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Chapter 1903 1903. Make Me Move!

However, none of this took away from the excitement in the air. Now , on the day of the two angel empires being forced to come together whether they liked it or not, they could boast that their union brought together a way for spatial mana research to come forward. That they would be able to say that they made a massive difference in the future with teleportation and travel. 

"This is moving very fast now." Gil was surprised at how many angels and Genesis forces were moving together. The mages that had come with them to the Sigil continent couldn\'t care less about what affinity mana they had. They just wanted to be part of these experiments. 

This was normal for mages though. In the elven side of magic, many of the mages got together and had their own specific training area. They would compare how their elemental manas worked against it with one another. That was where their research shined. 

This wasn\'t the only race that did this though. Many mages from many races worked together in some way. It was the angels who had been divided for their own reasons for too long that held themselves back from being able to make unified advances as a race. 

"I think it is moving just at the speed we need. Genesis is going to be a little busy when we get back, but for now I think we will be ready for what we need to do." Walker was mostly thinking about the alliance they had with the angels now. 

"We have the ships that will stay here. The village needs them to be able to protect its shores as they make themselves the Genesis Alliance embassy village. But to be fair, it will end up as the same as a city. Especially the speed that the angels are moving now. I would bet anything that some of them were sick of fighting over an older generation\'s hate." 

While this mentality was somewhat unique, it wasn\'t the first to happen. There had been many that rose up and represented things that were needing change. That was the entire ideal behind the demi-humans right now. 

King Rorik had come in to power after his father passed away and he had made things much smoother. He had generals that were more divided that were able to represent entire portions of his people. Then he had multiple coliseums to represent the battle traditions of their race as a whole. It was a maintenance of tradition and an improvement of overall life. A perfect example of the young being able to learn from the past and grow. 

"I just wonder how everyone else will take all this. Teleporting to a new continent? What dreams and imagination would someone need to think this would happen in our lifetime?" Gil\'s awe over the entire event was enough to make Walker understand a little more. But with all the commotion, it was hard to put it all in stone. 

"It just means that the more we explore our world, the more we will be able to do. Islands, continents, and whatever else will be open for us. For the people we represent." Walker\'s positive attitude momentarily outshined the fear anyone had from the corrupted city floating away slowly but surely. 

"Brother, can you use me as the first to teleport to Genesis?" Onyx had been waiting for the chance to come over. He had seen the arrow work and was sure that the egg would work too. He felt it in his bones. The deep trust he had with Walker and everyone else was on another level. 

"That might be too dangerous just yet. We don\'t have any rune carvers making these rune formation in Genesis yet. We need to communicate with crystals to tell them how to do it and then test it first. I don\'t want you getting hurt." Walker\'s honest reactions are expected. But it also showed that Onyx might be getting a little too ahead of himself. 

"No, I need to get there and begin preparing the other abyssal and heavenly serpents. They will most likely fight too." Onyx made this statement as if it was more than expected. As if everyone knew that they would be joining the battles. 

"I don\'t think they are old enough to all be battling in a war. shouldn\'t they get more training?" It was only natural for Gil to interject and point this out. He knew that they might want to fight and protect their home, but if the battle was in the ocean or the sky, it would be harder to bring them with the entire army. 

"No, they will fight whether I want them to or not. That is how we are. I would fight and they learned from me. That means they will find ways to sneak in and fight. They also have been left behind growing and learning from every race there. They will be more than ready. Some might even grow differently than you think." It was a confidence that filled Onyx\'s words that made both Walker and Gil look at him more seriously. 

"We will start making the teleportation platform here. I will speak to the rune carvers on in Genesis with as many communication crystals as we have. From there, we will decide when to teleport. We will send one person before sending everyone from the party and leadership. We will also bring the angel leaders so that they can join the council. Or whoever they send as representatives." 

The clarity that Walker made sure to put behind his voice was enough to make Onyx understand that this was just the way it would be. He would have to wait a little longer before returning to the abyssal and heavenly serpents that he had worked with to help grow. That he knew as his younger siblings in a way. That were below him and rising to meet the expectations needed to be recognized as a race within the world. 

"I will go first!" Midnight had overheard all of this. But she clearly wanted to be supportive and wasn\'t pushing to go back for the same reasons as Onyx. Yet, Walker did sense that she wanted to be able to see the hatchling dragons as well. She had sent them here and there to help them find their place. Now she wants to see what they had done to grow recently. 

"I heard that! I will not let anyone else be the first to try the very thing I\'ve wanted for my entire life! You will all make me move first! Through the very space that separates bathrooms!" Ezra had only heard Midnight, but it was enough for there to be a major response.

Not only this, but multiple assistants reacted along with fellow mages who wanted to experience all of this as well. To be able to be part of a break through that the world had not seen on this level in who knew how many years.

"We will send only those that are necessary. We need to test it first on a living being then create everything we need. We will not cut corners or risk lives here by rushing!" Walkers should was louder than any cheering or arguing. He made his point so that no one could push back.

While it was a safety oriented goal, he did want to move faster. He wanted to return to Genesis and see what had grown. But most of all, he wanted to see how the elemental spirits were doing.

The flow of mana was clearly off. Not just with the corrupted city here, but also around the world. The echidna had said this, the world was clear on it, and the corrupted mana was an example of this too. 

Knowing that there was more to this and how the world should flow meant a lot. If everyone could come together to defeat the evil they faced, then there was a clear path for growth. Massive growth that would unite many races completely. 



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