparation was something only those that trained for years could do. "Seran, that was very impressive. You should be able to split the wyvern scales, right?" Walker had seen the powerful strikes that easily split spiders in half.

"I can manage on my own but I am still not a match for an adult wyvern."

Seran did not boast or brag. He was honest.

"That\'s fine, you can handle weaker ones but when it comes to adults you can be the perfect attacker while others distract. I look forward to working with you." Walker offered his hand to shake Seran\'s. This was the official welcome he had been waiting for since he had no idea what Seran could do in battle.

"I am interested to see more of your magic." Seran gestured to the frozen flying spiders and cave crawlers with an impressed look. Walker had intentionally used the frost whip with extra mana to freeze the monsters in place. It was a show of control and power.


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