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Chapter 1904 1904. First Tests

This was why all of their leaders had made their way to the Genesis building. Why they had found themselves sitting at a table behind the representatives on the Genesis council. 

Many had arrived at the Genesis building as more quests had appeared. World quests in particular had begun to appear more so than what Walker or the party knew. One person who had been documenting them much more closely than before was Clara. 

As the head guild master of the adventurer\'s guild, she had been keeping a close eye on what the party had been doing while also on the unusual quests appearing to every adventurer. This was why she understood some of the world messages about the echidna a little better. But in particular, she had also gained some information. 

The other representatives of Genesis had also received all the recent communications through their people in the Genesis forces on the ships. Every detail was sent back and documented. Specifically, the states of the angel empires, the corrupt city, and now the fact that world quests were given out. 

The entire world had felt this when it happened and Clara had made a move to work on these. "As everyone knows, the world quests are not just one major quest to defeat the corrupted city, the demons remaining, and to purify the corrupted mana. There are smaller quests appearing." the old master alchemist looked at Clara. He had come from the alchemy guild immediately. 

"Multiple of our alchemists have gained quests to create more health and mana potions. But the higher level alchemists have received unique world sub quests to create specific potions that only we can create. There is a even a large alchemical quest to discover the natural alchemy skills. We are lost about that right now." 

This had been a big deal when the quotes appeared. They all believed their usage of alchemy was proper, yet, here they were finding out that their alchemy was apparently not the natural method. Even more so, that there was something called a natural alchemist! They had yet to hear anything from Remey about this development, but the old master alchemist knew that she would be right in the thick of this. It was just like her to be so. 

"The same in the forge. I had a quest appear just yesterday to create a blade with affinity for every elemental mana. I had to forge multiple blades to match every affinity in front of fifty young blacksmiths as a world sub quest. It is clear that it is preparing us for war!" The blacksmiths all had this opinion. Their quests all revolved around armor, teaching, and becoming able to create more for Genesis forces. 

"I agree. I know that between the taming guild and the adventure\'s guild we have similar quests. The taming guild presented us papers, take a look." Clara pushed forward everything they found for the representatives and guild masters. 

"You can see that they have found more beasts in a mad state that can not be tamed or controlled. They are clearly affected by some outside first. The monsters are worse than ever before. If this spreads, there will be many deaths in the wilderness and definitely attacks on our villages, farms, cities…if not worse." 

"The adventurer\'s guild has many world sub quests to slay these mad monsters that the taming guild has scouted. Therefore, I believe this to be a result of the corrupted floating city. I believe these monsters have somehow been corrupted by the same mana. I believe it is intentional and will only get worse. That means we need to prepare even more than before." 

Everyone began to speak much more. Sending underlings to go and tell their guilds to get even more strict with their works. Or even more, to train guards and soldiers while they still could. Once things became more dangerous, even a second more of training could save lives. 

"I believe I should speak next." An older and clearly more frail man walked in to the room. His face showed the age that he had very clearly. Yet, everyone quieted down. They recognized him as the master rune carver that had appeared to examine origin runes on the mage tower. He was also the man that had more breakthroughs than any other rune carver or rune researcher in the city right now. His word was worth listening to. 

"I was just contacted to create a rune formation. A rune teleportation formation that will allow travel to the Sigil continent. I will need help. The heroes are coming home." 

Before the next hour was up, the entire city had heard about the magical rune teleportation formation that a hundred rune carvers, mages, and guards had been called to prepare. The massive space set aside for it was also something that would yet again expand Genesis City. 

In the last months, trusted craftsman had been pushing to move farms to better places, expand buildings, and make it perfect for travel. By it, Genesis was meant. The city that was growing at tremendous leaps with great care. Every single building held more meaning. 

Now, there was an elemental space rune formation that needed to be carved in a large space. A place that could handle the people coming to and from at certain intervals. Yet, it also needed to be guarded properly. This challenge came to the builders, engineers, and every possible related system user. They were ecstatic to be part of it. 

The rune researchers, carvers, and any other rune related system user also flocked nearby. They could learn things from this that no one else could teach them. It would greatly strengthen their future. It would also strengthen the city as a whole. Which would in turn allow the people to thrive regardless of the situation in the world. 

This commotion would have spread even further if the representatives had not already managed to send their own methods of communication about the projects happening at the moment to the allied kingdoms. This caused many more forces to begin preparing to both bolster Genesis but also to bolster their own defenses. 

It was easy to understand the threats that they all faced and how they should be even more united than before to handle them. Furthermore, that they were more than in an age of massive growth. They would be pushing for a better future while also trying to maintain a safer future. 

If one were to look back on this moment in history, it would be known as the mana corruption period. Where monsters grew stronger and even fed on their fellow monsters. Where weak monsters known for being peaceful acted out in violence. But even more, that many of the people were brought more closer together than any time in history. 

The process of developing this rune formation also became an event for the common people. They walked up to see the process and enjoy the undertaking as a whole. The ships had been the first major event for Genesis, and now it was a spatial rune formation that would allow the people to teleport elsewhere. 

The growing merchant guild had been silent as of yet since it was more of a controlling force that allowed for the craftsmen, adventurers and alchemists to maintain clear rules within Genesis. They were regulatory and made certain that merchants did not abuse power. They saw the potential in this and how they would be able to actively trade with Sigil. 

Therefore, they were active in the area ensuring that no merchant snuck in and jumped in to the teleportation without being stopped. The risks of such things might be low since people should not be so foolish, but safety was safety

Having so many guilds and guards was a big event alone. But when the rune formation had been carved after three days of nonstop work by those with the highest of skills and ability to procure the materials, everyone found themselves dumbfounded. 

The rune formation activated after everyone cleared it and the master rune carver had used a communication crystal. They all imagined something amazing appearing in front of them. However, not a single person imagined the simple basket of choice eggs that appeared right in the center of the formation. 

Completely unharmed. Completely normal. So normal that one of the rune carvers even exclaimed how one of the eggs had just broken out and a chick had hatched chirping happily at the bright blue sky above. Not a single person knew what to say about this as the first ever living teleportation test.



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